So this is an overdone situation but I was bored on the plane and I refuse to let this much work go to waste. So, here you go! Enjoy and drop me a review! Encouragement/constructive criticism is always welcome!
Disclaimer: I do not own anything Glee.
Warnings: Lots of angst, it's what I do.
"Teams are hesitant to compare [one player's] behavior with that of every other player on the team. That would just be a fiasco in terms of the team, all that dirty laundry aired."
-Gary Roberts
Kurt watched in horror as Blaine did the one thing that they had promised each other never to do; sing about their personal relationship issues , their arguments, at glee club. He felt bad about how he had hurt Blaine, he really did, but this, singing about Kurt as if he slept with this guy when all that had happened were a few text messages, was low. Thos of the New Directions that hadn't spoken with Kurt about this were going to have a hay day with Blaine's words. And now they were singing with him, an undisputable sign that they were siding with Blaine without even asking Kurt for his side.
Gaga, it was like the whole debacle with Sam all over again.
What hurt even worse was that Kurt had already apologized to Blaine. Maybe his apology could have been better, maybe he had tried to justify his actions, but if Blaine would have talked to him today after he, understandably, stormed out last night, he would know Kurt had already asked Chandler to stop texting him and Kurt would have apologized properly. But no, he was singing to New Directions and telling them that Kurt was seeing another guy.
Hell if Blaine was getting that apology now.
He couldn't decide if he was more upset with Blaine for airing their dirty laundry and being a hypocrite, or at himself for bringing this fight with his unthought through actions. He had honestly thought what he was doing was harmless at the time, but now, he understood why Blaine was upset.
He heard the music stop. No one clapped but Blaine gave him a look filled with hurt and anger before turning to walk out of the choir room. Several New Direction members looked at him and shook their heads in shame.
And Kurt saw red.
He made a mistake and he knew that, but it was in no way as bad as Blaine made it seem. Before he knew what he was doing, Kurt was on his feet, his face contorted into a bitch glare reserved only for Sebastian. "You do not get to walk away from me right now," he growled, feeling the tears start to well in his eyes.
Blaine stopped in his tracks and turned. "I have nothing else to say to you right now."
"Well, good," he almost yelled, "that means that you can just listen then, because I do. I think you've said enough anyway." Blaine turned and gave Kurt a look that Kurt had only seen him give Karofsky right before he tried to start a fight with him. "You have no right to humiliate me like that! After everything that we've talked about, everything that happened between us and other people this year, you have absolutely no right to air our dirty laundry just because you aren't the one that did something wrong."
Kurt snapped his head to the side and glared at his fellow glee members. "And you know what? None of you have any reason to judge me either because all of you have either cheated on someone or been the one they cheated with. Quinn cheated on Finn with Puck and Sam with Finn. Rachel cheated on Finn with Puck, and Tina cheated on Artie with Mike. Mercedes on Shane with Sam, Brittany on Artie with Santana, and I'm not sure if they are true but there are rumors that Artie is trying to break up Sugar and Rory. So you can all think what I did was wrong, but as far as I'm concerned the only person who can judge me here is Joe!"
Everyone stared at Kurt with guilty looks while Joe just continued to keep eye contact with the counter-tenor. "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. I may not have cheated on someone, but I am not perfect. I can't judge any more than the next person. Judge not, lest ye be judged."
"Preach!" said Artie, lifting a fist.
Kurt turned back to Blaine and stared at him angrily, hurt in his tear-filled eyes. "And you sang a song insinuating I have been seeing a guy when I have been doing nothing but texting him. I'm sorry I hurt your feelings and I realize what I did was wrong, but you just told everyone I am a cheating whore! I might have hurt your feelings, Blaine, but you just humiliated me. What I did is no different than what you did with Sebastian."
"I told you our conversations were family friendly," growled Blaine.
"Maybe your side might have been, but I doubt his was. This is the guy who when he first met you called you 'sex on a stick' and on more than one occasion asked you to sleep with him because it didn't bother him that you had a boyfriend if it didn't bother you. And that was public so I can only imaging what those private messages said. If Sebastian Smythe is 'family friendly' then I'm the fricken Pope."
Blaine's face softened a little. "Kurt…"
"And another thing, when I asked you to stop texting Sebastian because I didn't like the things he said to you, you told me I was over reacting. That Sebastian was just a friend, and you're still texting him to this day. It bothers me a lot but you don't see me singing it at glee despite the fact that it doesn't seem to matter to you that I don't like it. But I do the same thing, you call foul, and I'mthe cheater! How is that fair? Why do you get to turn everyone against me like that?"
Blaine shifted on his feet. "And then you throw your transfer in my face. You promised me you would never use that against me."
Blaine opened his mouth as if he was going to respond before closing it again. The anger was still present in his eyes, but guilt was registering as well. Kurt continued without waiting for a response. "I realize I tried to justify my actions last night, but after you left, I texted Chandler, who I have met in person one mind you, and told him to stop texting me. I tried to find you this morning to apologize, but you avoided me like you have been for the past month and humiliated me in front of the glee club. I know I was wrong, but our dirty laundry is no one's business but our own."
With that, Kurt grabbed his bag and headed toward the door. "The people in this glee club are not the Warblers and they will not ask you what you meant by using that song before drawing their own conclusions. I would have never done what you just did to me, to you. It's not right. I love you, Blaine, but right now, I really don't like you." He didn't even give Blaine the chance to respond before walking out of what used to be his safe haven to an empty shower stall in the empty boy's locker room. No one would look for him here. It was only when he dropped his messenger bag and slid to the floor that he finally cried over the loss of his paradise.
So how was my first drabble? Send me a review! I know the scenario is overdone but I just had to do it ^_^