Disclaimer: Short and sweet folks. I don't own these characters, Square does. They have been abducted and transported to 1970's New York for my evil pleasure and demented imagination. They will be bashed, made fun of, turned on their ear, and generally messed with. Even my beloved Auron will have more than his share of moments OOC.
Periodically, famous personages of the era will make appearances. I intend to take piss out of them too. It's an equal opportunity hack job folks. If you have a favorite singer, group, star, or what not you'd like to see added, let me know. I'm happy to take suggestions here.
Don't get pissed. I won't care. Don't sue me, I'm broke. Review or I will hunt you down like the dog you are. *evil grin*
And now….on with:
Final Fantasy X – The Disco Years!
~~Narrator Voice Does Setup~~
Once upon a time, there was a quaint backwater world called Earth. The strange bipedal inhabitance thought that they were rather advanced for having outgrown the superstitious use of magic and liked to depend on things they called machines to make their lives easy. This allowed them to be hedonistic little organisms that spent their hours nattering about things that even a worm would know were nothing more than hot air. It also allowed them to screw and party as much as possible and spend what little time they had left afterward in the pursuit of little pieces of paper they called money. This money, according to all reports, was exchanged for yet more nattering, screwing, and partying.
When you think about it, not a bad setup really.
So, anyway, after several million years of evolution and several thousand of human history there came a decade to end them all. The nineteen seventies!
This decade, opulent and vapid, has gone down in the annals of the known universe as perhaps the most decedent and pointless in all of known creation. A small group of unlikely beings, whirling around the vortex of Studio 54 in a city known as New York, would soon become embroiled in a bizarre and twisted tale.
And this, my friends, is their story…
~~Narrator Dies and There is Much Rejoicing~~
*Scene opens*
My name is Auron. I fuckin' hate New York. It's full of the scum of the Earth. What the hell I'm doing in this God forsaken city I will never understand. Ok. Well. I guess I do. I'm here to do my job.
I'm a cop, but no one really knows this. Well, that's not true either. I work independently for the FBI and ATF as an undercover man. My friend Braska, a missionary I met while I was stationed in Vietnam, knows. My friend Jecht, the rollerball star, has got his suspicions but, surprisingly enough, is too smart to ask questions. Other than those two, and my handler, everyone just thinks I'm another lowlife hustle man working for the triads on the street. I work hard to keep this impression. It keeps my ass alive.
It also keeps me in women, money, and blow when I feel the urge. Over all, it's not a shabby life. I have to do a lot of lying, but I'm used to it now. Sure, my naru collars and pooka beads date me a little in this world of polyester leisure suits, but the Bruce Lee look always suited me. I'm a half breed and don't give a flying fuck for fashion anyway.
It's 1977. The world is full of easy love and cocaine. It's my job to be where the action is, passing information on to those with narrow minds and narrower vision. But, that's not my concern. All I have to do is point the dog to flush and let the flatfoots make a bust every so often. In exchange, I have a paid for studio apartment and a sweet little red Alfa-Romeo Spider. How can I go wrong?
But you don't give a shit about that. All you want to know is what really happens inside Studio 54. Well, my friend, I'll be happy to tell ya all about it…