So, Hi everyone. I'm still working on She Shouldn't Have Died, I just needed a break from it. So I got my idea when I watched the new Snow White movie: Mirror Mirror. I lot of stuff in this story will be based on it with some Cinderella thrown in there. So without further a-do, here is the Prologue for The Mistold Fairytale.

Why hello dear readers. I have a question for all of you. How many of you know the story of Snow White?

Well either you are all liars or you have been deceived for many years. There are not many people who know the real story of Snow White.

What? You're asking me how I know. Well, I know because my parents told me. I am Allison; my parents are the King and Queen of this kingdom.

Now, now. Don't get all 'your highness' on me. I hate it. Just treat me like you would any other normal person.

Hmm, where was I? Oh yes, the real story of Snow White. You see Snow White was a beautiful Princess but NOT the fairest one in all the land. There was a far more beautiful girl.

It happened years ago, when a baby girl (my mother) was born to the King and Queen of this land. The trio all had luminous, gold hair. Seven years later, the King and Queen took in a red-headed boy. He had nowhere else to go. So he became part of the Royal family.

The King and Queen raised the two children with kindness and gentleness. The King and Queen both believed highly in self defense. The children were taught much. They both learned how to properly fight with a sword and many other useful weapons. During their training, the boy and girl obviously preferred the bow and arrow. With it they could fight at distance, but still whack someone over the head with it.

The years passed and the quartet was happy. They lived together in peace and happiness. The kingdom had never had better rulers.

But, all good things must come to an end. The queen tragically died a week after her beloved daughter turned 12. The whole kingdom was devastated. None were more, though, than the Royal Family and loyal servants at the castle who had grown to love the Queen.

The King would look at his children, who were now 12 and 15 often, and one day a few weeks after the death of his wife he made a decision. His children, especially his daughter, needed a mother.

So he went out, looking for a woman who could be both a suitable Queen and a suitable mother. He found one a week later. A woman who carried herself proudly and was both clever and beautiful.

Her name was Aphrodite and she had a lovely daughter Brianna, more commonly known as Snow White. He...

Now hold on, hold on. STOP TALKING! I know that you weren't expecting Snow White to be the blood daughter of the evil queen, but she was. So, please stop interrupting and let me get on with the story.

Uh-huh. Let's see, where was I now? Gold hair, red-head, self defense, bow and arrow, happiness, tragic death, Aphrodite and Snow White. Oh, here we are.

So, The King fell madly in love with the beautiful Aphrodite. He instantly asked her to marry him. The woman said yes.

The King couldn't wait so they got married that very day in the village. The King led his new wife and daughter back to the castle the next day.

When they got there, he introduced the new Queen and Princess. The other Princess and Prince were overly happy to meet them. They were so happy they started dancing and singing like Sebastian from The Little Mermaid?

OK. WHO'S MESSING WITH MY SCRIPT! Come on people. I can't tell you what really happens, if I don't have the right script. Oh, here it is.

NO, I will not tell you where it was….Yes, I was sitting on it.

On with the story. The other Princess and Prince were horrified to learn that their father had re-married. They did not like Aphrodite or her daughter, Snow White.

One night shortly after their father had returned, the Prince and Princess were sitting by the stables. The Prince had a bag beside him.

"Please don't go."

"I have too. I can't live here with Madam Snooty and Miss Perfect. I'm a "street rat" remember? I cannot live with those two."


"No sorry."

"Can I come with you then?"

"No. Sorry Blondie, but you're only 12."

"Yes, but I was trained by Mother and Father. I'm more than capable of taking care of myself."

"You're Father's real daughter. You need to stay with him. For me. Please."

The younger girl gave in. "Fine. But only if you promise that I will be able to see you once again."

The boy looked down at the girl, "I pinky swear that we will meet once more." He broke out into a wide grin.

"Bye Sis."

"Bye." with that he ran inside towards his horse, Red. The Princess watched as her brother left her.

She went back inside, preparing herself for the next day.

There were search parties searching the whole kingdom, but the Prince could not be found. The Princess denied of knowing anything.

The kind King was devastated yet again. During the next year, the Princess kept faithfully at her training. Until one day, the queen went up to the King.

"Please. Your Majesty."

"I just don't see what you mean, my Love. What is wrong with her training?"

"It is highly un-lady like. Ladies do NOT fight and they only ride horses when they are accompanied and only if they are ridding side saddle."

The King thought this over. "Really?"

"Yes." With that, the Princess was banned from fighting and riding horses unless she was accompanied by another person of high status or a guard.

Four years passed, uneventful. Then the week before the anniversary of the wedding engagement between the King and Aphrodite, the King passed away. A heart attack is what the doctors had said it was from.

The lost Princess was now left with her Stepmother and Stepsister. She was in deep despair.

Another four long years passed. The Princess's ban on fighting and riding lasted and was more strongly enforced. To keep herself busy the Princess helped around the castle. She loved to help the maids clean and the cooks cook. Snow White, though, was extremely lazy. She fed on chocolates day after day. She didn't do anything besides gossip and paint her nails.

Brianna was nicknamed after her looks. Her snow white skin.

Whereas, the helpful Princess was nicknamed after a wise and powerful figure. A woman of legend. A goddess. Artemis.

So, I just want to know if you guys like it and I should continue. I already have the next 3 chapters written and working on the 4th. Again, don't worry; I am still working on my other stories.

Please Review :)