I'M SO SORRY PLEASE FORGIVE ME! I BEG YOU! *cringes and peeks out from between fingers. Seriously guys, I know, I suck. But my computer crashed, and then my parents decided it "wasn't important enough to be fixed right away" (my house is messed up). So for anyone who PMed me, I was responding on my kobo, which let me do everything EXCEPT update. Ugh.
So, here is the (hopefully) much-anticipated final chapter! Please enjoy!
Disclaimer; If I disclaim this, I also disclaim any mistakes :)
A glint of light on moving metal is all I can register before there is a sudden, eerie silence. Blank darkness surrounds me, embraces me as my mother would have when she was still with us, but in a ghost-like, more sinister fashion. A feeling of weightlessness sweeps through me, and I am floating, floating in the dark, floating in the silence.
How I am even able to register this much is beyond me, and how my befuddled brain sends signals while I am so woefully incapacitated is a mystery. Tris is dead. And what is worse, Eric took her, and then came upon me with the same knife he used to kill me the first time.
And now my heart is beating a violent tattoo, too fast to be anywhere near normal, too irregular to be anywhere near healthy. My skin is covered with a veil of cold sweat, a dark sheen being cast on it by some unknown source of illumination. And I am shaking so badly, I am surprised my bones do not pop out of their sockets.
Of course, by this point I wouldn't have noticed, even if they had.
A thought spins around and around my head, whirling faster and faster with each passing second; let it end, let it end, let it end. . . The grief and anger and fear that rumble inside of me have built up to one huge storm cloud, that small point that can finally tip someone over the edge.
Everything that has built up inside of me comes out in one long, pent- up, drawn-out, inhuman scream. The wail echoes across the blackness, starting as a grating moan, and building to a full-blown shriek, ripping through the night until I run out of breath, panting. . .
. . .And find myself lying, sprawled out on the fear landscape floor, with red words blinking on the screens. Fear overload. The system has shut down. I stare at the word error stupidly, blankly, until a hand touches my shoulder lightly from behind. I whip around to strike when a small, cool hand catches my wrist.
And then slender arms wind around my waist, and I am still sitting on the ground, silent, until I realize that it is Tris holding me, and that all that I just went through was a simulation. A simulation. My own arms find their way around Tris's neck and across her shoulders, and for a long time we simply sit there, and she holds me until I am calm again.
"Tobias," she says again, gently. "You're crying." Tris's thumb slides across my cheek and along my jaw, and with the tips of my fingers I touch my face, confusedly. They come away wet, and I feel the taste of bitter salt permeating my mouth.
God. I never wanted Tris to see me like this, weak and afraid. It seems as though the world is against me, trying to push us apart. I can't afford to let her see what the fear landscape has revealed, what a monster I am. I can't let her see that she is one of my four weaknesses, and give life another reason to try and split us away from each other.
I push myself into a sitting position, and she leans against me, warm against my cool skin, her t-shirt brushing my fingers in a caress. "Why?" she asks bluntly. I was not expecting sympathy, nor do I want it. So I reply just as directly and honestly; "To become stronger."
She sighs, a long exhaling of air flooding from her lungs and between her lips. "Is this. . ." "About Marcus?" I finish. "Yes." Tris looks up at me sadly, her great blue-grey eyes mournful, but not pitying. Never pitying. "The same?"
And that's when I tell my first lie to the only one I have ever truly trusted. "Yes."
MY, I write dark fanfiction!
So, I was going to start another story, but I don't know which one to do. Here are the options, please tell me which you prefer via REVIEW.
1. A Divergent SYOC prior (ahaha Prior! Get it? No. .? Oh well.) to the main story
2. A songfic to Ed Sheeran's The A Team for The Infernal Devices (Tessa/Jem!)
3. A long-term story that I don't know about a plot but will have Jace/Clary for The Mortal Instruments
4. A series of oneshots for Pokemon (so sue me, ok?) starring the lovely, lovely N and Touko/White/Hilda (ew)/Whitlea (they're all the same person)
I have also recieved an offer from Ashletta Everdeen to co-write a story in which the Erudite are Divergent-seeking vampires o.O OR I could just continue uploading my drabble-y things for Divergent. I also take requests, but only if I like the idea ;)
As always, R&R, and yes, SilverEyeShinobi, there will be Dauntless ice-cream cake for anyone who reviews XD