The Hunger Games: Cartoon Edition

Rated T for some violence

Disclaimer: I don't own any of these cartoons, nor do I own the Hunger Games.


A long time in the future, in the ruins of what was once television, stood thirteen shows, each called a 'channel', which were ruled by the Network, the core of all the channels. On TV, there were fourteen channels, one for every Channel, and one that broadcasted news that was hosted by the Network's people. Though the Network provided for everyone, they didn't care about any of the Channels' needs. That being said, some of the Channels were unpopular and poor, especially the 5th Sector.

You see, every four channels was a thing called a 'sector', a group of channels that represented what they once were: a whole channel that showed all four of the channels in the Sector. For example, Channels 1-4, that made up the 1st Sector, were once the Cartoon Network, a channel that displayed all of these Channels.

There were 3 Sectors, plus a very small group that didn't need a Sector because there was only one Channel. The three Sectors were called the 1st, 3rd, and 5th because it was the ranking of how much the Network provided for them on a scale of 1-5, 5 being lowest and 1 being highest.

Once, when the 5th Sector formed, the Network saw only a few people from each Channel living there, so they provided little. When they received news of a bigger population in the 5th, the Network decided they didn't want to spend any more money on food that wasn't for them. So the 5th became poor and hungry and decided to revolt. On seeing a small revolution, the 3rd decided to help out and put an end to the Network. It took a while for the 1st to revolt, but after a while, they saw what the Network was doing and started in the war.

After the war, twelve Channels surrendered, and the thirteenth Channel had been blown to pieces. The Network was still in control, but now it cared twice as less for the Channels. In fact, the Network decided to give the Channels punishment for losing so many Network citizens in the war. They declared that each year, two people from each Channel, one boy and one girl, 12-21 years old, to compete in the Network's very own Hunger Games, where the people chosen would be released into an Arena to fight to the death until one person stood.

The Network also decided to broadcast this event live, and forced all population to tune in.

Now, twenty years later, the Games are still going on, and the newest generation to be picked to go are your childhood favorites. Who will win, and who will die fighting for victory?

Only time will tell….

Author's note: I hope this idea seems good to you guys. I don't mean to mix kids' cartoons with a young adult book, but I thought since some cartoons are also appealing to teens, like Regular Show and Invader Zim, you guys might like it. And you also might like it because characters from your childhood in it. I don't know how it will go, but what I do know is that if you review saying your thoughts on who should win, I will definitely take it into consideration since I don't know who will win yet. :3 Hope you enjoy the Reaping!
