Mikachi: Holy cow. It's been like a year, and I was organizing my files and found this. So, I was having major major unbelievable writers block back then. But as I was going through my files I realized I only had three incomplete stories (counting my new SlendermanXReader story I'm doing on my DeviantArt). I thought I had like ten and that's why I was running and hiding from Fanfiction ._. So hopefully I will be able to start writing for this again, but I'm mostly focused on my Slender story. If you guys want to check it out, my account on DevArt is Mikachi-neko.
Disclaimer: I do not own DuRaRaRa!
~Chapter 8~
After we watched the movie, which was a perverted comedy, I went to check my phone. Sure enough, there was a text from Shizuo.
'How would you like to come to my house for dinner and a movie? I could pick you up tomorrow night at 7?'
I smiled at how nice he was being, probably still feeling guilty about the whole situation. Shizuo was actually nicer than I would've thought otherwise. I used to think he was a violent, always-looking-for-a-fight type of guy.
'Sure, I'd love to. What movie are we going to watch?'
'Do you like comedy or horror?'
Remembering the time that I watched a horror movie with Izaya, I blushed, and decided on comedy.
'Comedy sounds good :) See you tomorrow?'
'Yep. See you tomorrow at 7. I-'
"What are you doing?" Izaya asked, making me jump and flip my phone shut.
"Just texting a friend," I said, hiding the phone behind my back and smiling. I didn't know why, but I had the feeling that I shouldn't tell him.
"Okay," He said, looking at me suspiciously, "Dinner will be done in a few minutes…"
"Cool," I said, smiling widely at him, "Thanks for taking care of me like this, even though you didn't have to."
"Ah, no problem," He said, turning around quickly. I thought I saw his cheeks turn red, but brushed it off as my imagination. Once he left, I opened my phone and read the last of the text.
I'm looking forward to it.
I reread it a few times, thinking it sounded like…no, I must be overthinking it. I shook my head to banish the thought and went into the kitchen to see Izaya making fish and vegetables.
"Wow, you cook fancy," I said, smiling at him as he hid his face.
"Thanks. I taught myself. 'Trial and error' and all that," Izaya said, turning around to look at me, leaning against the counter and looking very- better stop there. My face flushed a bit as I finished the thought involuntarily.
"Your face is kind of red. I should turn the heat down," Izaya said, lowering the heat on the stove.
"Yeah, it makes a lot of steam. I'll just…be right back," I said, and went into the bathroom, shutting the door. I looked in the mirror and my face was completely red.
Ugh, how embarrassing, I thought as I washed my face and hands. I walked into the dining nook to find the table set and Izaya waiting for me. He smiled at me and we ate dinner, small talk coming up occasionally.
After dinner, we took turns getting ready for bed, and went to sleep. I slept in my room, and Izaya slept in the guest room. That sleeping together thing only happened one night. After all, I was just one of his humans. I sighed and drifted off to sleep.
The next day, we just went through our daily routine and it was kind of boring. Shinra stopped by and helped me switch my cast for a special boot, which was a sign I was getting better (I guess one foot was hurt more than the other, it healed a lot quicker). Through the whole exchange, Izaya looked…different. Anxious or on edge or something. Weird, but not my business, so I tried to ignore it.
For my…meeting? No, that doesn't sound right, sounds like we're business partners. But it wasn't really a date…was it? Anyway, to that…thing…with Shizuo, I decided to wear my usual jeans, a black boot that matched the medical boot if you didn't look too close, and a purple top with a white undershirt.
I glanced at the clock, noticing it was six thirty. I hadn't told Izaya I was going out, but now would be as good a time as ever. I walked into the living room and found him lounging on the couch with a stack of 'Harry Potter' movies in front of him. I rolled my eyes before he noticed me.
"Izaya, I'm going out for a while. I'll be back around…before midnight," I said, not really knowing when I would be back.
"You look fancy," He said, eyeing me out of the corner of his eye. I shrugged and saw Ron pull his wand out of the troll's nose. Okay…I've seen it a million times, but that will forever be gross. "Where are you going?"
"Meh. Places. With people," I said, choosing not to mention Shizuo.
"Alright. See ya, be careful," He stuck his tongue out at me and looked back at the television. I walked out the front door and turned around to shut it, when I heard a voice behind me.
"Hey," Shizuo said, making me jump and let out a startled yelp.
"Oh my god, you scared me," I said, panting a bit.
"Sorry, didn't mean to startle you," He said, smiling a bit, "You ready to go?"
"Yeah, thanks for inviting me over," I smiled and walked next to him, surprised that he didn't walk too fast. We walked a few blocks away and into a small flat. It was clean inside, and looked identical to mine, except his furniture was more casual and in different places.
"Wow, nice place," I said, smiling, "Which movie did you pick out?"
"I have a few movies that you could choose from on the table, I'm going to check on the food. Do you like spaghetti?" He asked, walking into the kitchen.
"Are you kidding? Spaghetti's my favorite! Who doesn't like almost-Italian-but-still-not-Italian food?" I said, smiling widely.
"I know, right? People have to be out of their minds if they don't like pasta," He smiled crookedly and looked at me from the corner of his eye over his sunglasses. Whoa, that was hot. Wait, what am I thinking?! I mentally slapped myself, and went into the living room to pick out a movie. Sure enough, there were five movies laid out on the table in front of the couch. I looked through them. There were two romantic comedies, two action comedies, and a plain comedy. I chose the plain comedy, giggling lightly at the title. 'When Stop Signs Attack'.
I stacked the others and set them on the table, sitting on the couch to look at the back of this case. It was a movie about street signs randomly coming to life all over the city and attacking people, and only one surviving group has to save the world. Sounds like the typical plot to an alien invasion movie, or a zombie apocalypse movie, except with street signs. I rolled my eyes, and saw Shizuo walk into the room, balancing two plates of spaghetti and garlic bread and two glasses of milk.
"Whoa, you could have asked for help, you know," I laughed a bit as I stood and took a plate and glass of milk.
"Ah, sorry, I'm still in the habit of being a waiter. It was no trouble, really," Shizuo said, slightly flushing. He saw the movie on the couch cushion next to me as we sat down and laughed, "I thought you might like that one."
"Stop signs can be dangerous, you know," I said, winking at him and chuckling as he blushed. He got up and put the movie in the player, fast forwarding through the commercials. We half watched the movie, laughing at some parts, and half talked to each other. The dinner was great, I didn't even know Shizuo could cook. He was more normal than I thought, people really over exaggerated his attitude.
After the movie was over, he walked me home, and we were standing on my doorstep.
"Thanks for inviting me over, I had a lot of fun. You're a great cook, by the way," I smiled at him. We were standing in front of my door facing each other.
"I'm glad you had fun," Shizuo said, scratching his nose. He looked kind of nervous.
"You know, people make you seem a lot worse than you are. You're just a normal, fun guy that can cook well," I said, grinning and laughing when I saw him blush again. He suddenly bent down and pecked my cheek in a soft, two second kiss.
"Thanks. I'll see you later, [name]-chan," He smiled and walked away, and I watched him walk down the street, turn the corner, and disappear out of sight. I lifted my fingers up to touch my cheek, blushing and shaking my head to clear it of thoughts. I turned and walked in the door to find Izaya asleep, his arm flung over his head on the arm of the couch, the other lying across his stomach. He looked rather peaceful and harmless when he was asleep. I smiled softly, all thoughts of Shizuo gone. Tiptoeing quietly so I didn't wake him up, I went into the hall and grabbed an extra blanket.
When I tucked Izaya in, he stirred slightly and smiled, but stayed asleep. I smiled at him, and went to bed.