Luna and Prince Caspian!

AN: So here we go folks :) sequel to my much loved story Luna! I may not be able to update as much as I would like to seeing as I have exams and four other stories haha. I will update only if this first chapter is a hit ;) so you better review or it will never get updated haha. Please enjoy and review :D Thanks.



Luna's POV...

We had been back in England for about a year now but that year felt like an eternity. Peter wasn't taking it well... At all. We were going to boarding school now and well me and Peter will be apart for along time. See my gradfather had sen me to St. Fimbars.

'Great!' I thought.

I met with the Pevensies at the train station. Me and Susan went to the Magazine stand on the street.

"Susan... Do you think Peters alright?" I said worriedly.

"Yes he just needs to grow up and accept that he lives here and not in Narnia anymore." Susan said back and picked up a paper.

How could she say that? I don't know how she can forget Narnia... That brilliant and beautiful place that we lived great lives... And became respected adults. I guess I'm taking it pretty bad as well but it is hard. I sighed and dismissed her answer and picked up a magazine.

"Morning Lady's." came a deep voice.

My head shot up and I came face to face with a what Americans call a 'Jock' or what people in the UK call 'A complete stuck up ass hole' I sighed in annoyance.

'Get lost ass hole' my mind said.

He brushed a strand of my long dirty blonde hair behind my ear and I slapped him. Susan gasped and giggled.

"Oh don't be so mean I was only brushing it away do I could see your beautiful face." he said.

"Go away." I said anger hindering in my voice.

"Your a fiery one aren't you?" he said grinning.

Susan was having a better time with the geek. I on the other hand wanted to punch this guy in the face so hard that I would brake it. Meh it wouldn't be so bad he's ugly anyway.

Peter's POV...

I was left on my own with Lu. Edmund had gone to the loo. I was walking to a bench when a boy bumped me.

"Oi apologise for walking into me!" the tall boy shouted in my face.

"I don't want to..." I replied staring him down.

"Apologise NOW!" the boy said.

"I said no..." I shouted and swung a punch at him getting him square in the face. His little gang then came into the picture.

"What was that for?" one shouted as he cracked his knuckles.

"He bumped me, tried to make me apologise for it ad then I hit him! Gotta problem?" I shouted.

"Yeh... You should have apologised." Then a small war broke out. Three against one wasn't very fair. I caught a glimpse of Lucy. She was not happy... She shook her head and ran out.

'Great! She will go and find Luna and Susan and then I will have to listen to them rant on about everything!'

Luna's POV...

"Luna... Susan come quickly!" Lucy shouted as she shot across the road dodging all the cars.

She really needs to be more careful. Actually forget being careful she saved us. I grabbed my small case and Susan did too. We grab Lucy's hands and ran back across the busy road. What came next made my heart stop. The sound of, 'Fight Fight Fight!' sounded through the station.

I placed my case on the floor and what came next made me rather upset actually. Peter got into "another" fight. See ever since we got back he had been in loads of fights. He blocks everyone out. Even me... Even Edmund... Even Lu... Even Susan. Edmund came out of the loo's and saw us all and wondered what all the commotion was. When he saw Peter in trouble he ran through the crowds.

"EDMUND DON'T!" he didn't listen. He barged through the crowds and leapt onto one of the boys sending him to the ground.

"Right that's it! MIND OUT THE WAY LUNA COMING THROUGH!" I said barging through the crowds myself.

"LUNA STOP THIS ISN'T GOING TO HELP ANYONE!" Susan shouted, or should I say almost pleaded.

I didn't listen... These stuck up pricks need to be taught a lesson. I got through the crowds and swung a punch into the back of one guys head. He spun round and I kicked him right across the cheek. I smiled and turned to walk off when he shoved me over. I growled so load that everyone in the crowd moved backwards a bit.

"NO ONE SHOVES ME!" I shouted and almost karate kicked him where no boy should ever be kicked.

He doubled over and I finished him off be giving him a punch making him fall over. I was about to help Edmund when a load whistle sounded.

"Brake it up!" a man shouted and grabbed Peter shoving him slightly. Edmund got up and brushed himself off and straightened his cap up. Peter grabbed his case and stormed towards the bench he was originally going to in the first place. I found my case and we joined Peter on the bench. I put a hand on his shoulder and Edmund said,

"Your welcome..."

"I had it sorted." Peter mumbled.

I sighed and rested my head on his shoulder. He rested his head on mine and sighed. Peter... Used to be caring, sweet and loving, then Narnia came and went and he's become a monster... But I just can't help but love him.

Peter's POV...

God Edmund can get right on my nerves sometimes, he always think I need help. Luna is just as bad. She could have got herself hurt. I know I'm mad at her but I just ant help but love her more. She is an incredible person. I tilted her head upwards and placed a soft kiss on her lips. She smiled and still my heart races.

"I love you Luna." I whispered.

"Love you too Pete." she said resting her head on my chest.

"Peter... What was it this time?" Susan asked me.

I growled and Luna sat up. I sighed and said,

"He bumped me..."

"So you hit him?" Lu asked looking confused at where this was going.

I stood up and Luna placed her head in her hands. I hated to see her like this. It tore me apart.

"No... When he bumped me... He tried to make me apologise... That's when I hit him..." I mumbled and Luna whispered,

"Is it that hard for you just to walk away Peter?"

She was siding with Susan! Great thanks my love...

"I shouldn't have to Luna!" I shouted.

"Aren't you guys tired of being treated like kids?"

"Um... We are kids..." Edmund said and Luna glared at him.

"I WASNT ALWAYS!" I shouted and then sat back down with a frustrated sigh.

"It's been a year... How long does he expect us to wait?" I asked.

"Peter... You've got to accept that we live here and not- oh no pretend your talking to me!" Susan said.

"I think that's what we are doing Su." Edmund said with a small grin.

Luna's POV...

What planet was Susan on? Of course we are talking to you... I looked at her confused and she kept moving her head to the side. I looked forward and saw Jock boy and the geek walking towards us.

"Oh you have got to be kidding me? I've already punched someone today." l said and Peter kissed my cheek laughing slightly. Suddenly Lu jumped up shouted,


"Quite Lu..." Susan mumbled and then the same happened to me.

"Ouch Peter! I know we are together but come on that's not a place I want you to be touching right now!"

"Luna!" Peter shouted.

I grinned and he went red. Soon we were all standing. The wind picked up... And the train went like 100 miles per hour down the line. What in all earth and Narnia is happening?

"It feels like... Magic!" Lucy shouted over the high wind.

"EVERYONE HOLD HANDS!" Susan shouted.

I grabbed Lu's hand and Peter's.

"IM NOT HOLDING YOUR HAND!" Edmund shouted and Peter sighed grabbing his wrist tightly.

What a time to be picky Edmund! He really chooses the wrong moments to hate Peter. We watched as the roof and the whole station started to disappear, and as the train past a blue sky and a beach started to appear. When everything weird stopped happening we were in a huge dark cave that looked over a white sandy beach, and the bluest of oceans. We were back home... Where we all belonged.

AN: YAY! I hope this is as good as Luna! I'm hoping you folks will enjoy it as much as you did the first story :) please review. Thanks :) All Welcome