D is for diamond…

The reunion had gone better than Alex had expected and she was grateful for her girlfriend being by her side the entire time. While they were at the reunion, the two of them looked at pictures of Alex in college. Her looks hadn't changed that much, but as is the case with almost everyone, her hairstyles and clothing had changed drastically. Alex was feeling insecure about being around these women, many of whom no longer looked the same because of breast implants, spray tans, and Botox, but when Olivia told her that she was the most beautiful woman in the room she believed her. Olivia always had a way of making Alex feel beautiful even when she was at her most insecure.

Their plan to pose as a married couple worked perfectly and the two of them had everyone convinced. They were asked questions about their wedding and why nobody from the sorority was invited, but Alex was forgiven when she told them there was never a wedding and that they had used the money that was going to be put towards their wedding on a honeymoon instead. It wasn't an outright lie except for the part about the honeymoon.

What bothered Alex was the ride home after the reunion when she had to go back to being Olivia's girlfriend instead of her wife. She kept the ring on her finger for the entire drive home until she realized it was useless to keep it on. When they parted ways that night, Alex placed the ring back into her jewelry box and wondered if she'd ever be able to wear it as an engagement ring.

A week had passed since the reunion—a week in which Alex didn't see her girlfriend. Every time she tried to get together with Olivia, she'd make up an excuse for her not to come over. Alex knew Olivia was a busy woman but she could always recognize when Olivia was telling the truth about being busy and when she was trying to avoid her. This time it was the latter and Alex would have gone over to her place to demand an explanation had she not received a voicemail from Olivia asking her to come over. Usually, the two of them showed up at each other's apartments unannounced, but when Olivia told her a specific time to arrive, she started to become worried.

Alex was surprised to see her girlfriend waiting for her with a Scrabble board set up. The two of them had never played any board games together and Alex started to wonder what had come over Olivia. She had been different these past few weeks in a way that Alex couldn't quite explain to her friends. Some were still telling Alex to leave her, but leaving Olivia was something Alex couldn't even fathom. She loved her girlfriend regardless of what people told her. Alex wished they could see this Olivia, the woman sitting near the coffee table, smiling at Alex in her pajama pants and a tank top.

"Make yourself comfortable," Olivia urged Alex, which was a request for her to change into her pajamas. After ten years, the two of them had reached a level of comfort in their relationship. They had seen each other sick, they had seen each other without any makeup and they still thought the other was beautiful regardless.

Alex took a seat next to her girlfriend although she knew Olivia was going to force her to sit somewhere else. She was hoping Olivia would want some time to cuddle with her or even kiss her, but all Alex was given was a quick peck on the lips.

"You can't sit next to me," Olivia insisted. "I don't trust you right now."

"Are you calling me a cheater?" Alex asked before stealing another kiss.

"No," Olivia said, gently squeezing her hand. "But we're both competitive and I know you'll stop at nothing to win."

Knowing her girlfriend was right, Alex snatched the bag of letters from her and retired to the other side. She slowly picked out seven letters one-by-one for the sheer purpose of annoying Olivia, but Alex soon noticed that her girlfriend looked more nervous than annoyed.

"Something you want to tell me?" Alex asked.

"Just hurry," Olivia said, trying to sound as playful as she could but Alex still saw right through her.

"Liv, you're shaking."

"I'm fine, babe. You can go first."

Alex looked at the row of letters in front of her. There was really not much she could do with what she had chosen, so she put down the word "TAME."

"Tame," Alex said as she counted the amount of points she'd receive. "Isn't that what I did to you?"

The joke went unnoticed by her nervous girlfriend and, as much as Alex wanted to ask her why she was so shaky tonight, she knew Olivia would never give her an answer. Instead, she wrote down their names and her score as Olivia put her letters down. Alex saw that Olivia's letters were nowhere near hers. She was about to explain the rules of the game to Olivia when she looked at the letters Olivia had placed on the board. At the top left hand corner, were the words "MARRY ME" spelled out in Scrabble tiles.

"Liv?" Alex asked softly and smiled at her girlfriend. "Are you—"

"Yes!" Olivia reassured her. "Alex, will you marry me?"

"It took you ten years to give me a key to your apartment and now you're asking me to marry you?" Alex asked playfully. "What happened to my girlfriend?"

"When we were pretending to be married to each other at your reunion, I realized how much I'd like to actually be married to you. I was going to give you the ring your grandmother gave you, but I didn't want to take it from your jewelry box."

"Babe, I don't care about a ring right now," Alex said excitedly. "We can worry about that later. We're getting married, Olivia! Rings are the last thing on my mind. I want to tell everyone. I have to call my dad."

Olivia smiled at her. "He already knows, Alex."

"He does?"

"Last week, I asked for his permission to marry you," Olivia explained. "I want to do this right, Alex. Whether we have a wedding or not is entirely up to you. All I want is for you to be mine for the rest of our lives."

Should they have a wedding? Should they use that money toward their honeymoon instead? None of that mattered to Alex at that moment. All she wanted was to feel her woman's body on hers. After ten years, she was finally Olivia's fiancée.

"Let's go to your room," Alex suggested. "I want to celebrate our engagement."