Disclaimer: I own nothing related to Five-0.

Author's Note: Hey guys, I'm back! I was so struck by the response that Rome Wasn't Built in a Day Got, that I knew I just had to continue on with this McDanno. So I hope that you guys enjoy this opening chapter!

"Hold me close
Hold me deep inside your heart, now
Dream with me
Close your eyes and you will see
Our rapture of love"

When Danny told Steve six months that they would take this slow, he actually meant take things slow. They gradually worked their way from up from holding hands and occasional kisses to making out. Danny wouldn't even think about spending the night for the first two months of their relationship. He wanted to make sure that both he and Steve, were both completely sure that this relationship was right for them. They had been through so much in the three months leading up to their relationship, that Danny wasn't willing to risk going through that horrible hell ever again.

Plus he loved Steve so much that even the thought of potentially losing him was terrifying, especially now that he was actually able to call Steven his own. So no matter how hard it was to pull away from Steve during one of their amazingly hot kisses and ignore Steve's lusty pleading eyes and go home, both knew that going slow was the only way they were going to make it work.

So the first time that Danny actually did spend the night it was a pretty amazing night. It was one of those nights that both Danny and Steve were exhausted from their latest case, and Danny was just too comfortable in Steve's arms to even move, even if they were only sitting on the couch. Danny hadn't been sleeping well for awhile now, not with things with Rachel getting worse now that she knew that Steve and Danny were romantically involved. If Danny were pressed to say what he thought was plaguing his ex, he would say that she was jealous and slightly angry that Danny was finally giving up on the thought of them getting back together and moving on. With his very male, very gorgeous partner Steven J. McGarrett no less. She was allowed to essentially trade up, so why wasn't Danny allowed to?

All in all, Danny was just too tired to move. So when Steve yawned for the umpteenth time and Danny followed moments later, Steve finally cracked and nuzzled Danny's neck. "Stay with me." He whispered lightly kissing the sensitive spot behind Danny's ear. "It's been a rough couple of days with the case and Rachel; we could both use a good night's sleep." Danny sighed, his tense body going completely lax as Steve presses another light kiss behind his ear. Danny nodded letting Steve pull him up from the couch and towards the stairs pausing only to check that the door is locked and the alarm was set.

It makes Steve incredibly happy to see Danny comfortable enough to stay the night, it's nice waking up with the man he loves. He loves seeing Danno's bed head and just how peaceful and relaxed Danny looks while he's deep in sleep; not being hassled by an angry Rachel or crazy suspects. It's his quiet time to watch, hands down the love of his life, so at peace and open. His musings have also led to a few missed morning workouts, but Steve's not complaining.

It should come as no surprise that four months after Danny started spending the night, and six months after they started dating that Steve thinks it's time that Danny just move in with him. Half of Danny's clothes are already in Steve's closet, with a drawer in Steve's dresser filled with his boxers and dress socks. Danny makes Steve's house feel like a home, for the first time since the tragic loss of his mother and Steve wants Danny there all the time.

So this morning when Steve wakes up, he decides to make Danny breakfast, a sure fire way to grab Danny's attention and give Steve the perfect opportunity to ask Danny to move in. He had done this the entire time that Danny was recovering at his house, as a way to show his loud partner his love for him. So although he does in fact, have faith that his breakfast will put Danny in a good mood, thus rendering him open to hearing Steve's proposal, Steve knows that Danny can be a wild card at times. So if Steve's already got a plan to make said move in as painless as possible, it's just because he wants to be prepared. It has nothing to do with the fact that he's eighty five percent sure that Danny's going to say yes.

Waking up that morning, Danny immediately knows that something is up. He can smell bacon and fresh coffee wafting from the kitchen, and he knows that Steve only usually makes him bacon and most likely waffles for breakfast when he wants something. Now as to what Steve could want, Danny has no clue, but he's not going to turn down a homemade breakfast from the man he loves just because he might not like what Steve needs. He showers and dresses quickly his curiosity getting the best of him.

As Danny comes down the stairs, Steve is putting the final bowl on the table before going back into the kitchen to grab their coffee and Danny can't find it in him to care as to what Steve could possibly want. It can't be that bad if Steve's making breakfast for him, no if it was bad like the night that Danny had the loudest fight with Rachel to date Steve would have made him his favorite dinner (his mother's lasagna) to butter him up before going in for the tough questions. "Hey babe." Danny greets smiling in thanks as Steve hands Danny's his coffee, pressing a kiss to Steve's lips. Steve kisses him back for a moment before maneuvering Danny towards the table. Danny can't help but chuckle at how serious Steve is right now. Danny takes his seat and grabs his fork to take a bite of the delicious warm pancakes. "Alright what's on your mind?" Danny asks after a few moments of silence pass between them.

"Can't a guy make breakfast for the one he loves without ulterior motives?" Steve shoots back way too quickly for Danny not to think it wasn't rehearsed beforehand.

"Yes, but you only make me my favorites for breakfast when you're trying to tell me something, so yet again I ask what's going on beyond that adorable gigantic forehead of yours?" Steve pauses his eyes locking with Danny's for a quick staring contest before taking a deep breath.

"Well Danno," Steve starts smiling at the slight frown that Danny still gets when he uses Grace's (and his) nickname for him. "I was wondering if you were entertaining the idea of possibly moving with me." Danny stopped his fork almost to his mouth, his eyes locked on Steve's.

"Are you serious about this?" Danny asked after placing his fork down on his plate.

"Yes Danny I'm serious about this. It makes sense, ya know? You're here most of the time anyway; Grace has a room here already. You wouldn't have to pay for your shitty apartment anymore; you'll finally have a real home. And Rachel couldn't really use your apartment against you, because you'd have a stable roof over your head." Danny leaned back and smiled as Steve rambled.

"Breathe Steven." Steve stopped and did as Danny instructed his anxious eyes watching Danny like a hawk for any indication as to which way he's going to answer. "It's about time you asked, I mean geez I've been dropping hints for awhile now. And you're honestly certifiably crazy if you thought for even a second that I would say no. Come here." Danny says standing up and reaching out for Steve, who quickly gets up with a huge smile spread across his face. Danny chuckles quietly, framing Steve's face with his hands as he leans up to kiss Steve.

"I was like eighty five percent sure you'd say yes, but with you I can't be completely sure. You're a wild card Danny, one that I always have to be prepared for." Danny chuckled wrapping his arms around Steve's waist.

"Let me guess than Super SEAL, you've already gotten a plan to get my stuff in here don't you?" Steve smiled pressing a light kiss against Danny's smiling mouth.

"As a SEAL it's my job to always have a plan." Danny shook his head lightly pushing Steve away from him.

"Can I enjoy my breakfast now or do you have anything else that needs to be discussed?" Steve shakes his head in the negative and sits back down opposite from Danny, the comfortable silence falling between them as they enjoyed this momentous occasion in their relationship.

It had been a rough and slow road that had gotten them to this point. But as much as they were enjoying their rapture of love, they were not prepared in the least bit, for the journey they were about to embark on. But as Steve kisses Danny just a little bit harder, he's prepared for anything that's going to try and take the best thing that's ever happened away from him.

A/N 2: So, what'd ya think? I hope that this chapter was amazing for you guys and you love it as much as the first story. But ya know don't hesitate to let me know what you thought about this and any ideas you might have. I've got a majority of the story outlined but I'm always open to new ideas (and don't worry there will be plenty of angst and tension in this story with a few happy, lovely dovey moments throughout). Not sure as to when the next chapter will be up, since it's nearing finals week and all but thanks for taking the time to read and I hope you'll stick around for the next chapter! ~thatredheadgirl~