A/N: Hey guys! I'm back with a new Clato fic! This one I wrote in two hours over a week ago. Sooo. I hope you enjoy it!

Disclaimer: I own nothing, except the plot.

What Happens at A Party

Chapter 1: We shop for liquors

I woke up to the sound of my phone beeping. I silently cursed the damned thing before getting up and answering it.

"You woke me up, dick." I muttered to the caller, which I'm pretty much sure is just one person.

"And good morning to you too, Clovely." I heard Cato chuckle over the other end of the line. From the looks of it, he's been awake for quite a while now.

"It's fucking 7 A.M., Cato. What do you want?" I sighed and ruffled my hair. I made my way over the bathroom and doused my face with cold water. It instantly woke me up.

"When are you going to buy drinks for later?" Oh, right. The party. I was supposed to host a party tomorrow. A year-end school thing. You know how teenagers can get when it's the end of the school year. They throw parties almost every day. But this one, my party, was not to be underestimated. Let's just say that this is the party that everyone's looking forward to going to.

I sat on the toilet and did my business. "Err, Clove? Are you in the toilet?" He asked incredulously.

"Why, yes I am." I yawned.

"That's fucking gross, you know."

"Yeah well, you woke me up. Suffer the consequences." I snapped at him playfully.

"Whatever. As I was saying, when are you going to buy the drinks?" He replied impatiently.

"After I'm done with my daily morning routines." I balanced my phone in between my ear and shoulder. I grabbed my toothbrush from the sink and started to brush my teeth. After I was done, I added, "Wanna come with?"

There was a slight pause. "Thought you'd never ask." He slowly, but gleefully, replied. "I'm on my way." I muttered a 'hmm' before cutting of the call.

I headed for the shower then, and let the cold water hit my body. I've always loved showering in the morning. It's like, a wake-up call for me, even much better than my mom shouting my different nicknames outside my door to wake me up. Oh, and it's also a good thinking companion, mind you. Showering with cold water makes me think about things easily. Like for example, how I'm crushing on Cato right now.

Yeah. I know you'd think that's stupid since we've been best friends as far as we both can remember. But I can't help it. Because suddenly, he started acting so weird. He actually opens the door for me when we're entering the cinema, and he pulls out the chair that I'm gonna be sitting at that particular one time we went out for dinner because it's his 18th birthday. Oh, and he calls me beautiful every day. Some he says on serious moments, some he just blurts out. Maybe that's why I started liking him. Because I am finally seeing him as more than a best friend. And I am seeing him as how his previous girlfriends still see him.

After I was done showering, I went to my walk-in closet and grabbed a simple dark green tank top and faded jeans shorts. I put mascara on my eyelashes and looked for my black high cut sneakers. I put it on and with my hair still wrapped in my towel, I headed downstairs for breakfast.

I spotted my mom leaning over the kitchen stove. I saw a stack of blueberry pancakes at the dining table and excitedly made my way to devour it. I was half-way to cutting myself a piece when I heard my mom say, "That's for Cato, dear."

I grumbled. "How did you know he was coming over?"

"Well, today is your year-end party, right?" I nodded. "I expected he'll come in helping you prepare. And honey, he always comes over in the morning." She said with a smile.

My mom knows how I feel for Cato. She's my confidant besides him, after all. I tell her everything that goes on with my life. She's my most favorite person in the world, and I'd kill anyone if I lose her.

"So. Where are my pancakes?" I asked with a pout.

"Here." She pushed the plate of pancakes, double the size of Cato's, to my place. I gave a very girly squeal and kissed my mom on the cheek. "Thank you! You're the best mom ever." I said as I poured my pancakes with maple syrup. Just then, I heard the front door open and I quickly got rid of the towel on my head.

"Morning, Clovely." Cato greeted as he ruffled my wet hair. I smirked at him in reply.

"Morning Calista." He greeted my mom by kissing her cheek. Really. You greet the mom of your best friend on her cheek, and yet you greet your best friend by ruffling her hair.

"Morning, Cato. Your pancake's the one across Clove." By this, his eyes sparkled. One thing common about us: We both love food. It's actually the one thing we almost every day fight about.

"Hey. Why is your stack higher?" Like right now for example.

"Well, I'm the daughter." I replied haughtily.

"I'm the daughter's best friend. Mine should be higher!" He whined. Sometimes, I think an eight-year-old possessed his body or something.

I smacked his shoulders. "Just eat." He pouted for a bit but then inhaled the whole thing immediately.

When we finished breakfast, I told my mom that we'd be back in time for lunch and that she could just leave the house as it is. During our year-end parties, my mom goes to her parents' house to stay for the night since she knew that teenage parties last until the crack of the dawn. I kissed her goodbye, went upstairs to grab my bag, combed my hair and braided it in a simple plait before dragging Cato out of the house.

We walked a couple of blocks before arriving to the supermarket, where we'll be able to buy wines and beers. Since Cato's eighteen already, he's legal to buy hard liquors. So, naturally, we went and bought a few bottles. Or cases. Whichever. By the time we're done, we actually have to take a taxi home, even though it was just a couple of blocks away, because of how heavy the liquors are.

We spent the whole day cleaning up the house and picking out the music for later. I suggested to Cato that we place the bottles of liquor everywhere around the house so that the guests could just pick it up randomly. My mom left us a pre-heated food at the dining table and Cato and I decided to eat for a while.

"What are you gonna wear later?" He suddenly asked me. I whipped my head to see his expression.

"You're seriously asking me that?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah." He said with a shrug.

"You'll be surprised." I replied instead. With a wink. That took him aback. "What about you?"

"You'll be surprised." He replied. I stared at him open mouthed before punching his shoulders.

The next few hours were spent with us fooling around the house. I actually ended up once on top of him because he tickled me so hard that I didn't know what I was doing. The next thing I knew was that I was on top of him. The air felt awkward after that. I decided to start getting ready for the party. He went back to his house for a couple of minutes to get ready too.

I went upstairs and stared at myself in the mirror. Could you be any more obvious, Clove? Gosh. With my expression when he was under me, god. I knew I just gave away the fact that I like him. Which is soo not what I wanted to happen. See the thing is, I don't want him to find out that I like him. Ever. I told myself that it'd be better that way, especially if he doesn't feel the same way.

I turned my iPod dock on and played pop music in the background. I went inside my walk-in closet to pick out the dress that I bought solely for this party. It's black, with a statement bow in the center and a cut out at the back and with full and fitted skirt at the bottom. The skirt ends a couple of inches above my knee, but it doesn't reveal anything that doesn't need revealing. It reveals most of my back, which is fine since the party's going to be inside the house and not outside. I won't feel cold then.

I took a short shower, dried and curled my hair, before applying very light make up that highlights my eyes. I applied liquid eyeliner to the base of my eyelids and mascara to my eyelashes. I took a good look in the mirror before deciding that it was done. I slipped on my dress as well as into my matching mary jane pumps before heading downstairs.

I am greeted with the sight of Cato in his button up red polo, with the first three buttons unbuttoned, tucked in black slacks. Considering our outfits, we look like we're going at a high-fashion event or something like that.

"Are we really attending a house party?" I jokingly asked him. He turned his head and stared at me. He looked at what I'm wearing, and then at my face. He kept staring for the next five minutes before I knocked him out of his trance.

"Hey. What are you doing?" I snapped my fingers at him.

"Err, nothing. You- You're dressed up nice." He nodded in approval.

"Uh, thank you. You too." I muttered. I glanced at the wall clock and saw that it was already 7. The party goers should arrive in a few minutes.

"Hey. Do you want me to open the first bottle of wine to be emptied this night?" I grinned playfully at him. He gave back a grin before replying, "Race you to the fridge."

"I can't run, you know! I'm in heels!" I laughingly shouted at him.

A/N: I have the 2nd part written and edited, and I might need a few reviews so I can post it up! Tell me what you think of this one guys! Thanks!