Yo and hello everyone. Sorry its taken me soooooo long to update however, its finals week and I spend so much time doing work and studying its just been a royal pain in my ass. Anyway I've decided to take a slight break from Ninth Fist and Oracion Eight as I want to make the next few chapters really good. So for the time being I'm gonna be trying two new story ideas I had that I hope will become popular too. This one in particular isn't a very often used crossover and most that do exist are either really short or suck out loud, so I'm hoping this story will change that. Anyway don't hate me if this doesn't turn out right, as I'm new at this. So with that being said lets see how this works out.

Disclaimer- Agurra of the Darkness doesn't own Naruto or Shaman King, oh if I did it would be a load of fun.

-Shinobi of the Patch Start-

"Strange, I feel something odd in the air."

It was a calm night, though one would have a hard time telling since this was happening in cave with the only available light source being a small fire. Near the fire was a small odd looking individual. Said person couldn't have been more than three feet tall with short grey hair and a aged wrinkled, clad in traditional native American garb with a massive feather headdress adorning the individuals head signifying him as the chief, or rather her. Even though said individual at first glance looked like a man, she was in fact a woman.

This particular woman's name was Goldva, the powerful and elderly leader of the Patch tribe. An ancient tribe of powerful Shamans whose duty was the run the legendary Shaman Tournament that occurred every 500 years. Goldva being the chief also had the important responsibility of keeping watch over the Great Spirit who served as the Guardian Spirit of the Shaman King as well as the King of all Spirits.

Recently however, the elderly Chief had felt greatly uneasy for an ancient evil that had plagued mankind for almost 1000 years had returned. This omen only spelled greater disaster, as the Shaman Tournament would occur once again little more than a decade from now.

The aged Shaman let out a sigh while she breathed in the long smoking pipe she currently had in her mouth. After a moment she calmly exhaled sending a thin trail of smoke from her mouth into the fire, watching as the smoke was consumed by the flames. Her eyes silently drifted to the darkened corner of the cave meriting another sigh.

"If you're going to stand there Silva, the least you can do is walk out into the light where I can see you."

The old chief heard the aforementioned man let out an embarrassed grunt before walking out.

Said individual was a very tall man, easily six feet tall with broad shoulders clad in a tan native American cloak. His face was narrow with a strong chin, long black hair held back by a red headband with a pair of eagle's feathers on the left side. His eyes were brown, deep and piercing. The man was Silva, one of the Ten Patch officials, select members of the tribe revered for their strength and shamanic abilities. Silva in particular was considered both one of the strongest and the most kind hearted. He also had a tendency to be very nosy, often poking his noise in where it didn't belong, like now.

The young Patch member looked at Goldva, his eyes obvious detecting the chiefs distress, "Forgive me for intruding Goldva, however, I noticed you've been uneasy these last few days and I was hoping to help in someway if possible." His tone was calm but kind showing genuine concern for his leader.

Goldva smirked lightly at the man's concern, "Your concern is appreciated Silva, however, I'm afraid that a foul wind has returned. One that will once again shake this world to its core and I fear this time we will not be able to weather the storm it brings."

Silva's eyes narrowed harshly at the implication, "So he's returned?"

There was a solid pause as the only sound that could be heard were the shallow wisps of the flames and smoke throughout the cave as Goldva exhaled once more, before looking at Silva with serious and slightly fear filled eyes, "Yes, Hao has reincarnated himself once more and has returned with greater power than ever. As well as a greater desire to become Shaman King"

The mere mention of the ancient Shaman's name set the normally calm Silva into a boiling rage. His mind flashed to the memories of tales he'd been told of the wicked demonic shaman whose reign of terror spanned over a millennium. The anger was only magnified by the fact that he himself was a descendant of this evil specter.

After a moment or too the Patch official managed to calm himself enough to speak, "Tell me Goldva, do we have any chance of stopping him, any at all?"

The old Chief prepared to respond when suddenly both Shaman's felt a unnaturally powerful force resound throughout the cave. It was a feeling as though the two were suddenly placed underneath the force of the ocean, all the while the presence as if a pair of eyes we viewing them from all directions even from their minds.

Yet despite the strange feeling both individuals knew it well and could quickly pinpoint its source.

In a manner of seconds the orange flames that once filled the room with heat and light, suddenly turned blue and white. The flames rose and burst in all directions as if the flames had a mind of their own. The fire itself no longer resembled flames, there was no heat, instead a feeling of overwhelming power resonating from the blue wisps.

Both individuals dared not utter a word as a voice resounded from the flames in a tone that was both comforting and freighting.

"There Does exist a way."

Neither Patch Tribe member spoke, they didn't have to as they were completely aware of what was going on and whose voice they were hearing. They just couldn't believe that this person would appear now of all times.

"The Great Spirit."

Silva suddenly felt himself compelled to bow in respect of the spirit standing, metaphorically before him. Goldva however, remained steadfast regaining her composure as she stared into the fire. All the while she stood there, she could feel the eyes and presence of the Great Spirit all around her, it was as if no matter where she went he was there. Even in the depths of her mind.

"Great Spirit, it is unusual for you to venture so far from the sanctuary, yet we are still honored by your presence." The wise chief bowed her head lightly in respect of the deity before her.

The spirit's voice slowly grew softer as he spoke, "I know my actions may seem unusual however, the time of the current Shaman King is almost at an end and then I will remain trapped until the next king is crowned. Thus before that happened I feel there is something I must do."

Goldva nodded at the deities proclamation already fully aware of what matter it was referring to, "I take it this is directly connected to Hao Asakura's recent reincarnation."

The spectral flames saddened rose with somewhat fury at the names mention, "You are correct Goldva. Twice this individual has plagued mankind, reaking untold destruction and misery all across the globe. Now with this recent rebirth he will try again with the coming Shaman Tournament and I fear there will be no Shaman powerful enough to stop him this time."

The air in the room dropped several degrees at the thought; Silva actually felt his heart stop somewhat at the idea. He knew first hand how powerful Hao was and that it was through sheer luck that he'd been defeated once, let alone twice. However, with each rebirth the seemingly undying shaman grew stronger and it would only be a matter of time before his powers became too much for them to handle. Yet knowing this fact had only made him feel more unease, as if watching a clock countdown to the time of earth's destruction. The very thought terrified him.

"You shouldn't be so quick to lose hope, Silva."

The shaman council member's eyes widened as he felt the presence of the Great Spirit suddenly overcome him, seemingly washing away some of his fear. The ephemeral flames grew brighter as a light began to shine within them.

"Though I myself cannot directly interfere with this world, I can at least attempt to change things for the better. I have looked towards the future of the Shaman Fights and I have seen much carnage and suffering. Yet I cannot see the final outcome for my vision is blocked by some force I cannot understand. Regardless I cannot allow such horrors to come to pass, nor can I allow one as cruel as Hao to become Shaman King."

The spirits voice commanded great presence and its words seemed to bring some hope to the two patch tribe members. Goldva still remained confused to one detail staring directly into the flames with a cold gaze, "Even it that maybe what can we do, you yourself admitted that no Shaman in existence can match Hao's power even if they trained their entire life time. How can we defeat one such as him."

The flames of spiritual fire warped at the comment yet still held no form, though for a split second Goldva could swear she felt the spirit in the flames smile as the flames quickly formed a spiral in the center.

"If a Shaman from this world cannot defeat him, then we shall take one from another who can."

Both tribe members looked on in curiosity at the words of the Great Spirit where in an instant the flames for which he spoke from, whirled and spun with great haste. In mere seconds the flames rose high towards the ceiling before coming down onto the ground, sending the unnatural flames in all directions yet without producing a single sound of force.

After a second Goldva's eyes suddenly widened as she could now detect a new presence within the flames, completely separate from the Great Spirit. The flames slowly parted and ot the shock of both Patch tribe members within the flames was now a young newly born infant wrapped in a simple white cloth. His skin was somewhat pale yet tan, his hair a wild spiky blonde that looked more like a porcupine dunked in yellow dye. Though perhaps the strangest thing about the boy were the three whisker marks on each of his cheeks.

However, his appearance was not all Goldva was focusing on, no it was the seemingly enormous power emanating from his body.

"Incredible, the furyoku is coming off this boy in waves. For one to possess this much power at such a young age…"

The Old chief looked into the fire, which slowly backed away from the infant, returning to its original place.

"So Great Spirit, may I ask who this boy is and why he seems to have so much power despite his infancy?"

"The boys name is Naruto, as for why he seems to possess such unnaturally high furyoku it is because unforeseen circumstances led to his death at an early age. As result of his resurrection his Furyoku drastically increased, yet even before then he had powerful connections to the spirit world which still exist now."

By now the infant had begun to stir, his blue eyes scanning the room around him and at the sight of the unfamiliar area, his eyes began to fill up with tears. Silva thinking quickly walked over to the infant and slowly picked him up.

At the close proximity the young blondes eyes caught sight of the Patch tribe official, which quickly brought a smile to his originally tear stricken face. Silva of course smiled kindly in response as the baby reached out towards him with his tiny arms which quickly latched on to Silva's outstretched finger.

While the boy was distracted Goldva turned his attention back towards the flames as the king of spirits spoke again.

"Listen Goldva, I do not know the entirety of the future but I do know that unless measures are taken then we will see another massacre like the ones that have taken place in the past and bring the world to its knees. Though I can't guarantee Naruto can change that for the better I know he has the potential to alter the world. He has the potential to do so. You must guide him in the ways of the Shaman and then we must hope that when the time comes he will be able to rise where others have fallen."

Both Tribe members took in what they were told and bowed their heads in respect. The ghostly flames slowly began to die down and retreat to their original spot, but not before the spirit king gave them one last bit of information.

"Be warned, even though this boy is new to this world Hao will still know of his presence. If he chooses to he may very well come for him and I can assure you if he succeeds then this world will truly be doomed. Do everything in your power to protect him so that when the Tournament comes he may breath light into the dark future that seemingly lies ahead."

With those words the ghostly flames died away leaving the simple fire that was originally left in place.

Goldva despite the situation simply breathed in her pipe and exhaled some smoke.

"Um Goldva…"

The Chief looked at Silva and widened her eyes somewhat as the intimidating looking official was currently distracting the infant with his right fingers while keeping his eyes focused on the chief

"Pardon my saying Goldva, but do you really think it's a good idea to be smoking with an infant present."

Goldva didn't even respond at first simply staring at Silva all the while holding her pipe. After a moment with some frustration she put the pipe out and started walking to the exit of the cave with Silva and the infant in tow. Despite all that had happened the only thing running through her mind was

"Suddenly I'm wishing I'd retired like people my age should. Nothing I can do about it now however, lets just hope that the Great Spirits decision is a wise one and hope this boy truly can change the future."

(Scene Change Unknown Location)

In a dark, area no light could be seen yet a cruel and oppressive aura was felt all around as a small but potent orange flame suddenly arose revealing an infant roughly the same age as Naruto whose eyes were open. Yet these eyes were hauntingly empty, devoid of the kind innocence one would expect of a child.

All the while a dark, eerie laughter could be heard all around, seemingly coming from the young infant, yet his mouth never moved.

"I sense something interesting has appeared, looks like this coming Shaman tournament will be even more entertaining then the last."

With that single thought the small flame suddenly grew into a raging inferno that seemed to consume the infant, whose mind now cackled with a villainous laugh. Yet his body remained untouched by the flames.

Just before the baby disappeared into the fires around him his eyes looked towards the distance, "No matter who stands in my way, I will become Shaman King."

-Shinobi of the Patch End-

Okay Now before people get on my case about not updating Ninth Fist or Oracion Eight let me just say school is kicking my ass left and right and I barely have enough mental function to write a chapter at the moment. Also Oracion Eight will be on leave for a bit as I need to work on the story which frankly could be better so I'll be thinking about it for a while. Ninth Fist on the other hand will still go strong. However, I felt I needed to add some new blood to my story list and I noticed that pardon my saying, ALMOST EVERY NARUTO X SHAMAN KING STORY SUCKS! For those of you who've written one of these crossover and was offended by this comment I apologize but virtually all the stories either go no where or flat out suck. So I decided to give this a try and make Naruto be trained by the Patch then be related to Yoh because Frankly it sounded cooler and Naruto is more of a in tune with Nature so being with the Patches seemed to make more sense. That being said I also have another crossover idea that also hasn't been done much that I will give a try to. However, to be fair to my viewers for now I would like your opinion on which story you want me to update. Primarily this story, Ninth Fist or try my hand at the other crossover which I won't reveal yet as that would take all the fun out of it. Granted the decision will ultimately be up to me but I appreciate your input on this idea.

The main thing I want to do here is inspire or encourage new crossover Ideas which lately have been falling flat and Shaman King has plenty of potential with Naruto so some writers should really give it a try. Heck worked with Kenichi and Ninth Fist so why not this. Anyway explanation time.

Why is Naruto Dead and in the Shaman King World; Some of you might wonder how Naruto as a baby died. Well the main reason is I'm not gonna tell you because quite frankly that isn't important at the moment and will be left up to later. As for entering the Shaman King world, well the King of Spirits is connected to everything in the universe as well as all the spirits of the dead from multiple times and maybe even dimensions. Not a perfect notion but atleast It's not like I'm doing the tired notion of A dimensional jutsu backfire or something so give me some credit. More will be explained later once I get this story off the ground so keep viewing for more.

Naruto's Guardian Spirit: Coming Soon

Does Naruto have the Fox: Not gonna tell you yet

Yes pretty much I'm only explaining one thing cause frankly if I gave everything away what would the point be. Yes I'm just that evil and you have to wait and find this stuff out for yourself. You might hate me for it but I want to see if people even like this idea in the first place. So if you want to see more let me know if you like it or not and we'll see where it goes.

Anyway hope you guys enjoyed this story and look forward to more. Till Next Time, Agurra out.