Unused Ideas and Deleted Scenes

What's up guys? I know what you're thinking: "Isn't this story over already?"

Yeah, it is, but that doesn't mean I can't show you ALL of the unused ideas for "The Shadow of Yuma!" Enjoy looking at a glimpse of what could have been in the story!

• Kurai's prototype name was Terios.

• Kurai was going to be renamed Luneth in the epilogue, but the name wasn't scary enough. Alas, I decided to rename him Kain instead.

• Dark Mist would have thought of using Kain to get Number 39 in the first chapter, but that was removed to avoid spoilers.

• At the birthday party, when Tokunosuke dared Yuma to be in his birthday suit, he was originally going to make Yuma wear the Pink Ranger suit from "Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers", but I thought it wasn't humiliating enough.

• Anna was to make her appearance during Chapter 6 as a new student, but that idea was scrapped.

• Another scrapped idea involved Kaito attempting to take Kain's soul when Kain had infiltrated Heartland Tower.

• During planning, I had an idea of having Shark, Takashi, Tetsuo, and Tokunosuke as jesters when Kain had Demon Tyrant Kaos bring them to his throne. Unfortunately, it wasn't as humiliating as I had planned. Then, I thought of servants, and I almost used that idea. After watching "The Odyssey" in Honors English class, the animal idea hit me. Hence, you get four boys morphed into a panther, a parrot, a spider monkey, and a mountain goat.

• Deciding what animals the boys would be were hard.

• I was stuck between a panther, a shark, and a crocodile for Shark. A crocodile was eliminated because if Shark was a crocodile, he would need a LOT of sunlight. A shark was totally out of the question, because they'd die instantly without any water. I had chosen a panther after seeing a picture depicting Shark as a panther.

• I originally planned for Tetsuo to be a lizard, but that was scrapped.

• Takashi was going to be a horse, but by analyzing his personality, it just didn't fit. I realized I needed a talking animal, so you get a very chatty parrot! :D

• Tokunosuke would have been either a bear cub or a puppy.

• When Dark Mist and Astral were fighting for Demon Tyrant Kaos' control, Astral would've snapped Kaos out of his trance. Kaos would change back to Hope and kill of Dark Mist. That idea was scrapped because I wanted to make the scene more dramatic with Kaos committing suicide, Astral losing his temper and killing off Dark Mist.

• Last, but not least, another scrapped scene involved Dark Mist torturing Yuma in order to find Astral.