Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter books or films or anything associated with them. I also don't own Snow Patrol or anything associated with their song "Run."
A/N: Songfic based on "Run" by Snow Patrol. This song is amazing, and as a fan of Deamus I cannot listen to this song without thinking of them. It's not at all necessary for the fic, but I absolutely recommend listening this song simply because of how beautiful it is. This is a bit of a trial run; if you like it, I do intend to write more songfics, and you can request one for your favorite song. If you don't like it, constructive criticism is to me as moving is to a shark. Without it, I die. So keep it coming.
Seamus was his beacon. No matter what, no matter how down he was or how much he was hurting, Seamus would always be there, the light in his dark world. He'd spoken with Seamus about it several times, and his response had been simple.
"I just can't help it, mate. I see your down and I try to lift you up. It's like I don't have a choice. It's what I'm here for, innit?"
That was why this moment was breaking his heart.
The Muggleborn Registration Commission had sent for him, and he knew he had to run. He'd expected Seamus to be unhappy; they'd been best mates for six years, always there for each other. But whenever he'd been in trouble, Seamus would cheer him up. Now, Seamus' face had fallen. There was no bright smile, no cheerful banter- not even a hint in those nebulous, somber eyes. It crushed Dean the most to see that deep, dark sadness in his friend come so clearly to the surface.
He gently took Seamus' jaw, and forced his friend to look at him. "I'm not going away forever. I need you to be strong here. The way you always are. Please, Seamus."
But all Seamus could do was shake his head slow, in sad despair.
"Light up, Seamus. As if you have a choice," he tried to tease, but Seamus could not respond. "However long this takes, even if you can't hear me, I'll be right beside you." He promised, staring into the torrent within Seamus' eyes.
Seamus clenched his jaw, and the tears slowly escaped down his cheeks. He grasped Dean's shoulder and pulled him into a fierce hug.
"You've been the only thing that's right in all I've done." Shay whispered, and Dean held him tighter, choking on the emotion.
To think I might not see those eyes… His brain whispers as he pulls back to look into the dark depths one last time, trying not to cry.
"Come back to me?" Seamus begged.
In the last moment before dawn breaks and Dean must disappear, Seamus' eyes light up with Dean's response to the last, whispered wish.