"Gabe leave me alone. . ." Sam said walking away. After the Castiel and Dean thing he knew what was going on. He did not want to have to listen to a bunch of pick-up lines like Cas did.

"You know Sam . . . you can fall from the sky. You can fall from a tree, but the best way to fall is in love with me."

". . . I don't even know what to say to that so I'm just going to walk away." Sam said before doing so.

Too bad for him when Dean did this to Cas Dean couldn't just appear anywhere.

"It's a good thing I have my library card."

Sam raised his eyebrows at just the thought of Gabriel even knowing were a library was, much less having a card.

"Why?" He finally asked knowing Gabe was going to keep staring at him if he didn't ask.

"Because I'm total checking you out." He said smirking.

"Well you can check me out all you want, but if it turns into more than that I'm checking you into a hospital." Sam responded looking back at the book he was reading.

"If I had a nickel for every time I saw someone as beautiful as you I would have five cents."

"I'm just shocked that with your ego you didn't include yourself in that, making it ten cents."

"Are you a parking ticket?"

"I'm not even going to ask." Sam said refusing to look up from his laptop.

"Because you have fine written all over you." Gabriel said smirking.

"And you have 'I'm an idiot' written all over you." Sam said still not looking up.

"Do your legs hurt?"

"Yes. Your sitting on them." Sam said glaring at the angle in his lap.

"Because you've been running through my mind all day."

"Probably trying to find a way out. Who would want to be in your mind?"

"Are your pants from space?"

"I'm afraid to ask where this is going . . ." Sam said looking at Gabriel nervously.

"Because your ass is outta this world." Gabe seemed to think that slapping it was necessary. The slap mark on his face in the shape of Sammy's hand didn't seem to agree.

Gabriel started getting that look on his face that Sam was learning to mean that he was about to use a pick up line.

"Gabriel no! We are in a grocery store!" Sam said covering Gabriel's mouth with his hand. He could feel Gabe smile, and the Gabe was behind him, his mouth no longer covered.

"Someone call the police!"

Everyone started to freak out. Sam didn't blame them.

"It has got to be illegal for Sammy to look this good." Sam face palmed and looked apologetically at everyone in the store, before giving Gabriel a bitch face.

"Your so beautiful you made me forget my pickup line."

Sam blushed.

"Your blushing! It's starting to work!"

When Sam smiled at something Gabe said Gabriel got the pick up line look.

"Did the sun come up or did you just smile at me?"

"Hi I'm Mr. Right. I heard you were looking for me."

"Are you sure your names not Mr. Wrong?"

Gabriel threw down a piece of ice, and watched pleased as it broke into pieces.

"What are you doing." Sam sighed looking at what would become a puddle of water for him to clean up.

"Breaking the ice. Will you go out with me now?"


"Aww come on!" He paused. "Wait was that a yes?"

"Yes that was a yes Gabriel I'll go out with you." Sam said smiling lightly. "But . . . your cleaning up the ice."

Sam was waiting for Gabe at the movies.

"Sammy?" Sam looked behind him to find Gabriel with a dozen plastic roses.

"The day these di will be the day I stop loving you." Gabriel said, for once being completely un-joking, as he handed Sam the fake roses.

Sam smiled widely, and pecked Gabe on the lips.