Disclaimer: One Piece belongs to Oda

It was a fine morning at the sea. The sky was clear, the water's calm and the sun's not too hot—the perfect setting to be outside.

Luffy, Chopper, and Brook were playing tag; running all around the sunny-go and occasionally dragging Usopp who was working on some modifications with Franky. Sanji's inside the kitchen preparing snacks and refreshments for everyone while Zoro's under the crow's nest dozing lightly benefitting from its shade. Nami and Robin were located diagonally from the crow's nest, Robin conversing with a sunbathing Nami.

"... well there was one time—Are you alright Robin? You look a bit queasy..." Nami's voice trailed off as she did a quick thinking before she continued, "Oh, stomach cramps? Have you asked Chopper for some pain reliever? "

"Yes, Nami-san. But I guess it taken its effects yet. I think I'll just have to lie down for a bit... if you'll excuse me then." Robin answered before she went down stairs and headed towards her room.

Zoro tried to sleep and failed miserably. But with the shrieks, screams, and shouts on the lawn, the people talking next to him, the ruckus inside the kitchen, and even the banging and clanking with all the tinkering on the other side of the deck, who could? Still, he closed his eyes hoping to catch some Zzz's

Zoro heard Robin's footsteps as she descended the stairs. "What's with their last conversation?" He thought but just shrugged it off and tried to concentrate on what he's doing. But a louder surge of chaos bashed his ears and prevented him from doing so. Growing annoyed by the minute, Zoro stood up and decided to go downstairs.

"Zoro! " Nami called as he passed her by.

"What?" He answered, clearly irritated.

"It's that time for Robin. She's resting at the moment so don't bother her too much okay? I know you're going to see her." she just enough for both of them to hear and saying the last part teasingly.

"Shut up, you nosy witch. I'll do whatever I want." he replied as he too, went down stairs.

The hallway was dim and the noise from the outside was washed out. He could hear the ricketing wood every time he would take a step. Fortunately, the walk was shorter than he had expected and he finally reached his destination: Robin's room.

He opened the door slowly and closed it quietly when he went in. he saw Robin lying on her bed. Next to it was her bedside table with a half-empty glass of water and her discarded book.

He walked nearer and nearer until he was beside her bed. He examined Robin carefully. She was lying in an almost fetal position, her back against the wall, hugging her stomach. Her eyes closed, and a part of her face was lightly covered with her silky black hair. Every now and then, her face would scrunch up the tiniest bit.

Zoro sighed. Soundlessly, he removed his boots and lied down beside her. He carefully lifted her hand and placed it on his waist. He felt her grip his shirt softly the same moment her face tenses. He moved a little bit closer and started stroking her hair gently.

Eventually, the interval between her grips became longer 'til he could feel her steady breathing and hear her soft snores. With a few last strokes, Zoro kissed Robin's forehead tenderly and fell asleep.


First One Piece Story YAAYYY! If you're reading this it means you've read the story (or at least acknowledged it) so thank you!
I'm really sorry for the summary I suck at writing them X( and the story's kinda awkward I think haha I hope you'll get it. XD

Well anyways, please review! I'm not really sure if they're in character or anything so tell me!

And sorry for any grammatical or any mistakes that I have made. It's 5 am here and I haven't slept a wink so i'll change any mistakes later :)
Oh, and lastly, flame if you must but reviews are always a plus!