
This is for AddictedtoSugarQuill's Summer Loving Competition with the prompt, "The stars in my eyes, well they twinkle when I see your face," Gamma's Orionis' OTP Boot Camp with the prompt breathless, and A Bittersweet Smile's Alphabet Challenge with the letter B. Enjoy!

"Okay, so let's begin," A fourteen year old Victoire led her best friend Teddy Lupin across the lawn of the Burrow. Although it was night, it was in the middle of summer, so the air was nice and warm, almost like a blanket. Teddy had made the mistake of telling Victoire he fancied a girl, and so she obviously had taken it upon herself to give him lessons.

"Vic, I don't think this is a good idea," Teddy protested. She glared at him.

"You should be glad of any help you can get," Victoire proclaimed, "Trust me Teddy, you'll need it."

"Alright," he said, knowing not to argue with Victoire once she had her mind set on anything.

"So, tell my about this girl," Victoire said.

"Well, she's beautiful and nice and smart and funny and…" Teddy listened but was interrupted by Victoire.

"I meant her name, you prat," she exclaimed.

"I'm not telling you that!" he protested. She huffed.

"Fine," she said bitterly, "See if I care."

"Does this mean no lessons?" he asked hopefully.

"Of course it doesn't!" she replied shocked, "I can't have this girl going out with you before you know the dos and don'ts!"

"So what are the dos and don'ts?" Teddy asked, genuinely curious.

"Which do you want to start with?" she asked.

"Don'ts," he said thoughtfully.

"Okay," she said, "Don't tell her she's weird, don't make a fool out of yourself, don't order for her, and please for the love of Merlin don't drop the chair you're trying to pull out for her!"

"That was one time!" Teddy protested.

"Nonetheless," Victoire continued, "There are others, but I just named a few."

"Can we move on to dos, now?" Teddy asked.

"Do offer to take her coat, do tell her she looks nice, and do be romantic," Victoire replied.

"But, Vic," Teddy whined, "I'm not good at being romantic!" Victoire rolled her eyes.

"Well, that's obviously something we're going to have to fix," she said. Teddy groaned.

"Do we have to?" he asked but when she shot him another glare, he stopped talking.

"Here, pretend I'm your mystery girl," she said, "Try and be romantic."

"I…I like your hair?" Teddy offered. Victoire fell back onto the grass, laughing.

"That was horrible!" she said in between laughs.

"I couldn't think of anything better to say!" he replied, sounding offended.

"Repeat after me," she said.

"Repeat after me," he parroted back. She swatted at him.

"Really Teddy?" she sighed.

"Couldn't resist," he grinned and she shook her head.

"The stars in my eyes," she started.

"Wait, I don't have stars in my eyes!" he protested.

"We're being romantic here," she explained, "And people in love never make sense. Just look at Uncle Harry and Aunt Ginny. Or Uncle Ron and Aunt Hermione."

"Okay," he said.

"The stars in my eyes," she started again.

"The stars in my eyes," he repeated.

"Well, the twinkle when I see your face," she continued.

"Well, the twinkle when I see your face," he finished and looked at her. They were silent for a moment, staring at each other. He was breathless: speechless. In a good way of course.

"Teddy! Victoire! Where in ze 'ave you two gone? We are leaving now! Come back to the 'ouse!" Fleur called.

"Coming, Maman," Victoire shouted back, "Race you?" she said to Teddy.

"You're on!" he replied. Now he was really going to be breathless.