Teddy Bear

A/N-This is a series of drabbles that I'm doing, mainly for Lolaaaa's Your Favourite Couple: Scenarios Challenge/Competition Speed Writing Challenge, where you have to write about your favorite couple (Victoire/Teddy) and there is a new challenge every 5 days. But I'll also combine it with other challenges too. Like this time it's for HedwigBlack's Weekly Challenge, which is Almost Kiss this week (2 characters that almost kiss) and Macceh's ThreeAM Challenge. Enjoy!

Three year old Victoire Weasley peered outside of the window. The moon was high in the sky, a beautiful white orb. It was a full moon tonight. She sighed. She hated full moons. Every full moon, her father would want steaks, of all things, and be up screaming half the night. He had never told her why. Her mother tried to keep him and the children calm, but it hadn't worked. So every full moon, her sort of cousin Teddy would come and they would have a sort of sleepover. Victoire checked the clock. It was 2:55 in the morning. She sighed again. Quietly, so as not to disturb a soul, she tiptoed out of her room, and into the guest room where Teddy was sleeping.

Teddy was five, in a Muggle school, as his godfather Harry had insisted. He always said that you might not think it, but it was useful to know muggle things. Her grandfather agreed. He was always trying to teach him how to use muggle things and then her grandmother would yell, "Arthur!" She smiled at the memories. Growing up with Teddy and scarcely seeing any other boys besides her cousins, Victoire naturally liked him. She didn't know what love was, but she more liked the thought of love, more than actual love itself. But Teddy was getting married to another girl in his class. Her name was Annabelle, and as Teddy told Victoire, "His girlfriend," Victoire cringed. She hated Annabelle, and she had never even met her.

"Teddy," she called softly. She didn't want her mother, her sister or brother, or worse, her father to hear her. Teddy didn't move.

"Teddy," she called again, this time a little louder. Teddy didn't move this time either. Hesitantly, she took a few steps closer towards him until she was leaning over him.

"Teddy," she cried, shaking his shoulders. His eyes snapped open.

"What is it Vic?" he asked, annoyed.

"I can't sleep," she replied crossly, and sat down on his bed, her arms folded.

"Sorry," he said, and she wasn't sure if he was apologizing for speaking crossly to her, or sorry for the fact that she couldn't sleep.

"It's okay," she said, not sure of what else to say.

"Look, Vic, I should go back to bed and you should too. I've got a big day tomorrow," he said tiredly. Victoire know he was talking about the wedding.

"Do you have too?" she asked.

"Do I have to what?" he asked, confused.

"Do you have to get married to Annabelle?" she asked.

"Merlin Vic, do you really think three in the morning is an appropriate time to be discussing this?"

"Actually, it is 3:01," she replied. Teddy rolled his eyes, as to if to say, whatever.

"Yes Vic, I do. Why shouldn't I?" he asked curiously.

"Because," Victoire choose her words carefully, because she didn't want Teddy to know she liked him, "What if you meet another girl that you like more than Annabelle, but you'll be married, so you can't do anything about it."

"I won't," he said firmly and her heart sank.

"How do you know?" she asked, almost yelling.

"Because I won't!" he says yelling back.

"Oh, yeah?" she said.

"Yeah!" he said.

"Prove it!" she yelled, and she leaned in close, her lips almost touching Teddy's when suddenly the door opened.

"Victoire, Teddy!" What in ze world is 'appening? Are you trying to bring the 'ouse down? Do you want to wake Bill when 'e is already having ze 'ardest time going to sleep?" Her mother asked sternly, "Victoire! It's zree in ze morning! Go back to you bed! Off wiz you!" Victoire started to walk back to her room, but she looked back. Teddy was staring at her.

"And you two aren't eve saying goodnight to each other? What 'appened?" Fleur looked confused, "We will just work in out in ze morning," she said more to herself that anyone else.

"Do I have to go to bed?" Victoire asked.

"Yes, ma chère, you 'ave to go to bed. Especially at this 'our." Victoire shoulder slumped but she went back to bed. Her mother tucked her in, and bade her goodnight. She shut out the light and walked out of the room. And for the rest of the night, Victoire listened to her father's screams and thought of her almost first kiss.

A/N-So, did you like it? I hope so…