Before starting into the next segment of Eric and Sookie's story, I'd like to say that elements within this chapter are my own interpretation. The rate at which a vampire is killed when meeting the sun seem to vary by age, and I'm putting a spin on this that suited my imagination. Enjoy!

Sookie stood in her front yard, eyes searching frantically in the dim pre-dawn light for Eric. Her eyesight was sorely lacking compared to his, and she had no idea where the scream had originated from. She stood there for a few moments, ears and eyes straining. Then to her left an un-earthly growl bellowed from the woods. She ran full-speed, noting absentmindedly the pain in her bare foot as she cut it against a rock. The sky was progressively lightening, so there were only minutes until dawn.

Entering the tree line and pushing away the sharp branches, she continued to follow the source of the noise. Now she could hear a low moan of pain as well as Eric's growl. Then she saw him, kneeling on the ground, one of Bill's guards in his arms. He was feeding viciously, tearing at the flesh of the man's neck as he gulped greedily. Sookie was grateful that she couldn't see the man's face when the life left him, his arms falling loosely at his sides.

Eric shoved him callously aside, then looked up, realizing she was watching. Bits of flesh still hung from his fangs, blood oozing from the corners of his mouth. He made no move to hide it or wipe it away, and even had the audacity to give her a mishcevious smile. She knew she should have been repulsed by the sight, but she'd almost gotten used to the sight of his mouth covered in blood.

"I warned him to stay off of my property," he said in a matter-of-fact voice, pulling branches off a nearby tree to cover the body. Sookie felt like she'd been doused in a bucket of ice-cold water, every ounce of passion leaving her body. This was the other side of him, the predator, the killer. "I'd return the body to King Bill," Eric sneered, "But it's almost dawn." He frowned at the brightening sky and realized how close he was to being burned alive at any moment. As if on cue, the first rays of the sun started to fill the sky.

"Eric what the hell were you thinking? Ever since we've met you've been trying to get in my pants, and you go running out the door after some junior spy in the middle of us getting it on? When it's almost DAWN?"

Ignoring her question, he scooped her up in an instant, making a bee-line for the house in a blur. Sometimes this really makes me feel like a child, Sookie thought, as she was swung over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Even though he crossed the distance nearly instantly, she could see wisps of smoke beginning to rise from his skin as they reached the edge of the driveway. He started to move slower, groaning in pain. Just as he reached the steps of the front porch he collapsed, dropping her in a heap. "Eric!" With little thought of anything but saving him from becoming a human bonfire, she stripped off her nightshirt and used it to cover as much of his head and neck as she could. Even still, his skin was burning horrribly in spots. He hissed in pain, but still moved up the stairs at a crawl towards the house.

Sookie began to panic at his slow progress, she could see him weakening with every moment. She reached down and wrapped her arms around his chest, trying with every bit of strength imaginable to pull him up the steps. Only one more stair..she kept telling herself. She yanked him across the threshold, the smell of his burning flesh sickening. Any exposed skin was blackening progressively, and she began to shout, "God damn you Eric! Was killing Bill's guard worth frying in the sun? Come on!" She grabbed him by the hands, her stomach rolling violently as she gripped his charred skin.

Straining and pulling until his lead weight was finally inside the house, Sookie slammed the door behind them. Digging up her last bit of strength, she drug him behind the cover of the couch. Hopefully that would block any sunlight coming from the windows, she thought. The fact that she was completely naked besides her panties, hardly registered. She leaned over Eric's motionless form, and with much struggle pulled the thin silk of his robe off, heaving him over to lay on his back.

About half of his beautiful face was unscathed but the back of his neck was charred alarmingly. Despite the fact that his mouth, chin and chest were stained with the blood of a man he'd just killed, she felt a surge of tenderness. Using the soft fabric of the robe she wiped as much of the blood off as she could. There was something more than lust in her heart for Eric, and she wondered if it truly was more than just his blood drawing her to him.

She cringed as she saw that most of his lower arms and chest where the robe hadn't covered had been burned horribly as well. The places where his skin had been touched by the sun now resembled charcoal briquettes. Sookie leaned over him and touched his forehead, urging him to look at her. His eyes remained shut tightly, but he let out another helpless moan. She watched him expectantly, waiting for him to heal himself for several minutes.

While she sat next to him, tears began to prick the corners of her eyes. Absentmindedly, she noticed the smeared blood on the rug from the cut in her foot. She wondered what in god's name had been so important about killing Bill's guard? It was so unlike Eric to risk harm to himself like that. Was he really so possessive of her that the very idea of establishing his territory had pushed aside all rational thought? She was having a hard time believing that, despite his claim to care about her.

Ten minutes had gone by, yet Eric still showed no signs of improvement. She'd been hoping that since he'd just fed, his body would able to heal on it's own. But apparently his injuries were so severe that he needed help in the recovery process. The only thing that would help was human blood, or mostly human in her case. Sookie had already saved him once when he'd nearly burned to his true death at Fangtasia during the whole mess with that son-of-a-bitch Russell. She ran to the kitchen, grabbed a steaknife from the counter and sliced herself neatly acroos the wrist, wincing in pain.

Propping his head up in her lap she brought her wrist to his mouth, letting the blood drip steadily onto his lips. Almost immediately his mouth began to move, suckling the gash at her wrist. She could see some of his burns began to heal as he consumed her blood. She watched as his vitality slowly returned, and he reached up to grip her arm. Eric's mouth latched on to her wrist tighter, taking long pulls. As he swallowed he groaned soflty in pleasure. Suddenly his eyes opened, and took in her bare breasts leaning tantalizingly over him.

The whole tone of the situation instantly went from life or death to something completely the opposite. Sookie saw Eric's pupils widen with desire as he took in her soft pink nipples, then he closed his eyes again and moaned loudly as he drank greedily from her wrist. Although she was starting to feel a little light-headed from the blood loss, every pull his mouth made sent a delicious sensation through her veins. It was a tingling, firey feeling, much like the build up before a spectacular orgasm. Without even realizing it, she let out a gasp of pleasure. She found herself wondering how could she feel so much desire while he was literally sucking the life-force out of her.

Eric broke contact with her wrist forcefully, and she could see from the feral expression on his face, it was not without effort. With his head still resting in her lap he unleashed his fangs, jabbing his finger with the tip of one of them. He gently massaged his own blood into her wrist, healing the wound instantly. She was immediately struck by a huge wave of dizziness, and the room began swirling around her. She knew she was going to pass out any moment. What happened next was a complete blur to Sookie. With blazing-vamp speed he picked her up, opened the cabinet leading to the cubby, shot down the ladder, then layed her down on his massive fur-covered bed. Her had swam violently, and now her ears were starting to ring.

"Sookie, look at me," Eric grasped her head with both hands, crouching over her. She opened one eye, but the room continued to move sickeningly in circles. "I'm afraid I've taken too much, you look paler by the second." She heard the sound of him zooming up the ladder of the cubby, felt the wooshing of the air over her, and just as suddenly he returned. She didn't even attempt to open her eyes, and the dizziness was quickly being replaced by a stony feeling in her limbs. She started to drift out of consciousness.

"No! Stay with me!" he shouted, shaking her shoulders roughly. She tried to keep her eyes open, but they felt like they were made of lead. Just before she closed them, she saw Eric take the knife she'd used on her wrist earlier to his neck, slicing himself with a small hiss of pain. She completely gave in to the blackness calling to her, and let her eyes slide shut.

She awoke to a thick, rich tasting liquid dripping into her mouth. Eric was spread half on top of her, leg splayed over hers, a huge gash in his neck positioned directly above her face. Sputtering, and coughing as his blood reached her tongue, she turned her head to the side. He firmly turned her back towards him. "Sookie..drink!" His eyes had a panicked look, and she saw the large cut in his neck healing before her eyes. He reached up and touched it with his hands, feeling the already-healed skin. "Fuck."

Reaching for the knife he sliced himself again, this time leaving a much deeper gash in the wake of the knife. "You have to drink! I almost drained you just now in my weakened state. You saved my life, now it's my turn to save yours." Understanding dawned within her. She tried to nod, but her head wouldn't respond. Shit, she thought, is this what it feels like to die? Eric moved quickly, grabbing her head and angling it flush with his neck. "Quick, I'm already starting to heal!"

After a small amount of Eric's blood had dripped down her throat, she felt more than strong enough to swallow. She started to take long drags, gulping the rich liquid greedily. He brought her body even closer, moaning slightly. After a dozen or so swallows, a delicious warmth started to spread through her entire body, and her dizziness quickly abated. Eric's moans of pleasure grew louder as she pulled him into her mouth more greedily. Her head spun, but this time with absolute esctasy. At the point where their bodies were entwined she feel his enormous erection.

Her arms moved on their own accord to reach for his head and pull his neck tightly against her mouth. His blood no longer tasting strange to her, she gulped it down as quickly as she could, every swallow making her feel stronger and more alive. Bill had given her his blood, but it was nothing like the powerfully wonderful sensations Eric's was creating inside of her. Christ, no wonder people could actually crave this, Sookie thought. Suddenly feeling wanton and sensual, she drew her hands through his hair, down his muscled back, and in a moment of wickedness, groped his well-formed backside. Realizing her strength had returned completely, he pulled his neck back slowly, one last drop landing on her bottom lip as the gash closed. Her tongue slid out and lapped it up, her eyes briefly closing.

"Better?" Eric asked, his voice gravelly. She gazed up at him, their eyes meeting, and she nodded slowly. A small smile appeared at the corners of her mouth as she reveled in the warmth pulsing through her. The entire light of the room seemed tinged with a golden hue, and she watched his eyes traveling over the peaks and valleys of her breasts hungrily. "Whatever your feeling right now, I'm feeling the same thing. Your blood is delicious and incredibly intoxicating." He took his thumb and rubbed the corner of her mouth, whiping away the smears of his blood. Then with one smooth motion he positioned his body between her legs, grinding his hips into hers. She shuddered with pleasure. This is it, Sookie thought, I'm really going to sleep with Eric Northman. At that moment any hesitation was overthrown by how badly she wanted to feel him deep inside of her.

Her breath hitched in her throat as she watched him slowy lean down to take her nipple in his mouth. Teasing and gently suckling it, his hand came up to gently roll the other one between his fingers. Sookie arched her body upwards with small moan. Her center began to pool with hot liquid desire in anticipation. She felt him reach down to her hips and quickly rip her panties off. Distractedly, she wondered why he hadn't removed his pants. Eric looked down at her naked body appreciatively, almost reverently. Sookie slid her hand inside his pants and grasped his shaft, marveling at his generous size. At her touch, he let loose a primal growl, his eyes taking on a hungry, almost predatory gleam. She caressed him with her hand, and he growled louder, releasing his fangs.

Pulling back from her he lowered his mouth to her thigh, kissing and nipping it playfully with the tips of his sharp fangs. His hand began to pleasure her, and as her body rocked with the waves of her release, she felt the sting of his fangs against her thigh. But Eric wasn't drinking for sustenance, Sookie realized, this was part of his lovemaking. There was no pain in his short feeding, only more pleasure building up within her. Then he retracted his fangs, using his mouth to bring her to completion again. She cried out, her hands tangled in his hair as she arched against him.

Using his vamp-speed, he pulled back momentarily to remove his pants. Her desire was built back up to a frenzy as he laid between her, grabbing one leg beneath her knee and slinging it over his hip. She was practically panting at this point, the feel of his manhood resting against her inner thigh. Eric captured her gaze, and using the sexiest voice imaginable said, "There's no going back from this Sookie. I'm going to take you to places you've never thought imaginable. After tonight you'll never be able to be with another. If anyone lays a hand on you after I've claimed you as my own I'll kill them. You must understand this. I risked my life to kill Bill's guard to send a message of my claim to you."

Sookie started to voice her protest at being referred to as a piece of property, but her words became a cry of intense pleasure as Eric plunged inside of her. Holding her leg out to one side he plunged deeper and deeper still. She matched his rhythm, arching against him tightly, bringing explosions of pleasure to every inch of her body. Releasing her leg, her moved towards her even closer, and in response she wrapped her legs around him. She gripped his backside, guiding him deeper inside her heated depths. The feel of his chilled flesh moving inside her was the most intense pleasure she'd ever experienced. He brought shockwaves of completion to her over and over again, until she dripped in sweat. Still, he never tired, never faltered in his sexual prowess.

In time, he rolled beneath her, and she straddled him brazenly, moving in a way that finally brought his desire to the point of release. Groaning, he grabbed her hips, using his tremendous strength to move her so tightly aginst him she came again rapidly several times. Eric arched against her savagely as he threw his head back, letting out a guttural moan of completion. But he wasn't finished with her just yet. He grabbed her and rolled her onto her back again, renewing the tempo of passion they'd just expererienced. Apparently the older a vampire was the more powerful they became sexually, she mused to herself as he brought her yet again to orgasm. If this was what it meant to be his, she never wanted it to stop.