Draco gently helped Harry up. "Come on, let's go to the kitchen and see if we can get some more food to stay down. You are far too thin." Harry smiled softly, following Draco. This must be what is felt like to be cared about.

Harry and Draco spend most of the rest of the day getting to know each other before Harry headed to bed early. He was still worn out. Draco checked over his injuries again and was pleased to see that they seemed to be healing quickly. He applied more ointment and cream before settling Harry down to sleep.

Once again, he waited outside the raven-haired boy's door until he fell asleep, before sneaking in just to watch his lifemate. He felt the overwhelming need to protect this boy, partly because he was his lifemate and partly because no one ever had before.


When Harry awoke, he was alone. He was surprised to find that he missed the vampire's presence. He wasn't quite sure of his feeling towards the blonde yet, but he was definitely getting used to him. If Draco continued to show him such kindness, Harry felt that he might indeed fall in love with the blonde vampire some day.

Harry got out of bed, stretching. On his dresser he found a clean pair of Draco's clothes laid out for him. This time the shirt was a deep blue paired with a pair of tan trousers. Placed on top he found a note, scrawled in elegant handwriting.

Dear Harry,

Gone hunting, will be back soon.


Trying not to think of what, or possibly who Draco might be hunting, Harry got dressed. He was considering attempting to find his way to the kitchen on his own when a light knock sounded on his door. He opened it to reveal Draco.

"Good morning Harry. I hope you haven't been awake long?" Harry shook his head and the vampire smiled. "Come on, let's get you some breakfast."

This morning, Draco decided that Harry could probably keep some more food down, so he made him some eggs and toast. Harry thought they were delicious, and only through Draco's gentle reminding did he manage to eat them slowly.

After breakfast, Draco announced that they were going into town. "You need some clothes." He announced. "What do you enjoy Harry?"

Harry hesitated. Should he tell Draco that he could read? Surely after what he had said yesterday, he wouldn't punish him for it. "I-I like to read." He stammered, head bowed.

Draco smiled. He had known this already from the day he had met Harry, but he was glad that Harry trusted him enough to tell him. It wasn't typical for a "servant" to know how to read. "I am glad to hear that Harry. After we return I shall show you the library. You are welcome to any books you find there. If you can't find anything you like, we can buy you some books on our next trip to town."

They took Nimbus, as a servant from the Dursley manor had come by the previous day to collect the borrowed horse. Draco tied up the black horse out front before ushering Harry into a small store.

"Madame Malkin, how lovely to see you again."

The older woman laughed. "Lord Malfoy, charming as always."

Draco smiled. "Ah Madame, but I've told you to call me Draco."

She smiled. "As you wish Draco. Now who have you brought with you?"

Gently guiding Harry in front of him, he answered, "This is Harry."

"Nice to meet you Madame." Harry murmured quietly.

Looking over Harry's thin frame swamped in Draco's clothes, Madame Malkin turned to Draco, a question in her eyes. Draco nodded slightly. "Harry is my guest. He requires a full wardrobe. Money is no object."

Harry turned to him in shock, his mouth slightly open. He had never owned his own clothes for as long as he could remember and Draco was giving him an entire wardrobe?

"Make sure to include winter items, as I am sure the season will be upon us before we know it." Draco added.

"Of course Draco." She turned and pulled a few things off of a rack and turned to Harry. "Why don't you try these on dear to give me some idea of your size and then I'll take your measurements to make sure everything fits properly." Harry nodded meekly, carefully taking the fine clothes from her.

As soon as he disappeared into the changing room, Madame Malkin turned to Draco. "Explain."

Draco sighed. "I didn't do that to him Madame. I meant it when I said he was my guest. I want the same quality of clothes for him that you make for me. He has had a hard life, but I'm changing that."

"I sure hope you haven't stolen anyone's slaves Draco." She said, giving him a stern look. "That could only end badly for you."

"No, I bought him fair and square. He is free now and has chosen to remain with me for the time being." Madame nodded. "Make sure he has plenty of everything. They can be a little big, as I'm hoping he will put on some weight. He is much too skinny as is."

"Of course."

Harry reappeared, the clothing clearly to big for him. "Everything else was too big he murmured, eyes lowered. Madame Malkin instantly went over to him, fussing. "Let's just get some measurements dear and I'll have it all done in a week. After we get some measurements, we'll pick out some colours, all right dear?"

Harry nodded, and Draco spoke up. "Do you have a few pre made outfits that we could buy, just to get through the next week?"

"Of course. They won't be a perfect fit though. I'm not sure I have anything small enough."

Harry blushed light at this. "That is fine." Draco said. Turning to Harry, he continued. "I have a few more errands to run around town. I'll be back shortly." Harry's expression turned to one of panic. Draco reached out and placed a hand on his arm comfortingly. "Madame Malkin will take good care of you, and I'll be back before you know it. I promise." He said, holding Harry's eyes with his own. Harry relaxed visibly, but his eyes did not leave Draco's back as he left the shop.

Madame Malkin noticed this. "He'll be back dear, Mr. Malfoy never makes a promise that he doesn't intend to keep."

As soon as she had finished taking numerous measurements, she disappeared into the back. When she returned, she had an armful of material scraps of assorted colours of various expensive fabrics. Harry's jaw dropped as Madame Malkin began to hold up scraps of velvet and silk and many other fabrics he didn't recognize. She muttered to herself, setting aside some fabrics and discarding others. She chose mainly deep reds, blacks, blues, greens and even a deep purple. As soon as she was content, she picked him out four outfits to last him the following week. They were a little big, but no less fine than the clothes he had borrowed from Draco.

Just as they finished up, Draco swept back into the shop, looking pleased with himself. He paid Madame Malkin as she wrapped up the outfits, before escorting Harry out to the front of the store where Nimbus was tied up. Except he was no longer alone. Beside him stood a beautiful reddish brown horse, with a white blaze.

"She's yours." Draco whispered to him, taking in Harry's gob-smacked expression. "I'll teach you to ride. Her name is Rowena."

"Rowena" Harry breathed, scarcely able to believe it. He had gone from never really owning anything that was his, to owning beautiful clothes and a horse! "She's beautiful." He whispered. He turned to Draco and looked him straight in the eye. "Thank you."

"You are very welcome. You must be getting hungry. Would you like to grab lunch in town, or ride home and eat there?"

The term home shocked Harry slightly. He had never had a real home before. "Can we go h-home." He asked, tripping over the word.
Draco smiled, "Of course Harry." They tied Rowena behind Nimbus, and headed for their home. Together.