He was groggy, he felt as though a terenterek used his head as pod racer and hit every obstacle in the way… before crashing and burning. He flexed his arms, still working, he thought. He still had his armor; it was still shiny as though it was just out of the armory. Then he began to taking in his surrounding. He was in some sort of building… no, a facility, maybe. He could see some wirings and console, wait. He was on a ship, a strange ship that bore no Imperial or Republic calling cards on them. An alien ship or prototype at the very least.

Then he heard groaning. He was in a circular room, a rather large room at that, a holographic console in the middle and around it was the body of the people he fought with. They were beginning to stir. He noticed that all their gear, even their weapons, were in prime condition. Exactly how they were before the battle at the Station. Things were getting seriously strange.

"Master, are you hurt?" Jaessa was by my side the moment her head was straight. Vette came a second later they. The room soon became awash with question as everyone began to take in the surroundings.

"Whoa, this is one sweet ride" it seemed that the Smuggler, Tisalo Han, was analyzing his surroundings. "Can't say I've ever been inside this ship model but I gotta say they knew how to make things sturdy."

"I've never seen a ship like this before" this time it was his wife Risha that spoke, "So who bought us all here, was that you Jedi?" she was referring to Brago now. When he denied the accusation everyone, even those of my allies began to question how it is we got here.

"We can worry later about who brought us here. It stands to reason that because none of us are bound when we woke up, that who ever did pull us out of Resonance Station is not an active enemy." Genevra, the Jedi Sage was attempting to calm everyone. "It would seem that the best course of action would be to find someone on this ship and make contact."

"I agree with Master Skallos. First thing we have to do is make contact with our rescuers and alert them of our status." Brago was taking charge now.

"Wait General. I suggest we all synchronize our communications, that way all of us can be updated should things get dicey." Major Escara Grey was in a serious mood. She was going to make sure her questions were answered, observed Rexarios.

"Wait just a second here, G.I Jane!" That time it was Cipher Nine's woman, Kaliyo Djannis that spoke. "I agreed before that offing that psycho Emperor was priority one. Hell, I'm actually thankful that I used you as a human meat shield. But, now that all that crap is behind us, give me one good reason why we should work with Republic lackeys? Frankly, I think killing you and taking over this ship would be better idea." With that in mind she readied her rifle and took aim, but thankfully she did not shoot. Malagos Stern, Cipher Nine, tried to rein her in. "Kaliyo! Stand down!"

By then the tension had exploded all weapon were free from everyone. Lightsabers hummed, blasters were out, rifles were locked and heavy weapons were primed. All the while Kaliyo seemed excited "Come on Agent! we can take these stooges down. Tell you what I'll split the credits you, just like last time." "Kaliyo we are not in a position for aggressive negotiations at the moment."

All was still weapons were pointed at everyone, save two people. "It must be fate Rex. That or the Force loves you too much. Everything around you usually explodes, burns, or there is usually large amounts property damage. And on most days it's all three."

"Don't get me started on this Brago. If you actually remember properly, the only reason why this always happened before was because you got too full of yourself when we were still kids. Things blue up around me because some droid was trying to shoot you, things burned because plants tried to eat you and the property damage was just as much your problem as it was mine." Ah, those were good times. Just me, Brago against all of Corusant. They didn't even stand a chance.

"How the hell do did you get the idea that property damage was my fault, it was usually you that dropped a speeder on one of the guards!" Brago was now curious, if a little peeved.

"Need I remind you of the incident with the fusion battery in the refresher?"

"Hey, I was a kid. How I supposed to know fusion batteries doesn't mix well refreshers?"

"What about the time you thought you could intimidate that Gamorean Gang with a baby Rancor?"

"It did the job didn't' it? Chippy was never happier, plus he was cute."

"He was the size of house, smelled worse then the Corusant Under sewers, and it ate all of the Gamoreans. How the hell is that cute, and you named him CHIPPY! And if that wasn't enough what about the time we hijacked the "Special Shipment" from the Red Lights District, because you thought all the gangster were hoarding all the "Hot Toys"?"

"Whoa wait a minute, your actually getting me mad about that incident? What the hell were you complaining about? After you chased off all the young ones to bed I didn't see you leave your room for three days. And then after that you came out like death warmed over and six, count them six, girls exited with you walking weird!"

"Damn it Brago that was not the point. That little stunt traumatized the young ones and nearly traumatized me. The hell you think that was a good thing. I thought I was going to get eaten when they ambushed me in my room. Hell, I think they did!"



The series of coughs broke us out of our little shouting match. When we finally stopped our bickering we turned our heads and found everyone looking at us. Some were confused, some were disgusted and some were… in awe?

"Master do you know this… Jedi?" Jaessa asked. It was not often she would see this side of me. The Brago and I stole a glance at each other. That was all it took for us to understand the others' intentions.

Despite being on opposite sides the bonds we formed when we were children was still stronger, maybe in a way stronger. Still, regardless of our past we had a much more pressing matters to attend to, namely finding out were we are.

"Our arguments are no longer concern apprentice. We will have such a discussion when everything is in order. For now the situations begs an answer as to why all of you are thinking of attacking one another when we are still in potentially hostile territory." I said in a firm cultured voice

"But Master, who ever saved us-" I intercepted my apprentice.

"Assume nothing my apprentice, and never assume you are safe. Always be alert and reveal only what you can capitalize. Currently, we are in an unknown sip, with an unknown crew, with unknown intentions."

"Rex is right. There too many questions for us to assume we are safe. If no one objects I believe I have a course of action that might answer some of these mysteries." He waited for a moment and slowly but surely the rest lowered their weapons, but did not holster them. "Alright first I suggest we all go into groups. The groups should consist of people you are familiar with. No less then two and no more than four. Does anyone object so far?" once again silence was his answer. He was pretty good at this negotiation thing.

"Next, we should all use the same frequency on our communications, that way we will all be in radio contact with all other groups. Our primary goal would be to make contact with the crew and captain and settle on an accord. Should they prove to be hostile, the group leader may act on their discretion. Are there any concerns?" nobody denied that so far Brago's instructions were sound.

"Our secondary goal will activate should the crew be hostile or not present on the ship. It will be to find a primary console and gain Intel on where we are, who is responsible and anything that can explain to us what happened. This is our mission, does anyone have any objections?"

"Ya I got one Hero!" it was the Smuggler captain again.

"And no Tisalo, if you find anything of value you are not authorized to loot unless we all agree it is necessary. There is no point in making enemies on the crew." The Twilek began sulk silently on the side. His wife was there to ease his pain, though it looked more like she was mocking him.

"Alright if that is all, regardless what happens everyone make note of this room. We will all rendezvous in this location in one hour."

And with that al of us organized and checked all of our current gear and prepared to explore this new ship. As everyone began to leave Brago stopped me, unknowing to the two of us everyone could here us.

"Rex, stay safe out there, okay? We have some unfinished business when we get back." I nodded, a simple gesture that acknowledged his statement. "Rex, may the Force be with you."

This time I chuckled and everyone heard me; it was warped from my mask. "Spoken like a true Jedi Brago." I turned my back to him and headed to the door. "May the Force walk with you." And with that all of us separated.


"Captain, what do you make of the situation?" Akaavi Spar was not one to waste time with words. Through the entire conversation she saw to mortal enemies exchange words as though they were clan mates, perhaps brothers. She knew how Sith and Jedi react to one another. This was actually the first time she ever witnessed this happen.

"Well I think this is just a large pile of bantha poodoo. But then again the boss didn't say I "pick up" anything that nobody seems to care about." Tisalo Han said.

"Damn Tisalo, she does not mean about the ship and its crew. We are talking about that Jedi Master Brago and that damn Sith Lord Darth something or another. Sith and Jedi don't usually play nice." Risha really wasn't surprised her husband was out of it. Frankly, she did expect something around this to happen. She supposed his single-minded determination to pilfer and pocket any valuable he sees was just one of the reasons she married him. Now if she could only remember the rest of his good traits, she would be set for the day.

"Hey, hey, let's not get over our heads with this." He began, to placate his wife and friend. "Those Sith saved our hides. I saw what that crispy fried Emperor did to the both of you. Risha, he forced you to shoot Akaavi while she used a flamethrower on you. I saw it both with my own two eyes. Nothing about that was fake. He then used some sort of Force crap lift me up and though me to one of the machines in that room. If I remember the excruciating detail I suffered from acute spinal separation. Now I don't about you but I know I died, hell I think my back screams when I even think about." He had a solemn look on his face now. " Now, I may be a thief, hell I maybe a sexy thief. But, I do have honor. Somehow, someway, that Sith brought Akaavi and myself back to life, even more important he brought you back to life Risha. Even if he doesn't know it I owe him one." He knows looked at each of his partners square in the eye. "Besides he brought you guys back to life, when I know you two were dead. How well do you think he can do the exact opposite of that."

The three were silenced and contemplated what was said. Each having their own strain of thought as they went through happened in the past.

Akaavi was the first to speak. "Do you believe he is honorable?"

It was Risha who posed a question, "Who the Sith Lord?" She received a nod from her friend, "I honestly don't know, the guy seems like statue sometimes, a teacher the next and finally some messed up big brother afterwards. I honestly can't make heads or tails what he is, all I know is that crossing him is not good for my future retirement plan. Why do ask?"

Akaavi paused for a moment and tried to answer the question as gently as possible. "In Mandalorian culture men such as him are a rare breed. A person capable of defeating such great enemy deserves recognition. Furthermore, I have noticed that he has commanded a rather diverse collection of individuals. And each brings something to the table. He is a great leader, another point that should be respected."

"What's your point Akaavi? Our "Fearless Leader" is the same thing. Got all of us together, stormed the Emperor's base and kept us all from tearing ourselves apart." Tisalo responded.

"Yes, I suppose you are right. But, there is something about the Sith Lord, this Darth Obscuryx, which makes him different from our Jedi friend. I cannot put my finger on but I do believe Jedi Brago knows something about him." Akaavi Responds.

"Even so, if you're right, so what? What exactly is the point? You speak highly of that Sith you know. I don't want to remind you Akaavi, but it was the Sith who were partially responsible for what happened to clan Spar." Risha responded gently, Akaavi was a respected woman, and she can throw a pretty mean left. No sense in earning her ire.

"You are correct Risha, but I am no fool. I erased all who have wronged Clan Spar; no one is left bring shame on my clan. I also know that it was the Sith who instigated all this from the beginning, but I am not prejudiced. It was the Sith caused me pain, but not that Sith. If it was then, that Sith would have ended me or I have ended him. I know not which at this point however."

"That's al well and good Akaavi, but what does his honor have anything to do with all this?" Tisalo was really curious at this point. It was not often his Mandalorian friend talk so much.

"I was curious if he was honorable because I was hoping he would help me restore Clan Spar to glory." At this the two remaining companions froze and looked at her as though she had grown an extra head.

"Alright husband, I think coming back to life after dying had some pretty drastic side effects. I think I just lost my hearing." Risha began to clean her ear with her pinky.

"Yah, I think you right, it was that or the Juma Juice I had before breaking through the gates." Tisalo was now looking at his other partner with questioning eyes. She really was serious.

"Do not mock me, I believed we knew each other better then this. In a Mandalorian clan it is not so strange for a woman to have a child who is not part of her clan. So long as the father proves his strength and honor then it is accepted. Such a child would only strengthen that clan, and bring it more honor. Besides he was never really my enemy and he has already proven that he is a capable warrior and strong leader. All I require to know now is whether or not he is honorable, if he is then he and I shall make a contract on the producing a healthy offspring." She had no shame as she explained this. She wanted her Clan revived, and even though he was a Sith he has showed many desirable traits, now only one question remained. Akaavi was determined to get her answer.

"Okay, okay. That's enough talk about babies. No offence Akaavi but I believe this conversation should be left to closed doors." Tisalo was nervous, he wanted to forget he ever asked and continue with the current plan. Whatever Akaavi did, he would support, but for now they had bigger problems to solve than who was going to be Akaavi's baby's daddy.

"I agree captain, while we were speaking I managed to find this entrance. From the looks of it I believe we will be able to find the engine room for this ship. However, I cannot hear anything coming from it. which leads me to believe that the engines, also, the entire ship as not been activated." Akaavi was right back to business. She would worry about the future of Clan Spar in the near future, but for now her goal was finding answers and reporting back.

"Finally, something that doesn't lead to awkward conversations. At least the engine room is safe, right husband?" Risha was actually glad that topic was over; she was rather worried about her future children as well. Not now, but maybe she'll pop three or four out, assuming she survived that long.

"Well, I don't know about that honey. If I remember correctly the engine room is the place I found about your rather wild and messy side." Tisalo had that lascivious grin that both turned her on and pissed her off. Oh he is so getting later, Risha thought. What he was going to get was still up for grabs in her head.

"Captain I believe we should stop this conversation and do our jobs. We only have forty five minutes before we are all required to rendezvous with the rest." Leave it to Akaavi to break fantasy and drag them back to reality.


"Oh come on Agent, we could've taken them all. Remember the "Big guy" brought all of us back to life. With him at our side how could we lose?" Kaliyo was attempting to calm down her Chiss husband, she would never say it out loud but she hated it when he was disappointed at her. She wasn't a perfect girl, and she wasn't a stable either. She knew she was lucky to have him marry her of all people, but despite it all she was married, she couldn't be any happier, that is until something like this happens.

"Dammit Kaliyo that is not the point. I am all for backstabbing the Republic if it was my call but it wasn't. When we took the job Lord Obscuryx called us for we follow contract. The information he had saved all our collective hides and that was before he revived us from death. A feat I am not sure can be duplicated again at his will." Malagos' red eyes were almost burning. He was very angry. He never hated the Republic; a piece of him was rather impressed at how they managed to pull a truce on them while the Empire sacked Corusant. Fact of the matter is he was simply angry that Kaliyo was once again going "maverick" at the worst of times. He and Kaliyo meshed together quite well. He was the calm collected one and she was the firebrand who could not help but get her fingers caught in every cookie jar imaginable. Still he loved her, but he would be dammed before he let her walk all over him simply because she "felt like it". Those days were over

"I will not say this again Kaliyo! I have long since tolerated your behavior, in fact that is part of your charm and I like that very mug. But there is a time and place for when things are needed to be done. On this day, on this mission our superior is in charge. His word is law and his wishes are our command. Failure to do such, both endangers you, our mission and every one around you to the worst possible outcome. I don't mind when it is simply the to of us if you go on a rampage, but when I say we work in a group there then that means it is no longer just you and me and consideration and precautions must be taken." The blue skinned Chiss gazed deeply in his love's eyes. When she said not nothing he immediately took action. He grabbed the front of her shirt and pushed her to "Do we understand each other Kaliyo?"

She looked back at him rebelliously. "And if I don't play by the rules Agent? What will you do then, huh? You gonna smack me around to get your point across"

"On the contrary my love. I wont touch you at all." Kaliyo's rose up a bit, clearly she had no idea how such an act could possibly be a punishment. "For an entire month" and with she understood.

"What! You couldn't last a day with having me, Agent. What makes you think you can handle a month with our fun time nights?" She demanded fiercely. Truly what she said was true in a way, she did not know about her husband, but every night since the first always offered something new and more fulfilling. She was in absolute bliss in his arms and the thought of a night without him brought a chill wind on her skin.

"Ah, Kaliyo, Kaliyo my dear sweet Kaliyo. I have survived without your touch for a very long time. And although my nights have been nothing but fulfillment rest assured that, despite the difficulty, I can last without you for a month." His smooth and smug voice carried with it weight. Kaliyo actually believed that he could survive without he, sure it might be hard, but she knew her Agent. He would not accept temptation so easily, he would out last her.

"Oh yeah! Well what about me. If you neglect me for such a long time I should-"

"YOU"LL WHAT, KALIYO" He exploded it was not often he would embrace his rage. He was the epitome of a detached agent, separated from his emotions while on the job. "What will you do Kaliyo, huh? Will you take another man into your bed? Our bed? Will that satisfy you Kaliyo? Will satisfy the urge, will it complete you." His eyes bored into her own. And no matter how hard he tried she could not look away. She did everything she could to stop the pain in her chest from exploding. "Will you betray me in such a way, my love?" his voice was now soft, carrying the rare trait of gentleness. "Am I so easy for you to turn your back on, Kaliyo?"

"No" her voice was barely a whisper, "No, I – I - didn't mean to… I'm sor-" whatever Kaliyo was about to say was silenced by Malagos' lips gently passed on hers. Her words died, her eyes closed and all the stress faded if only for that moment.

Malagos ended their kiss and but stayed intimately close to her. Their breaths husky and their eyes glazed. "Kaliyo Djannis, I love you. And whatever may come, through peace or war, my love for you will never be lessened. However, I will not tolerate you endangering the mission, and more importantly, yourself simply because you have poor impulse control. I care about you far too much to have you risking your life for some pointless trigger-happy moment. Do you understand me Kaliyo?" he gazed at softly as if willing his eyes to transfer all his feeling to her. And from the looks of things it was.

"Yeah, I get you Agent. You're too much of a sissy when I get involved in something the breaks my nails." She said this with a smile on her face. "I'll try curbing my trigger finger. But you gotta make it worth while." She inched closer to his lips with a smirk on her mouth and bad intentions in her eyes.

"Oh really? Haven't I been doing that already?" he got closer as well, matching her gaze and expression. However, before they could complete their circuit they were interrupted.

"Uh sir, I think I may have found something." That was Raina Temple, trainee to Cipher Nine, and future inheritor of the title "Cipher".

"This had better be important Raina or else you will be demoted back to ensign." Not that he was actually angry with the young dark skinned girl; it was just that her interruption was rather inconvenient.

"It is important sir. I believe I have found the Navigational Console for the ship." She responded eagerly. Her bright smile and news washed away any troublesome emotions he was feeling, it was back to business.

"Excellent work Raina. You might make "Cipher" after all." He gave a small smile, something only she could pick up on.

"It's all thanks to the training you have been giving me. I owe you a lot, Sir." She was eager and ambitious. The title of "Cipher" though no longer recognized due to the lack of Imperial Intelligence, was still a title that held meaning for her.

"Kaliyo go see what you can dig up from the console, I'd like to have a word with you Raina." Kaliyo nodded and followed orders, not wanting another confrontation.

"Tell me Raina are you alright?"

"What do you mean sir? Of course I'm all right. Except for the dying and resurrecting part. I feel as though I should get that part of me checked out."

"So do all of us I think. But that is not what I mean. You and I have fought and killed our fair share of Sith and Dark Jedi. But what concerns me is that this is the first time you have been very close near a large number of them. Especially, around Lord Obscuryx. I can tell he has destabilized your focus. Do you have any issues?"

She looked slightly uncomfortable. "Well, yes and no sir. I'm not harmed in any way shape or form. But when we "died" and resurrected, the force "talked" to me."

A dark eyebrow rose from the Chiss' head. "It "talked" to you? You will have to explain that to me a little more Raina."

"Well, I suppose "talk" is a little to strong a word for something as mysterious as the Force. When I was resurrected every cell in my body began to tingle, like a new source of energy, new life was originating inside me. I felt great."

"And.. This concerns you how?"

"That is the problem I never felt this way before. And now every time I look at the Lord Obscuryx I can feel my body respond, not as strongly as before, but it is noticeable. What do you think I should do?"

Although not altogether noticeable there was a hint of fear and anxiety in her voice. "I believe that such reactions are due to your innate force sensitivity. The only way we can alleviate you of this feeling you have would be to talk to someone about it."

"And by someone you mean Lord Obscuryx? Will I be in any danger?"

"I can safely say no, Raina. So be assured. Unless you have crossed him in the past I have very little doubt that he will pose a threat to you. Or will he force you to follow the traditions of the Sith."

"Why are so confident about him Sir? Have you met him before?"

"No I have not, but I have garnered some information about how he works. He is unlike many Sith before him. Instead of simply, challenging rivaling Sith Lords he challenges the very traditions the Sith have. One of his greatest challenges against the traditions is that he desires all Sith to be willing. He states that "A willing and free Sith is superior to one who is bound and chained like a kath hound". As you can understand this has made him unpopular. However, no one can deny that those who follow his words have produced some fine Sith."

"So you believe that he won't turn me into the Academies?"

"Indeed. Forcing you into the role of Sith would betray his own doctrines." Before they could continue with their conversation Kaliyo had returned.

"Hey Agent, you gotta take a look at this." Kaliyo looked trouble, as though she found her efforts distasteful.

"Is there a problem Kaliyo? Is there some complications?"

"Damn straight. I got the data from the Navigational Console, but I it's giving me some wired data. Just come and take a look. This thing is giving me a headache."

"Let's go Raina. We'll continue this conversation at a later time."


Escara Grey had her gun prepped and ready. She pointed it wherever she looked and made sure she stayed alert. Her job as a bounty hunter has long since taught her that anything and everything can and will happen if you don't have a good set of guns on hand. That is why she had a dozen and one on her at all times, to make sure she has a gun for any occasion.

"Mako… you getting any readings" she queried.

"Nothing so far Boss. Organics or inorganic, nothing is showing up on my scanner." This sharp-eyed slicer had her pistol out pointing towards the doors of the corridor and the other on a mobile scanner on her wrist. "This place gives me the creeps, where is everyone?"

"Don't know Mako, just don't drop your guard and we should be fine."

They explored a few more feet before Mako spoke out again with a question. "Hey Boss, provided we get out of this alive what are we going to do. Our ship was totaled we were heading towards the station and chances are the rest of the crew got out. But, despite that we don't know where they are. Are we going to find them?" truthfully Mako was not really attached to the whole lot of Escara's motley crew. Sure they had fun but truth be told most of them had a messed view of fun. Fun guys really, but Mako couldn't see herself flying with them without her friend Escara. Without her she would have flown the coop a long time ago.

"Nah, I already told all of them that this was the last job. They made enough credits to retire, but me on the other hand, still like these shuffles. It's a lot more interesting until the end don't you think?" Escara had a smile befitting a predator as she looked at her first friend.

Mako had a smile on her face. She was happy that they were not splitting up; it was hard to find someone in the business that was both good and funny. Most of them died young. "I think that's a great idea. But what about the Sith and Jedi here? What are we gonna do with them?"

"Well I was hoping to "employ" myself to that Sith for a while. He seems to have a good head on him. Both of them"

"Both them?" she looked at her friend curiously, not really understanding what Escara meant. "What do you-? Ohhh!OHHH! You mean you and him and-" Mako started stuttering when she finally put the pieces together. "When did this happen!" he was now extremely curious and demanded firmly.

"Oh don't get your small clothes in bunch Mako. It was during the initial transaction. You know when I was o meet him alone on Nar Shadda."

"On the cesspool? Why the hell would you do something like that in they're of all places?" Nar Shadda was the pucker hole of the ass end of the galaxy. Not the best place to do business like her's.

"Hey don't give me that look. The place was a shit hole but at least the suite he booked form us clean. That and the credits was good, the challenge was epic and the sex was-"

"Okay Boss I get it! No need to get into detail." She now looked like a tomato as she tried to stop her Boss from revealing too much.

"Hey, hey. Don't be like. Listen I never told you because we were always on business and I respected you for staying with me for so long. But you do know I go both ways right? And that I always thought you were special and adorable?"

"Wait Boss, are you coming on to me?" Mako was nervous now. Business and her skills have always left her with very little intimacy experience. Truth be told, the farthest she ever got was second base and that was when she was a snot nosed punk before she got into the good stuff. Her Boss was always a beautiful woman; her cybernetics only enhanced those red hair and green eyes. She never would have thought her Boss would think of her that way. She did not know whether she was flattered or excited, maybe both.

"I always respected you Mako. You put up with me and that is saying something. If you don't feel that way then I want you to know that I don't want what is said here to negatively influence or partnership. You get it Mako?" Escara really did not want one of

Mako was stunned, her silence made Escara nervous. "Listen Boss. I – I don't know what to say."

"Mako you don't have to say anything. Take your time and let me know when you come to a decision. And whatever you decision you make please know that nothing between us will change for the worse."

"Right. Right. Yeah you're right Escara. I – I just need some time." The silence was awkward to say the least. "Come one Boss. Let's go see what this is on my scanner it's picking up some low level energy." Mako was hoping to move on from the current situation.

"Agreed, good job Mako. Now let's see." Escara checked over Mako's scans. "From the looks of it the power is coming from a generator of some sort. We better check it out and quick, we only have a half an hour left before everyone starts missing us. Come on, I'll lead the way."

And with that the two headed towards the strange source of power and slowly, cautiously and together.


"Ma'am I believe I have found something important." Elara Dorne notified her Commanding Officer, Major Alena Gallows.

"What is it Dorne? Is it life signs of any sort?" Alena queried her subordinate.

"Not quite ma'am. You see aside from my scanner pinpointing life signs I installed it with a program that also detected certain chemical compounds. It's those compounds that I am picking up ma'am. As part of article 3 subsection 4.2 I am making sure you have any feasible information during this situation."

"Acknowledged, Dorne. Bt you know you doesn't have to quote the handbook all the time right?"

"Sorry ma'am, but it is my coping method. It is also how I was trained."

"That's alright, no problems from me. Anyway, what were the chemicals your scanner has been picking up?"

"Ma'am my scanner was programmed to pick up course traces of bacta, anesthetics and various other medical chemicals. From what it says it's only a few minutes due east of our current position. Ma'am if I may, we might be patched up since our little…skirmish with the Emperor, but we have no idea how long our good fortune will last. At the very least we can see if there are any salvageable material for us to use."

For a moment Alena sifted through her options. In truth, she was not at all much of a fan of medical wards, on the other hand they saved her gorgeous round ass many times in her life. What she really wanted to find was the armory, but she had no idea where it was located and chances are someone would have already found it. There were no people in the ship as far as her scanners were telling her, meaning that there was a good chance there was nothing in the medical ward. For another moment she weighed her options.

"Alright Dorne, since we already found the med bay we might as well check it out. However, if there is equipment or salvage, grab only the most important and keep your load light. No need to weigh ourselves down in potentially hostile territory."

"Understood ma'am." Elara acknowledged. For a few minutes the to slowly made their way in the direction of the med bay, until Alena noticed that her friend and companion seemed to have a solemn look.

"Is something bothering you Dorne, you look out of it."

That shook her out of her reverie. "Oh, sorry ma'am. I was simple reminded of a few things from my past. It is nothing important."

"Don't give me that Dorne I've been by your side long enough to know something has got you concerned. I suggest you tell me. You might feel better." The silence was her only answer. "Don't make me give out an official order. You know I hate pulling rank, especially amongst friends and comrades."

Elara Dorne sighed; she knew she could not win. Alena Gallows was the woman she always aspired to be. Confident, collected, professional and many more. She could not help but weak when she had to tell her friend her own problems. But, she also knew that Alena would not let this issue drop.

"Very well ma'am I shall tell you. I believe that what we say shall remain in confidence?" she received a no from her friend. "Very well. My concerns lie with the Sith that came to aid us. More specifically the Sith that leads them all. Darth Obscuryx I believe his name was."

"Is he making you nervous Dorne? Think he's up to no good?"

"As much as I would like to say yes, I myself highly doubt he is out there to kill us at this point. No, my concern isn't that he is a threat to us, more like he might be a threat to me."

"What do you Dorne? I didn't see him make threats to anyone except to the General, and even then I highly doubt he was serious."

"No that is not what I mean. "Republic doctrines Amongst Enemy forces" in chapter fifty four, article 9 section 6, subsection 8.1 clearly states that a proper soldier maintains absolute control of their emotions, romantic interests in the enemy is strictly prohibited and a soldier caught in the action of this is subject to Court Martial by their peers followed by a summary execution."

"Okay, wait a moment…Doctrines amongst Enemy… Chapter fifty four…hmmmm… subsection 8.1… wait a moment… did you say "romantic interests"?" Dorne was silent. "Tell me your kidding Dorne. The Sith, romance, him?" Well this was not what Alena was expecting from her friend.

"Yes, ma'am. Now you see why I wanted this kept secret. He brings forth emotions from me that breaks my normal actions of the everyday." She looked so meek.

"And how does this make him a threat to you exactly?"

"… The reason why I feel he is a threat is because whenever he is close my entire body burns. I have never had any experience in such sensation. When he was there fighting the Emperor I was one of the last people to fall. I saw him and the General fight side by side. But when I saw him my body convulsed, my throat dried and my nerves wavered. When we woke up after our apparent resurrection and came aboard this ship the feeling has returned, and even stronger then ever. I don't know if he is doing something, or it's just my body."

"How strong is this burning Elara?" she was concerned for her friend now.

"Extremely strong ma'am. Last time I felt it I had to use all the training and discipline I have to stop myself from jumping him and ripping his clothes of and-and… I'm scared that if he finds out he'll do something to me."

"You are afraid of these feelings and you're afraid you might hate what he will do to you" looking as though she understood.

"No ma'am. That is not it. I am afraid of this feeling. It is the first time such feelings were so intense. But the problem is not that I am afraid of what he will do to me, the problem is that I am not afraid of what he'll do to me at all. A part of me wants it, no matter violent I envision it." She said softly, her voice hoarse yet surprisingly not unbroken.

"Dorne… I – I don't know what to say." And she didn't. Alena had no compulsion towards the Sith aside from respect to a superior officer and warrior, but that was as far as it goes."

"Just – just make sue you tell no one about this ma'am. Somehow, someway I will find out how to fix it." At this Alena walked over to her friend placed her hand on her shoulder as a comforting gesture.

"I'll do one better Dorne. If you wan me to help you wit this I will. If you wan that Sith I'll help you get him. But of he hurts you, and then his ass is grass. Nobody messes with Havoc Squad especially when I'm in charge."

At this Elara Dorne chuckled, her spirits somewhat lifted. "Thank you ma'am you a are a real friend. Someday I'll pay you back for everything. But for now let us continue on to the med bay. The scanners say that is just down this corner."


As the three force users walked through the dimmed corridor, they could not ignore the tension apparent in the air. After all, it was not very often a Jedi Master, a Jedi Padawan and Sith Councilor was walking towards a common goal. As they kept walking the tension increased by the steps. This almost became unbearable until Darth Imperius, Galatea Kallig, broke the silence.

"That is enough beating around the Bush Jedi. If this keeps up mission parameters will be compromised. Tell me what I have to do to disperse this atmosphere." Her voice crisp, clear and full of that Imperial condescending accent that vexed many people.

It was Jedi Master Genevra Skallos who answered her. "I hope you are not too surprised by how we react, Sith? We have spent many years in war."

"That may be true Master Jedi, however war is never easy. I fought for a side I believed in, just as you and your Padawan fought for your own beliefs. Will you scorn me for following our own decisions?"

This time it was Master Skallos' apprentice, Nadia Grell, who rebuked at the Sith Lord. "Do not compare us Jedi to you Sith. All you ever done are killing and destroy! You do not care about anything than your own interests!"

"Nadia!" Genevra was appalled. This was a very bad time for all of her apprentice's pent up anger to rear its ugly head. Especially when a Sith was so close. Their darkness and influence have begun to alter Nadia, a very dangerous situation. When the Sith Lord smiled at her apprentice she could tell that she had to be wary.

"So the Jedi youngling bares her fangs at last. Do truly believe that we are evil? Can you truly say that all you see before you is as black and white? Are you truly so blind youngling?" her questioning began to corrode her apprentice's will.

"Do not try to confuse me! I may not be as experienced as my master but I do know darkness when I see it. It reeks around you, like a foul miasma. It shifts and corrodes everything that you touch, and you expect me to like you?" at her outburst Galatea gave a great laugh. This child was truly a treat, her youth and naivety was her greatest strength and her greatest weakness.

"I do not expect you to like me, no that would be asking for far too much. However, I believe that for the greater good it is imperative for us to work together. Do you dispute this claim?"

Before her apprentice could talk again she stepped forward to address both individuals. "Nadia calm yourself, her influence is causing you waiver in your will power. Calm yourself or you will fall prey to your own darkness." After she addressed her apprentice, she turned her attention to the Sith. "As for you Sith, you are correct in a cooperative venture. However, do not mistake my cooperation as weakness, if you cross me or my apprentice than know that your dark arts will not avail you." Her voice was strong and firm, she did not expect however, the Sith's reaction.

With the strangest of smiles and a brief chuckled the Sith locked eyes with her. "That is quite a threat Jedi, but rest assured I have no interest in conflicting with you. Despite what you think I have no real interest in the Empire than it knowledge of the Force, whether it lives or dies, so long as I can continue garnering knowledge I care not whether or not the Empire or the Republic prevails." And with that Galatea walked off in search of answers, leaving the two Jedis behind.

"Forgive me Master I let my emotions cloud my judgment." Nadia apologized.

"Be mindful of your feelings my young Padawan. You are still young, but that does not grant you immunity from those with power." Genevra was gently chastising her charge. After that brief conversation the two began to trail their new Sith ally. That was until Nadia broke the silence by questioning her master.

"Master I feel as though I have been untruthful to you."

"What do you mean Nadia? I do not feel your deception."

"It is a lie of omission Master. The reason why I was so tense towards that Sith was because of the other Sith."

"The other Sith? You mean the other Sith Lord, Darth Obscuryx don't you?"

"Yes Master. His presence has affected me somehow. I feel, more agitated, and more confrontational when I was in his presence."

"I see, you are wary of his power. His presence has taken a toll on your focus."

"No Master! That is not what I mean. I mean, his presence does unsettle me, but the main reason why I was so terse around her was not because I was not because I was attempting to hold off his power, but because I was soaking it in."

At this revelation, Master Skallos was disturbed. Her apprentice has just admitted to allowing dark side influence to mingle with her. She was silent for a moment before she asked her apprentice. "Why would you do such a thing?"

"I don't know." Nadia was clearly disturbed. "Am I a bad apprentice Master?"

"No, Nadia. All Jedi must come in conflict with the Dark Side eventually. But I believe that this is the first time you have come in contact with so much in such a short amount of time. I believe that as long as you are careful you can overcome this new challenge."

"Did you face such a challenge Master?"

"I still face such trials everyday."

"Do believe I will prevail over this?"

"Of this I have no doubt, but to be truthful, I believe you will overcome this obstacle in a different manner then my own."

Before Nadia Grell can question her master further the Sith's voice responded on their communicator.

"Jedi this is Imperius, respond now, I believe I have unearthed something of value."

"Darth Imperius, this is Master Skallos. What have you found?"

"That is the problem Jedi. I am not certain. There is a superstructure of some kind in this direction, north of your location. My initial guess is that it is some sort of miniature foundry, a small assembly line. But after closer inspection I have found out that the machine is etched in an Ancient Language."

"Can you read the what is written down?"

"Yes, I can, but the I am conflicted. If what I am translating is accurate, then we have just found a machine the Sith themselves, would consider a Super weapon."

At this both Jedis eyes' widened. This was a surprising turn of events. Spereweapons were weapons that could single handedly keep whole armies and fleets in check. If the Sith obtained full control of any such weapons then the Republic casualties would skyrocket. The two Jedis, Master and apprentice, dashed to the new location their "ally" just provided.


When the hour was up all the members of the broken alliance made their way back to the rendezvous. It would seem that all if them had garnered information that would help shed some light in their situation.

"Whoa wait moment there my friendly Chiss friend." Tisalo was quite excited to report his findings. "I got Intel on this ships core engines, the thing is massive."

"That may be interesting, Smuggler but my info regarding the Navigational Computer takes precedence." Malagos was all business at this point, his findings, though not alarming, was highly disturbing.

"Yeah, all you tender foots wont have to worry about your boos-boos however. Me Dorne here, found an entire cache of medical prototypes locked away in the Med-Bay. I gotta say though, that stuff was pretty top of the line." Alena wanted to get things done and over with, this argument was getting nobody anywhere.

"That's nothing. Me and Mako here found this places' generators and it is completely insane. The readout on the thing couldn't be measured by our scanners." Escara was not going to be left out of the conversation, no matter how heated it was getting.

"ENOUGH!" the voice came from the armored Sith standing at the head of the room. "As useful as all the Intel you have gathered is, I believe the information we have gathered is far more valuable." He was referring to his team, consisting of Jedi Master Brago, Jedi Knight Kira Carson, his apprentice Jaessa Wilsaam and himself.

"You sound confident there Boss. What did you find? An instruction manual for this tub?" Escara was rather skeptical about that claim, after all he did not see the size and output of the power generator.

"I believe I will demonstrate for you then." He turned to the central consol and spoke in a loud and clear voice. "Activating Artificial Intelligence, Designation Serial Code WL-KL, Model Code 4-U. Initiate Service Protocol Alpha Sigma."

And with those words the console hummed to life. It glowed an eerie blue before a voice resonated from the nearby speakers.

Introduction: Greetings my master, A.I Designated WL-KL Model 4U at your Service. Query: Is there something you wish me to kill for you Master? Hopeful Statement: If those insignificant organic meatbags are troubling you Master, then this Unit will be more then happy to turn on the defense network and set all blasters to "kill" instead of "stun". Helpful Advisement: It would be most beneficial to you to let this Unit do all the work, while you sit down and revel in their screams of absolute agony. Confident Exclamation: Beware all organic meatbags for the day of your suffering has arrived!

"That is enough Wil-Kil. I believe you have introduced yourself sufficiently for now." At this point everyone was highly disturbed and wary. Rexarios on the other hand was quite content his mask hid standing there while his sadistic smile.

All right folks that's all for Chapter two. Review what you think and please keep the BITCHING to a bare minimum. Also here's the future pairings, it is not final but you will get a feel for who gets who.

Brago/ Kira/ Genevra/Alena

Tisalo/ Risha

Malagos/ Kaliyo

MShepard/ Ashley/ Jack

Rexarios/ Jaesa/ Nadia/ Akaavi/ Elara/ Galatea/ Raina/ Escara/ Mako/ Liara/ Tali/ Miranda/ Kelly

EDI/ Joker

Possible harem Members

Councilor Tevos

Matriarch Benezia

Ari T'Loak
