
Chapter 6

By: Heamic08

AN: I have no excuse for my laziness lol. I popped a blood vessel in my nose today (it didn't hurt, but it was soooo cool! Not in a good way though lol) Anyway, THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH! I REACHED 100 REVIEWS! Keep reviewing! Sorry this chapter is so short. I'm just not into Austin and Ally at the moment, but I still decided to update.



We were free! After days inside that horrible, dinky room, we were free! I looked behind me and saw Austin running. I slowed down and waited for him. He sped up and caught up with me.

"We're free, Ally!" Austin croaked out. I nodded, tears coming to my eyes. Austin noticed this. "Ally, why are you crying?" He asked.

"I'm crying because I'm happy we're finally free, Austin." I said. He nodded. We ran into the woods, not looking back and not caring where we ran. We just cared that we needed to run and get far away from here. We finally stopped after running for about two miles. I leaned against a tree and saw Austin leaning against a tree, too, trying to catch his breath.

"Now, we just have to find a way back home." I said. Austin shook his head.

"We don't know where we are, Ally." Austin said.

"We can find our way back. If we find a road, we should be able to see a sign that has the road name on it. Then, we go to a gas station and find a pay phone." I explained. Austin nodded.

"Yea, should we start walking?" Austin asked.

"Yea, we need to get out of here. We can't be anywhere near where Tilly was." I said.

"I agree. We just need to find somewhere to sleep tonight. Maybe in a tree?" Austin suggested.

"What if we fall out?" I asked.

"I'll think of something." Austin said. I nodded my head. I trusted him with my life. We started walking. It looked like it was six o clock at night. It gets dark at seven, so we have an hour to walk. I sighed.

"What's the matter?" Austin asked, concerned.

"I'm just stressed out." I answered.

"I agree. This has been so stressful. Once we get out of this crappy place, we can hopefully forget all of this ever happened." Austin said.

"We won't be able to, Austin. This is probably embedded in our minds for our whole life. I won't be able to sleep without seeing you getting beat by Tilly's dad. You know how hard that was for me?" I asked between sobs. He held out his hands and pulled me against his chest.

"Ally, we'll get through this, I promise. I would rather get hurt then you. If you had gotten hurt, I would have never forgiven myself." Austin said. I looked up at him.

"Who cares if I get hurt?" I asked.

"Everyone cares, Ally, especially me." Austin said. We looked into each other's eyes. He leaned in, and I leaned in. Our lips touched. I felt sparks fly through my body. We lasted like this for a while, until we pulled away.

"You're an amazing kisser." Austin muttered. I smiled.

"You are, too." I said. Austin raised an eyebrow.

"So, does this make us, boyfriend and girlfriend?" He asked. I nodded.

"I think it does." I answered. He laughed.

"Where do you want to sleep?" He asked.

"Up in that tree." I said, pointing up to the tallest tree there was.

"Ok, so this is how we'll sleep: I'll take off my belt, and sort of tie you to the tree. I'm a light sleeper, so if I hear something, I'll wake you up." Austin said. I nodded. Austin gave me a lift up on the tree. We climbed half way up the tree until Austin said we could stop. Austin took off his belt.

"Here Ally." He said. He put the belt around the tree, then hooked it against me. He buckled me to the tree.

"Thanks Austin. I love you." I muttered, falling asleep.

"I love you, too, Ally Gator." Austin said, kissing my head. That was the last thing I felt and heard before I drifted off to sleep.

AN: Hope it was good =) Hopefully it's not *too* short :P THANKS AGAIN! Sorry for the time =(

Thanks for sticking with me through everything!
