A/N: Here's "Craziness & Crashes!"

Fair warning, it's pretty sad at the start, but it will get better, trust me! I'm posting the first two chapters tonight, lucky you guys! :)

Please enjoy and review! :) And sorry for mistakes!

Austin & Ally are dating in this story.

Disclaimer: You know.

Ally POV

"Hey Trish, my dad has another convention this weekend, and I have to go with him this time, so you want to come with me?" I asked Trish over the phone on Thursday evening.

"Sure," Trish replied.

"Wow, I didn't except you to say yes at all," I said, shocked.

She laughed. "I have nothing else to do this weekend, so I might as well tag along. Besides, it'll be fun."

"Fun? It's a convention for trumpets," I said.

"Eh, we can make it fun," she said.

"What about your daily jobs?" I asked.

"I'll just not have any this weekend," Trish replied.

"Okay, who are you and what have you done with Trish?" I said.

"Ally, relax, I'm fine."

"Ever since you started dating Dez, you've been a lot nicer and more responsible…it's creepy," I told her.

"What can I say; he's rubbing off on me. Except for the responsible part, but don't tell him that. Besides, I could say the same for you and Austin. Ever since you two started dating, you're more adventurous and less uptight," Trish said.

"Touché," I laughed. "Well, I've gotta go, so I'll see you tomorrow. Be at my house at 9:00."

"Kay. See ya." We hung up and I turned to Austin, who was hanging upside down on my bed.

"So, is she coming with you?" he asked.

I nodded, and he sighed. "I would come with you, but I've got a guys weekend planned with Dez."

"Yeah, I know, it's okay," I said. He flipped over backwards onto his feet.

"You sure?" he asked.

I laughed. "Yes, I'm positive. At least I'll have someone to keep me company."

"True. Hey, what's the deal with you asking if it was Trish?" he asked.

"Because she's being too nice. It's weird!" I exclaimed. "Dez is rubbing off on her."

Austin chuckled. "At least they don't argue nearly as much as they used to."

"Yeah, thank god," I replied. Austin dove onto my bed and sprawled out on his back, and I sat by his head. I grabbed my songbook from the dresser and starting scribbling stuff in it.

"Soooo…." Austin started.


"Oh c'mon Ally, just one little peek?" he begged.


"Please?" Austin asked, sitting up.

"No way Austin. No one touches my book," I said. He started pouting like a five year old, which was pretty cute, so I giggled and pecked his nose.

"Stop that, you know how hard it is for me to say no to that face," I said.

He grinned evilly. "What face? Oh, you mean this one?" He gave me his signature puppy dog face, and I had to get off the bed away from him, or I would've caved. That face worked on anyone.

"Austin, stop that!" I said.

"C'mon wittle Ally, for me? Pwease?" he said. I shook my head and ran over to my locked drawer where I chucked the book in and relocked it. That wiped the puppy dog look off his face.

"Fine…you leave me with no choice," he said casually. He lunged for me and grabbed my around the waist before pulling me onto the bed with him. He immediately started tickling me.

"Austin! C-cut it out!" I shrieked with laughter as he continued to tickle me. He had me pinned down so there was no way I was getting out of this.

"What was that? I couldn't hear you," he teased.

"Stop! AUSTIN!" I giggled. "Can't breathe!"

He stopped tickling me and with his momentary distraction, I flipped us over so I was lying on top of him.

"Gotcha," I breathed, looking into his deep brown eyes.

He smiled and I leaned down to kiss him softly. He brought his hands up to cup my face as we continued to kiss. When air was necessary, we broke apart.

"I've gotta do that more often," Austin grinned as I got off him and he sat up.

I grinned before looking at my watch. "Damn, it's ten."

"Already? Austin sighed. "I've gotta go then." He jumped off the bed and we went downstairs so I could walk him out.

My dad was still at work, but he trusted us to be home alone together.

"I'll see you Sunday," Austin said as he opened the door.

I sighed sadly. "Yeah, I wish I didn't have to leave so early tomorrow."

"It's only for a couple of days," Austin said. He leaned down to kiss me quickly. "Night Alls. Love you, and call or text me when you get there."

"I will. Love you too. Goodnight!" I said. He smiled before slipping out the door.

Since I had to be up early in the morning, I went upstairs and headed to bed.

When I woke up the next morning, it was 8:00. I was used to being up pretty early, so I got up, showered, did everything else necessary, and dressed in jean shorts, a flowery top, and gladiator sandals. I curled my hair and headed downstairs with my bag to find my dad at the counter making breakfast.

"Morning honey, you all packed?" he asked as he handed me my breakfast.

"Yeah, I'm ready," I replied.

We quickly ate our breakfast and while my dad went to grab his stuff, I got a text from Trish.

I'm already here, it said.

K, c'mon in, I texted back. Five seconds later, Trish appeared in the doorway with her stuff.

"Hey," she said.

"Hey," I replied. "You ready for this?"

"Oh yeah, I'm pumped!" she exclaimed, causing me to laugh.

"Okay then!"

My dad came back into the room with his stuff. "Hi there, Trish."

"Hey Mr. Dawson," she greeted.

"Okay girls, throw your stuff in the car and let's hit the road Jack! And don't cha come back, no more, no more, no-"

"Dad," I cut his singing off. "Please stop."

He shrugged. "Sorry honey, force of habit."

We went outside and chucked our things in the back of the car before hopping in and driving off. Trish and I sat in the back, Trish behind my dad, and me behind the passenger seat.

"So girls, what do you plan on doing while I'm at the convention?" my dad asked as we drove down the street.

"Probably swim at the pool, go to the spa, shop, that sort of thing," I replied.

"I heard the hotel we're staying at has a movie theatre in it!" Trish exclaimed.

"Seriously?" I said. "That's awesome!"

"Yeah, they do, it just opened a few weeks ago," my dad said from the front.

"That's so cool," I said. "We should go see that new movie with Zac Efron in it."

"Oh my gosh, yes! The Lucky One?" Trish said happily.

"That's it! He's so hot," I said dreamily.

"I know!" Trish replied.

I heard my dad mutter "girls" while shaking his head, and I laughed.

After about twenty minutes of driving, I put the radio on, and we listened to that for a while.

I noticed that we were coming up to a busy intersection that I hated. There were always accidents here because it was total craziness at every corner, and was really confusing. Therefore, you had to wait a while before your light turned green.

We pulled up to the light, which was red. No surprise there. We waited for five minutes before it finally turned green.

My dad slowly moved forward and double checked both ways before finally driving out into the middle.

I suddenly heard a bunch of horns honking, and turned my head to see what they were honking at. I saw a flash of white, and heard someone in the vehicle scream. I felt the impact and realized it was my scream before I blacked out to the sound of crunching metal.

A/N: Sorry for the cliffy! I hope you guys liked this! I was going to add it to my "Living Life to the Fullest" story, but I felt that this story needed to be on its own because it's pretty long. But no worries, I will update "Living Life to the Fullest" as soon as I can!

Please, please, please review!

Joelle xx

Follow me on twitter? joellemc29