Hello there my lovely readers and reviewers! Ah it's been so long. I'm sorry for all this sloppy updating.

I'm really trying my best though to get all this done!

I got school, final exams, relationship stuff and family/friend stuff! So yeah I got a lot of stuff on my plate right now.

But you guys understand right? Right?

Hopefully. Anyways!~ Warnings are slight pervertedness, OOCNESS, language and the whole usual shebang. And blah you know I don't own any of this. Just the plot.

On with the show!

Oh dear god, I'm actually going to meet the two coolest men on the face of the planet. Ichigo hyperventilated silently in the elevator. He didn't want to act like a high school fan girl meeting her crush, especially in front of the fox man. Gin had pressed the 6th floor button and Ichigo felt the elevator descend.

"Bet you can't wait to meet Grimm and Shiro." Gin snickered, somehow reading Ichigo's thoughts.

"U-Uh yeah sure. Of course I am. I'm just a small town photographer." Ichigo replied.

"Yeah and your uncle's the CEO of a huge modeling company." Gin added in.

"Oh yeah, that too." Ichigo said while tugging at the collar of his shirt. Ichigo immediately straightened up as the elevator dinged, signaling that they were at their destination.

"Go get em Berry." Gin smiled as he pushed Ichigo into the modeling room and immediately closing the elevator doors.

"Wait what?" Ichigo scrambled back towards the doors.

"You! Who are you? Are you new here or something?" A female voice asked behind Ichigo.

Ichigo turned around slowly to face the new person. She was a slim average height woman. She had her hair in a high bun and black-rimmed glasses framed her small face. Her dark eyes watched Ichigo as she clutched a clipboard to her chest. She wore a casual blouse with a pencil skirt and 5 inch pumps. "I'm Nanao by the way. Now who are you?"

"U-U-Uh, the name is Ichigo Kurosaki. My uncle Sosuke Aizen just hired me today. Gin just sent me down here to meet the models." Ichigo stuttered, bowing.

Nanao humphed, "Alright then come with me."

Ichigo followed reluctantly. They passed by several sets, each with their own themes. They passed by a few Paris themed ones; Japan based ones, and several others. Each of them occupied with gorgeous and handsome models, all looking spectacular of course. Ichigo stopped just in time when Nanao stopped abruptly.

"There are your guys. Wait till they're done and then you can go meet them." Nanao said, pointing to an apparent Halloween themed set. She then pushed up her glasses and walked away, her heels clicking against the linoleum that lined the floor. Ichigo nodded and gulped as he took in the rather arousing scene before him. Grimmjow Jeagerjaque and Shirosaki Ogichi were just a few feet in front of him, both looking extremely attractive. Apparently they were set in a Halloween party. Shirosaki was dressed as a seductive looking vampire, his albino skin fitting perfectly. His inverted gold on black eyes sparkled with amusement. He wore a grin showcasing his realistic canines that were too sharp to be human, only sharp enough to be a vampire's. He wore a flowing raven black cape that was framed over the white undershirt he sported that had a few blood splotches covering the front of it. A silk black tie hung loosely on his neck and the first few buttons of his dress shirt was unbuttoned showing off his tight muscled chest, that was covered in realistic cuts oozing small amounts of blood. His fitting black trousers fitted him like a second skin, clinging to his legs in a delicious way. On his feet were shiny black dress shoes. Ichigo gulped as his mouth went dry.

"Alright darling, now lean back against Grimmy for me." A flamboyant male voice directed. Ichigo looked over at the photographer. He had some sort of yellow and red feathers coming from his eye. His slight bowl cut was funny looking but it seemed to fit him. He wore a tight fitting turtleneck with equally tight fitting jeans. He held the camera and snapped at least twenty photos in a matter of five seconds. His purple eyes sparkled.

Ichigo directed his attention back to the two flawless models. Shirosaki winked as he followed the man's directions, "Alright, you got it Yumichika." Ichigo shuddered at the watery distorted voice. Shirosaki leaned back against another muscled back. Ichigo looked over to see. Grimmjow seemed to be dressed as some sort of vampire hunter or something. He was currently shirtless, but make up bruises, cuts and blood were scattered across his insanely muscled chest. Ichigo's eyes traveled lower to Grimmjow's Adonis belt to see the V shape disappearing into low hanging leather pants that were barely held up by a bullet belt. An assortment of weapons decorated the belt, knives, guns, machete, everything. Black combat boots adorned his feet. His arms were bare except for a couple grudge looking bracelets. In one hand Grimmjow held up a bloody gun, his bright pink tongue peeking out to lick along the side of the weapon. His cyan hair was in a messy wild look and his cerulean eyes seemed to be lit up. The teal markings under his eyes enhanced his look. His feral grin and canines made Ichigo gulp again.

"Ah you two are perfect!" Yumichicka giggled. "Always looking good darlings! We're done for now. Thank you."

"Mhmm, yeah yeah yer welcome." Grimmjow muttered, finally getting out of the annoying position.

"Oh come on Grimmy, cheer up." Shirosaki cackled like a hyena.

"Oh shut up Shirosaki." Grimmjow grumbled, catching a water bottle thrown to him by one of the assistants.

"Who might you be hm?" Yumichika asked, facing Ichigo for the first time.

Ichigo caught himself and wiped the drool off his chin with his sleeve, "Oh uh, I'm Ichigo Kurosaki. My uncle Sosuke Aizen just hired me today. So today is my first day." Ichigo salivated his mouth, "Gin just sent me down."

Shirosaki spoke first, after him and Grimmjow stared him down, their eyes raking over his body. "Oh so you're the new guy hm? Interesting."

"Oh yeah, very interesting." Grimmjow added in, his smirk growing wider at Ichigo's innocent look.

"Ah I see. So Aizen's finally hiring his own family huh?" Yumichicka chuckled, flipping his hair.

"Well it was unexpected but I'm grateful." Ichigo said quietly, a blush staining his cheeks. He didn't catch Shirosaki and Grimmjow's smirks.

"Oh well maybe we can show you around." Grimmjow purred out, sauntering over to the blushing berry.

"Heh, good idea Grimm! We could totally show you around strawberry boy!" Shirosaki laughed as he followed his partner.

Ichigo was blushing madly as they both stood next to him, Grimmjow's arm slung around his shoulders and Shirosaki's around his waist. Ichigo could smell the expensive Armani cologne waving off of them. "Um are you sure? You two seem…busy."

"Oh don't you worry berry. We got plenty of time." Grimmjow slurred, leaning down to Ichigo's level since he was a good couple of inches taller than Ichigo.

"Oh yeah, besides, you seem to be a more important matter." Shirosaki said, also scooting closer to Ichigo.

Ichigo resisted the urge to fall into one of their arms. I don't know how I'm going to survive this mom, Ichigo thought.

Haha so what did you think? Did I make Grimmjow and Shirosaki sexy enough? Review and let me know please!

Sorry for the crappyness of this chapter. But anyways, at least I updated right?

Lol well see you later guys.

Arigato, Ja ne.
