Thank you xXMizz Alec VolturiXx, sara253xxx, feliciaab, Prettylittleliarxxx and Kiseki for reviewing chapter 15.
This is the last chapter but don't worry, I'm going to continue this during all the books. I will post the chapter during 5th year as a new story so definitely keep an eye out for it. I've only written 2 chapters for it but I'll probably upload it very soon.
Chapter 16
The next morning the other students had allowed me and Harry to sleep as long as we pleased. Harry had been exhausted so he only woke up at noon. I hadn't left the room once and was there when he opened his eyes again.
"Good morning, Harry." I smiled.
He mumbled a greeting back before retreating in the bathroom to get changed. When he entered the room again, I occupied the bathroom to do the same. When I came back in the dorm fully dressed someone else was there as well.
"Good morning, Miss Potter." Dumbledore greeted me.
"I've put you in terrible danger this year, Harry. I'm sorry." He addressed Harry again.
Even though I am grateful for Dumbledore appearing last night when he did and possibly saving us, I still held some anger towards the man for allowing my brother to enter the competition that was supposed to be his grave.
"Professor, when I was in the graveyard, there was a moment when Voldemort's wand and mine sort of... connected."
"Priori Incantatem." Dumbledore whispered under his breath.
"You saw your grandparents that night, didn't you?" He suddenly got up. "They reappeared."
Harry got this absurd smile on his face as if he believed that meant they were no longer dead.
"No spell can reawaken the dead, Harry. I trust you know that."
Harry seemed disappointed but surely he must know that.
"Dark and difficult times lie ahead. Soon we must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy. Remember this, you have friends here and family." He looked at me. "You're not alone."
He turned around to leave the room again but I stopped him.
"Professor, this Priori Incantatem, does it mean that Harry saw the last people who had been killed by Voldemort?"
"Yes, indeed."
"Then how come he didn't see Cedric Diggory? Was he not killed by Voldemort himself?" I asked.
"Harry, did you use a spell on Cedric?" He addressed my brother again.
"I tried to paralyse him so Voldemort wouldn't go after him but I was too late."
"No, you were not. Your paralysing spell hit Mr Diggory before the killing curse did. Voldemort missed."
I think I might pass out right now. Was Dumbledore saying what I thought he was saying?
"You saved Mr Diggory's life, Harry."
"He's not dead?!" I choked out.
"No, Miss Potter, he is not. If you'd like to visit him, he's at the hospital ward."
Before Dumbledore had finished that sentence, I was already heading in that direction. As much as I wanted to believe his words, I would only let myself make them the truth when I see Cedric alive and well with my own two eyes.
I pushed open the doors of the hospital ward with a loud bang and Madam Pomfrey scolded me for it but I didn't care. My heart almost leaped out of my chest when I saw Cedric Diggory sitting on one of the beds, alive and well.
"Cedric?" I asked cautiously because it could have also been my mind playing tricks on me.
"Danny!" He smiled that bright smile of his and I knew for sure that it was him.
"You're alive." I breathed out before practically throwing myself at him.
"And apparently I have you and your brother to thank for it." He wrapped his arms around me.
Only then did I realise I was hugging the guy who I was supposed to stay away from but since he had been so close to dying yesterday and I had though for 24 hours that he really was dead, it didn't matter that much to me anymore. I pulled away again to check for sure that he had no injuries anymore.
"I really thought you were dead."
"Apparently you were not the only one. You should have seen how many people passed here to make sure I wasn't dead. My dad didn't even want to leave my side anymore." He smiled.
I was watching him in awe. I know Dumbledore just said that nothing could bring back the dead but this sure felt like it.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" He frowned.
"I just can't believe you're not dead." I whispered.
"Oh, were you afraid you'd never see me again?" He teased.
"Yes." I told him in all honestly and that seemed to surprise him.
I'm not usually that open about what I feel and think but since I almost didn't have the chance anymore to tell him so many things, I felt like wearing my heart on my sleeve for once.
I wish I could have stayed longer with Cedric but this was the last day of school and we had to say goodbye to the students of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. I would have to say goodbye to my classmates because my parents had arranged for me to stay at Hogwarts and return home with the Hogwarts Express. I had hoped to see this as an opportunity to talk to Cedric a little more because I still wanted to apologise for being so cold to him lately but apparently he would not go home on the train.
"Danny, why aren't you packed yet?" Noa asked me when she saw me in the courtyard where students were saying goodbye to each other. "We're leaving in an hour."
"I'm not going with you. I'm going home with the Hogwarts Express." I told her.
"Oh... I was kind of looking forward to the ride back with you. It'll be boring now." She pouted a little.
I wasn't that disappointed about it. I'd rather stay here and keep an eye on my brother. I don't think I'll ever let him out of my sight again. He'll be having an awful summer this year.
"Well, I guess we'll have to say goodbye now then." Noa said. "But we'll see each other again next year. We're used to spending the summer apart by now."
I couldn't bear to tell her that I wasn't sure if we'd see each other again next year. As much as I love my best friend, I cannot leave Harry's side. Especially not now that Voldemort has returned. As soon as we get home, I will ask my parents to transfer to Hogwarts for our fifth year.
I said goodbye to my other friends without telling any of them that I didn't think we'd see each other again. I had been dreading the moment when I had to face Jonathan but at the end of the hour, he was the only one I had not yet said goodbye to.
"Hi Jonathan." I smiled at him but it was not returned.
"Danny, I have to discuss something with you."
"What is it?" I played dumb but I already had a good idea what it is he wanted to talk about.
"About you and the guy who almost died."
I guess he's not talking about Harry.
"What about Cedric?"
"Before he entered the maze, you were standing next to him. Why?"
"I wanted to wish him good luck."
"Did you not tell me you wouldn't speak to him again?!"
"Yes, and this is me taking it back." I snapped.
I saw the shocked expression on his face, quickly change into that of anger.
"You choose him?!"
"I choose me and the liberty to hang out with whoever I want. If that means I lose you in the process, so be it."
"Are you breaking up with me?"
The fact that he was angry about him being dumped by me instead of being hurt that he had lost me, made me realise I had made the right choice. I'm still way too young to tie myself down to a guy who doesn't even let me be myself or let me hang out with whoever I want.
He didn't say anything anymore. He just looked angrily at me and then walked away. I would not be sad if I never saw him again even though it is sad that our relationship has ruined our friendship.
I watched all my friends get back into the carriage we had arrived in at the beginning of this year. So much has happened since then. I still waved at them until they all took off. I made my way in the crowd over to my brother. I stuck out like a sore thumb in my Beauxbaton uniform among all the Hogwarts students but at least this way Harry saw me coming. He was standing off the side with Granger and Weasley.
"Do you think we'll ever just have a quiet year at Hogwarts?" Weasley asked Harry.
"No." Granger and Harry said.
"Yeah, I don't think so. Oh well." Weasley shrugged.
I didn't understand how he could be so casual about everything that had happened this year but his behaviour brought a smile to Harry's face and for that I am grateful.
"Everything's going to change now, isn't it?" Granger suddenly said.
"Yes." Me and Harry said together though he might have said it a little gentler.
"Promise you'll write this summer, both of you." Granger looked at Harry and Weasley.
"I won't. You know I won't." Weasley responded.
"Harry will. Won't you?" She turned to my brother.
Good luck with that. He hardly writes me any letters during an entire school year and I'm his sister. There is no way he'll write to her.
"Yeah, every week." He smiled sarcastically.
I stayed to listen to my brother's casual talk with his friends. Was this my future for the next years? Tag along with Harry and his two friends who I can hardly stand? If it is to keep Harry safe, I'd gladly endure it.
I just pray that this is not what it would be like since one hour in the same compartment with Granger and Weasley had already driven me to the brick of insanity. All she does is criticize and all he does is act like the buffoon that he is. I soon announced to them that I was going to the toilet but honestly, it was just to get away from them.
I soon found another compartment which occupied the Weasley twin and a boy I had never seen before.
"Hello, my second favourite twins." I smiled when I entered the compartment.
"We were just going to say the same about you." Fred grinned.
"Mind if I sit here for a while. Your brother is driving me insane." I sat down next to the unknown boy.
"It will be our pleasure." George smiled.
"Hi, I'm Danny." I introduced myself to the boy I didn't know.
"I know who you are. I'm Lee."
"How come you know who I am?"
I had never met the boy before so how come he knew who I was? I'm not a celebrity like my brother and before I came to this school no one even knew Harry had a sister.
"I think everyone knows who you are after the last task. Not everyone fainted in the tribune." He smiled at me.
Great, now I would forever be known as the girl who fainted in the tribune. What an awesome way to make a reputation for myself at Hogwarts.
I stayed for the rest of the ride back to London in their compartment. The twins were just as much fun as I remembered them and Lee was a nice guy as well. They were two years older than me but that didn't seem to bother them. Fred and George told me once again about their big dream which was still very far away since they never saw the money they had won at the beginning of the year. They talked about the crazy experiments they were going to do this summer to come up with new inventions. Lee told me about his summer job. He was apparently the commentator at every Hogwarts Quidditch game and he would be doing the same this summer at a local Quidditch pitch. They all seemed to have made plans for this summer. I hadn't even thought I'd ever see the end of this year, let along the summer. I hadn't planned anything at all. But since Voldemort is resurrected, my plans for the summer aren't really a priority.
When we would arrive in London soon, I made my way back to my brother's compartment. I had a hard time finding it again, this train was way bigger than you'd expect. I actually had to ask someone where I could find Harry Potter but of course everyone knew where he was. Stalkers!
It was almost weird to see Granger and Weasley in normal clothes. I had already changed at the beginning of the ride because people kept staring when they saw me in the Beauxbatons uniform.
"Where have you been the entire ride?" Harry asked me but he didn't really seem very worried.
"I was with Fred, George and Lee." I told them before sitting down next to my brother.
"Figures you'd get along with the trouble makers of the school." Granger rolled her eyes.
I chose to ignore her because that's what I've been doing the entire year anyway, and for a good reason. The train finally stopped and we all took our trunks to get off. I already spotted my parents easily. Harry was still saying goodbye to his friends but I immediately hugged them.
"So how was the train ride?" Uncle Sirius grinned.
"Not very special or any different than the train ride from Paris to London." I shrugged.
My parents asked me a few things about the past school year so I at least had the illusion I just had a normal year. They did the same with Harry. They still talked to some parents but since I didn't know anyone to talk to I quickly got bored and eventually we went home.
I still had to tell my parents that I wanted to go to Hogwarts next year, instead of going back to Beauxbatons. But I thought I should tell Harry this first before I announced it to our parents. So when we both went to bed, I didn't enter my own room but followed him into his.
"Huh, Danny? You do know your room is across the hall, right?"
"Yes! I just needed to talk to you about something."
"I know Voldemort is probably the last thing you want to talk about but I know for sure he's the one thing that's been on your mind non-stop."
He sighed because he knew I was right. When he sat down on his bed, I sat down next to him.
"I don't know what his plan is but I'm afraid it once again involves you." I told him. "I don't want to take any risks anymore. Voldemort had his minions in Hogwarts itself. You're not safe there."
"Are you once again going to suggest that I go to your school?" he said annoyed.
"No, because you don't want that and I respect that. But I won't let you go back to Hogwarts on your own."
"I won't be on my own, Danny. Hermione and Ron will be there."
I scoffed.
"I don't have enough faith in them to trust them with your safety. Which is why I'm going to Hogwarts next year."
He stared at me with open mouth.
"What? No, you don't want to do that."
"I do. I cannot take another year being away from you, not knowing if you're safe."
"But... you love Beauxbatons."
"It's just a school, Harry. You are my brother and that's worth so much more."
"Are you sure about this? You used to hate the prospect of going to Hogwarts with me."
"I was eleven. People change."
He didn't seem to believe me but stopped fighting my decision.
"Did you tell mum and dad?
"They'll understand."
I was sure they would. They are just as worried about Harry's safety as I am and we all can't deny the fact that Harry calling out to me in times of need is something that could help him. It would be even more practical if I had a body to help him but we'll worry about that when the time is near. For now I'll just watch Harry like a hawk and pray that he won't fall victim to Voldemort again next year.
So incredibly weak of me but I just couldn't kill of Cedric. I still have a part for him in mind. :) Hope you loved this story and will follow the sequel as well. Let me know what you thought of it?