The Other Kind of "Were"
I know that some have started hybrid stories but none seem to finish them or tell you what kind oh hybrid she is. This is my take on the hybrid story and I decided to use an old legion of a white female demon that could turn into a lion. I do not know where the legion cam from but I have heard part of it, I don't even know if it is a real legion, to tell the truth can someone Find out and let me know.
Chapter 1
"Derek, Simon come here," Kit Bea called to his two 13 year old sons. As they came in you could tell two things; one of them must have been adopted and two he was not normal for a 13 year old boy. They sat down on the couch and looked at him waiting to hear why they were called.
"I have called you in here to talk about the two kinds of 'Were'" Kit told them.
"I thought there was only one kind and that was werewolves like Derek," Simon said, he was Kit's own son and knew little of the ways of werewolves.
"That is what most think but they are only male, no female werewolves are ever born. They can be created but only if they even live through the tranformation," Kit told him.
"That is why no female werewolves exist and why so few try to change a female, few ever live," Derek said.
"Yes, but there is a race of female 'were's' out there," Kit tells him.
"What!" both boys yell at the same time, neather knew about there being any other 'were'.
"Yes, they are called werelioness. Werewolves will hunt for them but few ever find them and settle for a human mate," Kit said. He wished he did not have to tell them this untill they were older but he ran into an old friend of his who is from a werelioness family. Steven's daughter is also a werelioness and she does not even know that yet, she is 12 right now. They are moving today and Derek will not run into her but her scent is all over the school and it will bring the wolf out more often until it fades. So he has to warn them about this now to let them to know to look out for sings of trouble with Derek and his wolf. Simon also needed to be warned for if they run into one he would not try to date one until Derek had a mate of his own.
"But you said werewolves mate for life, so what would happen if a werewolf has a mate and then finds a werelioness?" Simon asks while Derek looks like he wants to run out of the room and hide until it is time to move again.
"The werelioness will test the werewolf and if he passes she would kill the human to try and force the werewolf into being her mate. Derek the reason I am bringing this up is because I ran into an old friend of mine. His mom was a werelioness and so is his 12 year old daughter even through she has not been told just moved to day from here and her scent will be at your new school. The wolf might try to come out to find her, be glad that she has yet to have a women monthly cycle or the wolf wold come out to hunt her down now to make sure he has her for his own and no other werewolf would thouch her. I will teach Simon two new spells that will help you if you run into her again in a few years. One will keep you two from killing each other and the other is to keep her from having kids before one of you is 18 years old," Kit tells the two boys, Simon looks like he has just been given the best news in the world while Derek looks sick to his stomac and still has the look of wanting to leave the room and hide.
"How will Simon know when and if we run into her," Derek asks him.
"I will tell you a few signs to look for to spot a werelionesss.
1. they will not be afraid of Derek once they start thier woman cycles.
2. thier eyes will be brighter in color than normal people, like Derek's are.
3. they will be as strong as Derek and have scencess a lot like Derek as well.
will not show any signs, other than the eyes, until they start the woman cycles.
Now Simon I have a picture of this young werelioness that just moved, and I am going to show it to you. That way you will know her when you see her" Kit said.
It has been three years since that day and the boys have yet to meet a werelioness. Derek is glad and happy for he does not wish to meet one until he is in his tweenties. Simon wants to find the one that their dad had showed him a picture of three years ago, so that Derek would have a good looking mate in her. Little did they know that she was on her way to the group home Lyle House that they were at, this very month.