Hi people:) Sorry this is late again, but I've been training for my CCA sooooo much recently I've been overly tired:/ But yes. Just wanna thank all that reviewed the previous chapter:D THANK YOU:)) and Happy (belated) Birthday to YueRii (one of my reviwers), hope you like this chapter:)

Just so you guys know, if you didn't read the A/N in the previous chapter, there will be an alternative fluff ending coming… well, soon. No promises when, but it will come in the near future… This ending is for Yamamoto's (and mine yayXD) birthday, the fluff ending will be for Hibari's birthday. So yeah:D Enjoy:)

And I realised I forgot my disclaimer in the last chapter. SORRY:((

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Katekyo Hitman Reborn. Same goes for previous chapter:)

What Hibari saw when he stepped out was totally unexpected. It was... well to put it simply, a total bloodbath, one of the goriest things that he had ever seen, and Hibari had seen a lot of things in his twenty-six years. Bodies were strewn all over the main living room. Some had their throats slashed ferociously, while others even had missing limbs. Hibari swallowed some bile down as his left leg accidentally brushed against a badly disfigured disembodied head. Frowning slightly, he moved back as his eyes roamed around the room.

Something that was so familiar, yet to foreign to him, caught his roving eyes.

Yamamoto Takeshi was sitting on a cluster of bloody bodies, idly flipping his blade over and over. When he looked up, Yamamoto's eyes widened almost maniacally as he stood up and started towards Hibari.

So this was what he had meant.

This was what Yamamoto thought being a carnivore meant.

Oh, how wrong was he...

Hibari stepped back and raised his tonfas defensively, stopping Yamamoto's advances. Raising one eyebrow, Yamamoto let out a maniacal laugh, one very unlike his usual. Hibari now knew, how far gone Yamamoto was. He now knew, how Yamamoto had no regrets whatsoever about killing all the people in the Inutile.

He now knew, how much his own plan had screwed up Yamamoto's mind, soul, and future.
Admittedly, it was also the idiot's fault for interpreting his statement wrongly, but it was his plan from the beginning. Guilt stabbed at his heart as he gazed upon the monster he had turned Yamamoto into.

"No. Yamamoto, this is not being a carnivore. It's not like that. I won't accept you any more than I did before, which was better than this!" He stood his ground as Yamamoto continued to laugh, Hibari eyeing the swordsman suspiciously. As the taller man doubled over, Hibari frowned. Too busy wondering what on earth was so funny, Hibari missed the hand that Yamamoto slipped into the inner pocket of his jacket.

There was no time to react before he heard a loud bang. Hibari looked down at his own chest, his mind suddenly in a haze, seeing his dress shirt not the usual purple, but bright red. The red spread as he tried to lift his arm to touch it. Why was the red there?

Then, white hot pain registered in his mind. Gasping, Hibari staggered before falling to his knees, clutching at his chest. Breathing became too difficult, and he gave up trying to balance on his knees. Collapsing on the ground, Hibari then knew what had happened.

Yamamoto Takeshi had shot him point-blank in the heart.

As Hibari slowly lost consciousness, his grip on the tonfas slowly weakening, he saw the faint figure of Yamamoto Takeshi leaning over him, reaching for something right next to his pocket.

Oh, you idiot. Why did you do that?

"Haha! Well, Kyoya, if I can't have you, nobody can! It's better this way, ne? Now you can enjoy yourself up in heaven. Isn't that fun? Kyoya, you..." His sentence was cut off as he opened the small box. Hibari struggled to keep his eyes open as he recognised the box as one that had come from his pocket. He kept sending messages to his arms to reach out and take the box back, but the energy in his body had already been sapped. Hibari did not want Yamamoto to see the contents of the box. He would know that Hibari had planned everything, everything except the massacre.

But Hibari could only watch helplessly as Yamamoto regained his senses, staring at the engagement ring that Hibari had bought for his birthday.

He could only watch as Yamamoto's eyes widened as he picked up the ring with shaking hands.

He could only watch as tears flowed freely down Yamamoto's face as he read the inscribed words on the simple ring.

He could only watch as Yamamoto leaned down and hugged him, pulling him tight against his chest.

Hibari's body had already turned completely numb. He could no longer feel it, but he knew that more blood was spurting out of the bullet hole in his chest as Yamamoto hugged him. But he didn't care. It was just enough to imagine the phantom arms around his body, right before he left the world of the living.

Hibari's face relaxed into a small smile, one that was barely noticeable as his brain registered the last words they would ever hear.

"Kyoya, I love you."

~Yamamoto's POV~

I watched as the love of my life slipped away to the realm of the dead. Or where ever the dead went. I could not stop the racking sobs that went through my body as I clutched the lifeless body to my chest.

Why? What went through my head? What was I thinking when I pulled that stupid trigger?

Suddenly, the bubble that had existed around us burst. My eyes widened in absolute horror as I realised the magnitude of what I did. Staring at the mounds of bodies around me, I slowly lowered Kyoya's corpse to the ground. As if in a trance, I brought up my hands and held them up right in front of my face. The blood on it - Kyoya's blood, no less, signified the carnage that I had caused.

What have I done?

The small band on the second finger of my right hand caught my eye. It was slightly bloody after touching Kyoya's blood. I had shoved it onto a random finger before I had grabbed Kyoya's body. Moving at a snail's pace, I plucked the ring off my finger and reread the inscription.

"No matter what I say or do, I still love you. Happy Birthday, Takeshi"

I started to cry once again, my tears washing yet another portion of blood off my face as I thought about what Kyoya had done.

I knew that he still loved me. I knew that he never wanted to let me go. I knew he only did what he did to make me stronger.

But not in that way.

I was such an idiot, thinking that Kyoya would love me again by killing people. I did not know what had possessed me, but it did. It had. And it was too late.

Too late for all the people in the room.

Too late for Kyoya.

Too late for me.

I could already feel the guilt crashing down on me. I had taken away the lives of at least twenty people that night. All of them had friends and family. Yet, I took them away from their dear ones, just to prove the wrong thing to my boyfriend.

Idiot. What an idiot I am. IDIOT.

I could have found another way, anything but this. Prove myself a carnivore? I could have come back from all my missions unscathed. I could have gone on solo missions and come back victorious. Like what Kyoya does. Like what Kyoya did.

Why? Why did I think of this? How can I live with myself, knowing that I killed so many innocent people? They could have a smiling wife and children at home, but what I did would cause them so much grief, so much despair.

This was supposed to be a peace treaty mission. The Inutile had just wanted to have an alliance with the Vongola. Though they were a small new famiglia, Tsuna had seriously considered having them in the alliance. What have I done?

What I did... I've turned into a monster. I'm no longer human, after losing all my humanity just in a moment of weakness.

I shouldn't live anymore, like all those that I had killed.

I silently transferred the ring to the fourth finger on my left hand. Reaching out to the adjacent wall, I wrote a message in blood to Tsuna, explaining and apologising for everything that I had done, and what I was going to do, begging for forgiveness, asking for him to do me a favour by apologising to everyone that I had caused harm. Grabbing my already soiled-with-blood hand phone, I forwarded the address of the Inutile famiglia base to Reborn and all the remaining guardians except Lambo. The teen did not, should not, have to see this.

Setting the phone down, I geared myself up for what I was about to do. Fingering the gun that I had used to... to shoot Kyoya, I alternated between staring at the blood on the wall, and staring at Kyoya's lifeless body on my lap. I couldn't believe that I had really shot Kyoya. What I was going to do should be done. I chose my gun, the gun that I had used to kill my Kyoya, over my Shigure Kintoki. I do not want to disgrace another person, my oyaji, by using Shigure Soen Ryu now.

This self-blame was going nowhere.

Time to complete my "mission".

As I picked up the gun, my phone started vibrating like crazy. In the same minute, Gokudera, Mukuro, Ryohei and even Chrome had sent me multiple texts. I also had an incoming call from the kid, before it was cut off by another call from Tsuna. I smiled an empty smile at these small comforts, but I knew that all their concern for me were futile. The last inkling of emotion left in me prompted me to pick up Tsuna's call. Sorry, Kyoya, I just want to hear his voice one more time...

"Yamamoto? Are you alright? Why did you send that address to me? Gokudera, Mukuro, Onii-san and the rest of the guardians all came to find me with the same message! Yamamoto? Takeshi! Answer me, please!" I just sat there, my free hand stroking Kyoya's face as I listened to one of my best friends in the whole world desperately tried to understand what was happening. I only managed to utter a quiet "Tsuna..." before falling silent again.

"Oi! Yakyuu Baka, why won't you answer Jyuudaime? Tell us why you sent us that message!"

"YAMAMOTO! Are you alright to the EXTREME? It's already so late, what are you doing in Verona? Come on, tell me!"

"Kufufufu... Rain Guardian... I know you don't want to hear this, but Sawada Tsunayoshi is worried about you... All of us are. So tell me WHY you woke me up at 1 in the morning with an address before I..."

"Please give me the phone, Mukuro-sama... Rain-man, Mukuro-sama is just trying to say that he is worried too... Please tell us how we can help..."

"... Yamamoto Takeshi... I have a strong feeling that something very bad has happened, and that it isn't over yet. You have a family over here, they are all worried about you. Your boss, who you swore to protect forever, is so worried that he's shaking... *Hmm... He needs more training...* Talk to him. Talk to us."

"Ya..Yamamoto? Will you talk to me now? What's wrong? We are all worried... so please tell us what you need! Yama-"

"I'm sorry Tsuna. I'm sorry... Just come to the address. You'll see what happened when you reach... Goodbye, Tsuna. Thanks for being such a great friend." Hanging up on Tsuna's spluttering, I knew that my voice had sounded very off. I knew that my friends, my family, would be very upset when they reached. But nothing could compare to the turmoil in my heart. I deserved it - For killing all these people, for killing Kyoya.

Good bye, world. Good bye, Vongola. I'm sorry for what I did.

I'm coming after you now, Kyoya.

Wait for me...


Honestly, I don't like the ending. I think this chapter is weird. GOMEN T^T okay I absolutely cannot write angst at all._. So yes. The next chapter is CONTINUED FROM CHAPTER ONE NOT TWO. CHAPTER TWO AND THREE HAVE NO RELATIONSHIP WITH EACH OTHER. (Not like Yama and Hiba haha:P) Well, please Review this chappie, and Seeya guys ASAP:D