Chapter 13:

Hey guys,

Thank you all so much for the reviews. This will be the last chapter of this story. I've loved writing, I hope that you enjoyed it! I've got another story I am currently writing and I will be going back to my others and continuing with those… Thank you so much for reading this one!


"So will you come to the BBQ?" I asked Charlie, as I straddled her waist, seductively kissing her neck, attempting to convince her attending would be a good thing to Mum's lunch she was hosting.

"Stop it." She laughed, slapping my shoulder as I pulled away from her neck and bowed my head against hers.

"Please come. I've told mum about you and she is really looking forward to it." I said, leaning in and softly planting a delicate kiss on her lips.

"I don't know. What if she doesn't like me Brax? I bet that Heath will be there too. Does it have to be lunch at her place?"

"Charlie, she will love you- what's not to love?" I asked as she smiled looked away from me, blushing slightly. "She's organised everything already. Do it for me?" I added, using my fingers to direct to face back towards my view, as I again kissed her again, this time a whole lot deeper and longer.

"That's cheating." She mumbled as I pulled away.

"I didn't know that there was a manual on how to convince you on coming." I laughed.

"After a kiss like that, how am I meant to say no to you? Guess I'm going." She spoke showing no enthusiasm at all in her voice.

"I won't say it will be fun or the best thing you've ever been too, but Charlie I won't let anyone embarrass you, and we'll be 3 hours tops probably. Then you can have me all to yourself."

"Wow, you most certainly have tickets on yourself. Who said I'd want to spend the night with you?"

"I never said anything about spending the night with you Charlie." I laughed. "It's a lunch time BBQ, we'd be back by 3 round-about. But if that's what you wanted…"

"Don't go giving yourself any higher ego. I just assumed, considering you have spent every night with me, for the last week and a half."

"Well I can stay at my place tonight if you'd like? If you don't want me here, that's okay. I haven't done the books for Angleo's in a while. I can easily stay home and dedicate my attention to them." I told her, attempting to keep a straight face, knowing my attention would easily become unfocused and I'd be very quickly bored.

"Gosh, you're impossible." She sighed, giggling into my shoulder as I leaned down and started kissing her neck again. "Fine okay. I would miss you. That may sound clingy but I'd miss having the warmth to cuddle up too and keep me warm." She laughed.

"Same goes for me. That's what I pay my accountant for by the way. I'd be bored out of my brain, having to calculate and add up all the expenses."

"I knew you were lying about that…. Although I agreed to going to the silly BBQ, I'm not 100% persuaded yet. I was thinking you could persuade me another way?" She suggested, bringing her lips forward to mine, I clearly not arguing at all and more than happy to persuade her 'another way'.


"Brax, stop telling me to hurry up. I am not of the male gender and can be ready in less than 10 minutes. I am meeting your mother, I need to look presentable and descent."

"You look gorgeous Charlie." He yelled at me, from the lounge room.

"How can you even say that when you haven't seen me? What am I wearing then?" I yelled back out to him.

"Clothes, well at least I think you are. Although in saying that, you'd look even more gorgeous without them. " He answered automatically as I rolled my eyes.

"Charlie, believe me when I tell you that I'm sure she really does not care what you look like. She's not the type of person at all, that would spend her say shopping at Westfield's. She hates the place. She'd rather be down the pub on the pokies." He continued.

"Still Brax, there's a certain expectation and effort all women need to go too, when meeting in laws." I told him, moving from flattening my dress out in the mirror and putting on a pair of earrings, to move to the bathroom getting bits and pieces of different make up to apply. Brax followed me from room to room, as I raced around.

"10 minutes, and we'll be officially running late. Mum will be much more annoyed that we're late, compared to what you're wearing, trust me."

"Fine." I turned around holding my hands up in the hair, surrendering to him. "I'm done and ready. We can go now." I emphasised laughing as he leaned in and slowly kissed my lips, mine moving in synch with his. "And you've just taken the layer of lip gloss off my lips. Thanks for that." I murmured once he pulled away.

"I didn't hear you complaining just then" He laughing, smirking at me, as I hurriedly reapplied another layer.

"That's because I wasn't." I giggled, grabbing my bag as we exited the house.

"Have you heard from Casey and Ruby yet?" I asked Brax as he drove towards Cheryl's house.

"Yeah, I spoke to Case about an hour ago. He and Ruby are already there now. They have been hanging out there for a while."

"Good to see Ruby is comfortable around there. She is constantly talking about Casey and what they get up too."

"Only the G rated stuff I hope." Brax laughed, moving his hand onto my leg as he stopped at a set of lights.

"Brax- definitely only the G rated things. I don't want to know what other activities my own daughter gets up too. That's disgusting." I said screwing up my face, trying to erase the images and thoughts from my mind.

"How many people are supposed to be going to this BBQ?" I asked

"I'm not totally sure. I think it's meant to be around 15 or twenty. She's invited most of the boys around…"

"Right. I don't think I am going to know anyone there. I'll end up stalking my daughter and her boyfriend around, annoying them, just to make it look like I have someone to talk too."

"And where was I fitting into your little plan there? I may know everyone going to the BBQ, but I'd rather talk to you all day, then them."

"Yeah I know. It's like my first day of school, where I don't know anyone."

"Trust me when I say there is nothing to worry about. All my mates will love you. They'll probably be jealous." He added, as he pulled into a drive way that was already crowded with men's Ute's.

I could hear music already pumping in the background from the front yard as I walked apprehensively towards the front door with Brax leading the way, holding my hand.

"I can tell your nervous. For a police officer, I really wouldn't expect that!" He whispered as he opened the door and led me inside. A middle aged, skinny lady with ratty hair approached Brax and I and immediately smiled at him.

"Well look what the cat brought in." She gasped, sticking her hand out in front of her, as I shook it, smiling.

"I'm Cheryl love, Darryl's mother. You probably knew that though, didn't ya?" She laughed as I nodded my head slowly.

We stood in silence for a few seconds as she stared expectantly at me. "Mum this is Charlie." Brax butted, saving me as I quickly realised she was wanting to find my name out.

"Alright, well there is food and the snags are being cooked. The boys are firing up the BBQ at the moment as we speak, so the food won't be too long." She spoke, before turning and walking away.

"See that wasn't too painful was it?" Brax asked leaning his head to my ear and whispering into it.

"She actually seems nice." I laughed with Brax, breathing a sigh of relief. He was right, she really didn't care what I looked like, she wasn't the dress up type herself.

"Weren't you expecting her to be?" He laughed, turning me around so we were properly facing each other.

"I actually don't know what I was expecting. Glad that's sorted though." I mumbled as he leant in and gave me a quick kiss, before taking me outside to where everyone else already were.

We walked outside as Brax's friends turned around all introduced themselves to me. We noticed Ruby and Casey sitting down at a table and chairs in the far corner of the back yard as we made our way over there.

"I was wondering where you guys were, and if you were ever going to surface." I laughed, stopping and standing in front of them at the table as Brax's hands intertwined with mine.

"We just went for a little walk around the block. We've already been here for a few hours. I think Darcy is inside on her own, we might go and see her." Ruby explained taking a sip of her drink as she and Casey walked off, leaving Brax and I on our own for a few minutes.

Cheryl yelled out asking Brax to help her do something inside.
"I'll be back as quickly as I can." He whispered into my ear then kissed my cheek and lips briefly before he walked off leaving me on my own.

I smiled leaning into a chair laughing as I watched some of Brax's friends mock wrestle.

"Wanna another drink?" One asked as he walked towards me with two beers in his hands. I shook my head politely as he grabbed a chair and sat down.

"Pee-Wee." He grinned.

"Charlie." I smiled back at him.

"Yours Brax's girl ey? Heard him yap away about you. He's wasn't lying either when he said you were bloody beautiful." He laughed taking another swipe of beer, leaning closer to me, ever so slightly.

"He really said that?" I blushed under his gaze, grinning at his words.

"Yeah. If you ask me, he is punching way to high above his ugly mug. I wish I could show you his very first girlfriend. She had gapped teeth and braces. And would you believe she dumped him." He said managing to just get his words out, while in a fit of laughter.

"She sounds lovely. Can't say I'm sorry she dumped him though."

"She was a nerd too." He continued. "You shouldn't lower your standards to him. I'll be on standby, all you have to do is say the word Charlie, and I'm yours."

"I don't like your chances sorry Pee-Wee. I wouldn't want to take you away from the ladies who are eyeing you up." I replied calmly.

"Smooth, anyway offers always there. I reckon I could show you a pretty good time.."

"What's this about a good time?" Brax asked walking over and smiling at me, before looking at Pee-Wee.

"Nothing. Just telling Charlie she's wasted on you and I could show her how to have fun." I told him, standing up slowly as Brax glared at him. "I'm going to see how the fod is coming along." He mumbled walking away.

Brax turned back to me, grinning as he reached his hands out in front of him, waiting for mine to join with him. I responded immediately, as he gently drew pressure, pulling me up off the chair, before moving around me and taking a seat down, pulling me down onto his lap.

"You didn't have to glare at him like that. He was only been friendly." I joked as his arms wrapped around my waist, while I remained sitting in his lap.

"I was only joking. I just wanted some quiet time between you and I. Besides he shouldn't be cracking on to my girlfriend like that, breaches the bro-code."

"He's quite the charmer, actually. He was telling me about your first girlfriend. The one that was the nerd that dumped you."

"Uhhh, course he did. I'll have you know that's not what happened. Heath and the boys asked me if I wanted to go out with this other girl that I liked for a couple of weeks because she asked them to ask me. I said yes, then at lunch the nerd girl came up to me, told me the joke and said I wasn't smart enough."

"She dumped you because of your IQ?" I asked before laughing.

"She was the ultimate nerd. And this was in like year 6. She was weird. I would have dumped her straight away if I had of known earlier. Turns out she got around to it before me though." Brax responded, defending himself as I continued to laugh.

"I think your safe with me anyway, I won't judge you on your brains."

"Good." He murmured, tightening his grip on me, as he began kissing my neck seductively. "You know, mum's gone to the shops to go and get desert. I still have my old bedroom here. Maybe I could show you."

"Do you just? Are you trying to prove something to me now? You ask me to your bedroom, after discussing some girl breaking your heart."

"She didn't break my heart Charlie. It was definitely a mutual agreement on both ends." He replied quickly.

"Well this may be the wrong time to say no, seeing as your looking for the ego booster. As soon as we get home though, your free to do whatever you want to me."

"I don't think I have ever wanted my mum to get home so quickly." He laughed, continuing to kiss my neck.

"We may as well go and be social until she gets back." I smiled attempting to get up, but his arms around me, not allowing it.

"Everyone is busy. Heath and Pee-Wee are cooking, Darcy, Ruby and Casey are watching a movie inside I think, and the other boys are discussing Wilsons Beach surf conditions for when they go surfing tomorrow. I know you have no interest in that conversation, so lets stay here a while longer."

"Don't we just look like the social birds?"

"Who cares? If they want to talk to me, they can come over here. And I don't exactly see them lining up." He spoke, as we continued to sit together, happily.

Cheryl called out that lunch was ready, as we walked together to the table and served our food. Everyone around the table, engaged in their own little conversations, as there were to many people to have one giant one.

Cheryl talked to Brax and I the most and to my surprise once again, she was actually really nice and pretty easy to talk too.

"Are you staying for desert Darryl? I went to the diner and got a cake and a pavlova too." She asked as we helped stack the plates together and clean up, after eating.

"Nah probably not. Charlie and I are going to head off, we've got some stuff we need to do." He replied cooly, winking at me, causing me to blush.

"Bro your so whipped by Buckton." One of the River Boys yelled at Brax before signalling a whipping motion up in the air.

"Am not." He replied quickly.

"Actually you are." Pee-Wee yelled out and the other River Boys nodding in agreement.

"Well I've got a gorgeous girl, unlike the rest of you lonely old fellas.." Brax laughed, quickly defending himself.

"Still, your whipped."

"And that'll be our queue to leave and leave the singles to party on, online by themselves." Brax spoke, leading me towards the front door after saying our goodbyes.

"I cant say the BBQ wasn't bad at all. I quite enjoyed it." I commented walking through my front door, after unlocking it.

"I told you it wouldn't be that bad. Aside from Pee-Wee trying to ask you out. I'll get him back for that."

"Don't worry about him. Although now were home alone, your more than welcome to thank me for going to it with you.."

"Thank you for coming." He smirked at me, knowing he was playing a game.

"Okay, well I might go and have a nice warm hot shower… naked.." I added smiling to myself as I turned around and began walking towards my bathroom.

"Whatever, you win." Brax declared, pulling my body towards his and kissing me roughly, before dragging me towards my bed.

There we go! Finished it off with happy Chax Hope it was okay… Again, thank you all for reading! :)