Well guess how is back? Sorry for the long wait, but I have been debating whether or not to discontinue my stories since my life is kinda all over the place at the moment. I have decided not to discontinue them since a lot of you seem to enjoy them. Well hope this update is to your liking don't forget to review, and to does that have thank you, love you guys. Have fun! I will try to get an another update ASAP. Thank you for sticking around.
Chicago, Illinois
Samantha and Katelyn walked back to their apartment. The couple was busted out of their happy bubble when they walked in. On the floor was an empty bottle of vodka along with a shattered picture of two blondes and two brunettes. The dark headed Cheerio, blacked out on the floor. Katelyn ran towards the girl, to check if she was still breathing. "Sam baby, call 911!" She said of she tried to find the girl's pulse. While Samantha quickly ran to the phone and called 911.
Samantha ran back to her girlfriend, kneeling next to her tears were obvious on her cheeks, "Is she okay?"
Katelyn sighed softly, when she the girl's pulse point. "I don't know baby, her pulse is weak." She said in a soft voice, trying to kept her love calm. Samantha nodded more tears sliding her cheeks. The sirens were heard just outside their window. Both girls sensed relief, as they heard the paramedics made their way towards them.
"How long has she been out?" The dark headed male asked.
"We aren't sure, we went out for no longer than three hours. She was fine when we left." Katelyn answered, as she picked up her crying girlfriend from the ground. Holding her tightly into her.
"Is she related to one of you?" The female asked, as the settled her on the stretcher.
Samantha nodded to much of Katelyn's dismay. "Yeah, she's my cousin." She said wiping her tears.
"You can ride with us, make sure to get her parents to go to the hospital. There might be some paper work to fill out for her." The male said as they started to move to the ambulance.
"Her parents are out of the country." Samantha lied again, Katelyn just stood behind her, holding her tight. Even though Katelyn hated to see the girl she loved lie, and look sad. She couldn't say the truth so she choose silence. She locked out the conversation till Samantha shook her lightly, "Baby" she called out.
Katelyn snapped her attention back at her soon to be fiancée, "What's wrong babe?"
"I need you to call Sue and as for her medical records, she keeps her own copies after Luce started the rumor about San's boob job, tell her to email them to you. She just gonna send them and ask questions later." Samantha said, before kissing her girlfriend and rushing out to the ambulance that took them to Mercy Hospital. Katelyn called Sue, she hesitantly sent them after making Katelyn promise to give her a full report on why and how her next Head Cheerio had ended up with her best Head Cheerios. Katelyn promised to tell her everything when she got back. Sue agreed and promised not to say anything till she heard her next Head Cheerio was in the same shape she was when she went missing. Katelyn rushed to the hospital after she printed out the girl's medical records.
Lima, Ohio
Heavy rushing footsteps were heard as a young man ran down the stairs of the Lopez's house basement. He smirked as he say the bulk on the bed, he quietly ran and jumped in the air to land on sitting position on the person's legs.
Santana let out a groan of pain, the body crushing on to her legs shifting her to her bad side, the diva had been startled awake by the agonizing scream which cause to run down the stairs. The young man frozen out top of both of the girl's leg.
"Get off you sister Xavier!" Maribel hissed shocking the boy out of his frozen state. He stumbled getting off the bed and landing against the carpet face first. As Maribel rushed to her daughter, turning her softly and carefully on to her back with the help of Rachel, "You okay baby girl?" She said softly, as she brushed the dark locks from her face.
"It fucking hurts, mami." Santana let out a groan of pain as she held her bruised side. She let out a shaky sigh as silent tears slid down her face. Rachel held her hand tightly kissing the girl's knuckles when she tightly gripped the hand back.
"Go get, your father Xavier." She told the young man who was standing by the stairs with his hands shoved in his jeans pocket with a guilty expression written all over his face. He nodded and quickly ran up the stairs. "Papi is coming sweetie, calm down mi sol.[my sun]" Maribel kissed the girl's forehead as Rachel quietly watched the mother and daughter exchange, it made her miss Shelby but it made her chest ache more.
"Mar, que paso? [Mar, what happened?]" Mr. Lopez asked as he ran down the stairs to his wife and daughter side.
"Tu hijo salto encima de tu hija herida. [Your son jumped on top of your injured daughter.]" Maribel said trying to calm down Santana with Rachel's help, but both failing as the girl continue whimper in pain.
Mr. Lopez made the women move from his daughter side so he could look at her injury. Rachel, Maribel and Xavier were watching on the foot of the bed as the man examined the girl's injury. He let out a relief sigh as her broken rib looked better than worst. "Her meds just wore off and the push Xavier gave her made the pain more noticeable than it was when she was sleeping." They all sighed in relief as Maribel rushed to get her daughter her medicine and come back. Santana took it from her mami, she placed the pills in her mouth and swallowed them lightly with a large gulp of water, "Now don't move, the should kick in a few minutes. He whispered softly kissing the girl's temple. She left out a long sigh as she nodded. "Now can you tell me what gave you the great idea on jumping on your sister?" The man strictly asked his son.
Xavier let out sigh as he ran his fingers through his hair, "I thought she was Sammy, Sanny is never down here." He said a bit guilty.
"You shouldn't be jumping on your sisters like that, you could cause an injury." Maribel lectured him as he nodded with understanding. The adults excused themselves out of the room and headed back up the stairs.
Xavier ran his fingers through his hair, as he looked at his younger sister, "I'm sorry Sanny, I really thought it was Sammy. I called her when you were at the hospital I thought she rushed back home."
Santana shrugs softly whipping the dry tears from her cheeks, "It's fine, she just left after being here since before graduation. I don't expect her to come back it's not like I'm dying, hermano. [Brother]. Plus she's has Katelyn to think about to, she overstayed helping me to get ready with some new york stuff." Xavier eyed Rachel with a soft smile and then gave his younger sister a wink and a knowing smirk. Santana returned her smirks she wrapped her arms around Rachel, the diva quickly and carefully snuggled into her side. "Rachel that's my dumbass brother Xavier, Xavier this my amazing girlfriend Rachel." Rachel let a small smile play across her lips, as she gave him a small wave.
He returned the girl's gesture, he frowned lightly, "Everything okay?" They both gave him a small nod as the laced their fingers squeezing their hands together softly. He gave them a smile and nodded, "Well now that I know you're down here, I will send Quinn and Brittany down."
"There upstairs?" Santana asked with a raised eyebrow.
Xavier shook his head, "No, Quinn called the house since you didn't answer your phone. She asked if it was okay, for her and Brittany to come over and since you never say now I said sure. Though they sounded pretty busy, so I will give them a few minutes or an hour before they show up." He said with a laugh that made the younger girls laugh two. "Okay, well I will send them down here when they do get here." He said walking up the stairs as the younger brunettes, stayed wrapped in each others arms in comfortable silence not ready to speak just yet.
Chicago, Illinois
Katelyn walked into the hospital the morning after the younger girl was been admitted. Her girlfriend was on a sofa chair as she half asleep, watching over the younger cheerio. She walked up to her girlfriend and handed her a cup of coffee, "Hey, how are you doing babe?" She asked softly.
Samantha gave her a soft smile as she took the coffee, she let out a soft moan as the black liquid hit the back of her throat, "Much more better now." She said smiling pulling the girl into the sofa chair to seat with her. Katelyn slid in and the girl quickly snuggled against her side, as she placed her head on her girlfriend's shoulder.
Katelyn ran her fingers through the girl's dark locks, "How is she?" She asked looking at the sleeping teen on the hospital bed.
Samantha let out a soft sigh, "Good, they said it was near alcohol poisoning. They have her on oxygen and giving her fluids through her veins so she doesn't dehydrate. They say it wasn't a bad case, the only needed a small dose of thiamine and glucose to prevent any further complications." She explained lightly.
Katelyn nodded, as she kissed her girlfriend's forehead. "Is she gonna wake up soon?"
Samantha bit her lip softly, as she nodded, "They say any minute now since her vitals when to normal a few hours after she got here, she's basically just sleeping now."
As Samantha finished explaining the younger girl started to stir in the bed as she mumbled something softly over and over. She gripped the sheets tightly, before letting out a loud gasp the had Samantha rushing to her side, "Hey, hey it's okay. You're safe." They girl cooed as she held the girl as she sat on the bed next to her, carefully watching the IVs inserted into the girl's skin.
The younger girl calmed down as she melted into the girl's embrace. She cried into the Samantha's chest, big sobs crashing through her body as she gripped the girl's light sweater tightly. "Y-You are h-her sister." Crystal said between sobs.
"I am. Just let it out and we will talk about it after." She said softly before the girl continued to sob into her chest. Samantha let her cry it out, as she rubbed her back lightly. She will talk to the girl when she's ready.