"The Legend of the Digidestinds"
Okay, to answer someone's question that I didn't do before, Parker is in fact half Japanese on her mother's side of the family. Her father was originally Canadian, but his family moved to Japan for a business deal. Her dad's name is Mason Damon and her mother is Rin Midorikawa. Mason is tanned with brown hair and green eyes while Rin is snowy skinned with amethyst eyes and black hair. Oh, I also saw that I never said what Parker was wearing, so here it is. She is wearing a red tank top with black shorts and white shoes that have red on them. Please enjoy and review!
Parker was riding on Growlmon and Matt was on Garurumon as the two digimon ran off to where the red dinosaur sensed a fight, Greymon and Tai sneaking in from the other side.
They found TK and Patamon were being cornered by Leomon and Ogremon, the ogre holding a baby digimon, Poyomon, captive.
As Leomon was about to attack them, Garurumon used his Howling Blaster at him, making the lion jump back.
"TK!" Matt called making the scared boy look up happily with a smile to see his brother and friend were coming to his rescue.
"You came in time." He said.
"That was close." Matt said as he jumped off of Garurumon while Parker slid down Growlmon's back, the two older kids running over to TK.
"Yeah." TK nodded.
Garurumon then pounced at Leomon as he blasted at him, but Leomon cut through the blue flames with his blade.
He then went to attack Garurumon, but Growlmon intercepted him with Dragon Slash.
"Now you've done it. This little guy's gonna get squished." Ogremon said, but then saw that Poyomon had been taken away from his hands.
"Hey, where'd he go?" he asked.
"He's staying with us." Someone said making Ogremon look over to see Tai had Poyomon with him safely.
"Over my stinky armpits he will." Ogremon raised his club.
"Oh, I'm so scared. Get him, Greymon." Tai said.
Greymon stepped up behind Ogremon and growled at the green monster.
He then used his Nova Blast making Ogremon jump out of the way.
"Didn't anybody ever tell you not to play with fire? Someone could get hurt. Namely me. Now to educate you. I'll show you who's the head honcho on this island. I can fight you blindfolded." Ogremon taunted.
He went to attack, but was whacked by Greymon's tail as more black gears started to fly from the mountain.
Garurumon and Leomon were jumping around each other trying to knock the other back while Greymon blasted Ogremon back.
The black gears then rained down and went inside of Leomon making his grow and turn darker in color.
"No, turn back or he'll beat you to a pulp!" Matt cried to his partner.
Leomon used his Fist of the Beast King which hit Garurumon back into the side of the mountain, rocks falling down on him.
"Are you okay?" Matt called.
Leomon then hit Greymon next, sending him back into one of the toy block buildings.
"No, we need you, Greymon!" Tai said as he ran after him.
"I told the guy not to play with fire." Ogremon said.
Growlmon then snarled as he whacked Ogremon back and then charged at Leomon, using his Pyro Blaster to blast the lion back, but he came back up after it and blasted Growlmon into the trees.
"Growlmon!" Parker called in worry.
Leomon then turned to her, TK and Patamon and started to advance on them while Matt was checking on Garurumon.
"I am your humble servant and will obey you, Devimon." Leomon said.
TK clung to Parker's waist while she held him to her to try and shield him from danger.
"TK, Parker, watch out!" Matt called.
"What now, Matt?" TK called as Patamon flew up.
"Move away!" Matt called.
Patamon used his Boom Bubble, but it had no effect.
"Oh no, it's not working." Patamon gasped as he was then grabbed by the lion.
"Patamon!" TK cried as his partner struggled to get free.
"Wanna fight? How about a prickly big suit?" Togemon cried as she came from the sky and body slammed Leomon to the ground, freeing Patamon.
"Whoa, Togemon." Matt gasped.
"Nice timing." Parker smiled.
"Patamon, ya gotta take it easy, buddy." TK said as he ran over to his partner and picked him up.
"I'm sorry." Patamon whimpered.
"What for?" TK asked.
"I was just trying to help you." Patamon said.
"Tai, you're never gonna believe this!" Izzy called as he and Mimi flew down from the back of Kabuterimon.
"What's happening, Izzy?" Tai asked as the two kids jumped down in front of him.
"We have a consummate solution to all our problems." Izzy said.
"That's cool, but what are you talking about?" Tai asked.
"Check 'em out." Mimi held up her device along with Izzy.
"They call them digivices. They have the capability to completely obliterate the black gear." Izzy explained.
"Then let's give them a try. We have no other choice right now. We have to take a chance and stop him." Tai said as he held out his own digivice.
"Don't worry, I've got you covered, TK." Matt said as he stood protectively in front of TK and Parker.
Garurumon and Growlmon were snarling at Leomon while Tai walked over to the group.
"Ready for a real fight? What are you waiting for, booger breath? Come and get us if you dare." Tai taunted.
"What's up, dude? Have you totally flipped out?" Matt asked as Parker held onto his arm tightly in worry.
"I must do as I am commanded. Come here." Leomon reached for Tai.
"Now!" Tai yelled as he held out his digivice and it glowed white, the light making Leomon cry out in pain as the gears slowly started to fly out of his body.
"What in the world?" Parker asked.
"You know, these things pack quite a punch." Matt held up his digivice and beside Tai.
Leomon yelled as the two white lights healed him of the dark gears that were destroyed and the lion shrunk back to normal size and returned to his normal coloring.
"How'd they do that? Rotten kids." Ogremon growled.
"Ogremon. Over here!" Izzy called making the ogre turn.
"You've just begun to see our power." Kubuterimon flew into the air and used his Electro Shocker on Ogremon.
"That's that." Tai said as Ogremon left and Leomon was back to normal.
"It worked! We destroyed the black gears!" Izzy cheered.
"We're safe now. Leomon's back to his normal self." TK held Patamon.
"That's great." Parker smiled as Guilmon walked over to her and rubbed his head against her side, purring.
(Later on…)
"According to ancient legend, our world will be taken over by a strange dark force that will turn good digimon into bad ones. Our ancestors had predicted that a group of children called the Digidestinds will appear from another world. When they arrive, they will come to possess superb powers that will save our world from destruction. I believe their prediction has come true. File Island has been seized by an evil power, in danger of destruction and now you've appeared." Leomon told the group.
They had all moved to sit under a tree as they listened to what the lion had to say and finally get the answers they were looking for.
"Whoa, that's amazing, but tells me, how can you be sure we're the kids you're talking about?" Tai asked.
"Yeah, do you have some proof that we're the same ones?" Matt asked.
"It's been foretold that the Digidestinds have the ability to make digimon digivolve. You've done that and it's all the proof I need." Leomon said.
"I for one hope that it's true." Izzy said making us all look at him.
"My theory is that we will be released once we save the island. If our purpose is served, there is no other reason for us to remain." Izzy explained.
"And I'll finally be able to change these clothes." Mimi said.
"That's right. If Leomon's information is correct, we'll be heading straight for home." Izzy said.
"I can't wait." Mimi said happily.
"But how can we make it happen? We're not even sure who's causing it. What if it's a force that too big for us to handle?" Matt asked as he looked over at Infinity Mountain.
"You see, Devimon is the main cause of all this evil. To save the island, you're going to have to defeat him." Leomon informed.
"Let's go for it." Tai said standing up as everyone else all made sounds of protest or unsure.
"Come on everyone, why not?" Tai asked.
"Well, it's just that, Devimon is extremely powerful and we won't know what to expect when we meet him. To be honest, I'm scared." Parker looked down sadly.
Guilmon whined as he placed his head on her lap and Matt looked at her.
"If we don't defeat him, then it'll never be over." Tai said as Izzy stood up.
"Fine with me. Besides, it's impossible for us to lose with the digivices." The red head said as Mimi stood up too.
"First thing on my list when I get home is to do some killer shopping." She said.
"For that to happen, we have to get you back home." Palmon smiled.
"If we all work together, we're sure to win." Tentomon said confidently
"I'll protect you, Parkermon. You don't have to be scared." Guilmon croaked.
"Yeah, you're right." Parker smiled as she pet his head.
"I'm ready whenever you are, buddy?" Agumon said standing up too.
"How about it, Matt? Are we up to the challenge my friend?" Gabumon asked the older blonde, making him look down as he thought about it.
"It's gonna be tough. When you get down to it, we have no other choice." Matt said.
"All right then troops, let's get to it." Leomon ordered.
"Far out, it's a done deal." Tai said.
Walking over to the lake, Leomon steered the boat over to the island with the kids and digimon inside.
"Devimon is very powerful; he's brought nothing but trouble to File Island. We must be careful." Leomon stressed.
Once they arrived, everyone got out of the boat and started their hike up the mountain to where they saw Devimon's hideout, which was similar to a Greek building.
Parker shivered as she sensed an evil aura from all around as the clouds rolled in, darkening the sky and the mountain began to quake.
"We can't turn back now." Tai shouted over the noise of the quake.
Staring at the monument, everyone screamed when they saw Devimon's head burst out of the building and saw he had grown very large.
"What in the world is that?" Mimi asked as Devimon spread his torn up wings.
"It must be Devimon." Tai spoke up.
"I didn't expect him to be such a big guy." Palmon said in worry.
"The bad guys always seem to think that bigger is better." Izzy said.
"I'm afraid not. The power that Devimon possess is immense, so be careful." Leomon stared at the large digimon.
Devimon then took to the skies as he flew into the forest as everyone watched, worry and fear evident.
"He's here! Uh, Agumon, you better digivolve." Tai spoke nervously.
"Right." Agumon said as Devimon turned around to see us with a smirk.
The force created a powerful wind that blew the group back, making them hit the mountain behind them as Leomon stood tall against it.
Devimon then had this red and black light forming in his hand and shot it out at the six children and six digimon.
Everyone cried out at the pain that filled their bodies making them writhe as they tried to fight the horrible coldness that seeped into their bones.
"You are fools. Don't expect me to play silly games with you; I'm far too wise for that." Devimon said.
"Harpoon Torpedo!" someone yelled as the torpedoes shot down from the sky and hit Devimon making him stop his assault on the group and they dropped to the ground.
Ikkakumon and Joe were at the bottom of the mountain and Birdramon had just flown in from the sky and was using her Meteor Wing on Devimon, hitting him dead on.
"Quick everybody, there's no time to waste!" Sora called as she ran over to her friends.
"We have to strike right away!" she said.
"Digivolve!" Tai said.
"You've got it. Ready gang?" Agumon asked the other digimon.
"Agumon digivolve too…GREYMON!"
"Yeah, go Greymon!" Tai cheered.
"Gabumon digivolve too…GARURUMON!"
"Let's turn this guy into pudding!" Matt called.
"Tentomon digivolve too…KABUTERIMON!"
"My biology teacher would love this." Izzy commented.
"Pamon digivolve too…TOGEMON!"
"I do like the way our colors match." Mimi said.
"Guilmon digivolve too…GROWLMON!"
"Be careful, Growlmon!" Parker yelled.
All the other digimon quickly sent their attacks out at Devimon, but they weren't working.
"Your attacks are pitiful. I'm afraid you'll have to try harder than that." Devimon stated as they tried again.
"Give up you fools, it's useless!" Devimon said as he threw Togemon and Kabuterimon around.
"Oh, poor Togemon!" Mimi gasped.
"Kabuterimon!" Izzy yelled as Leomon snarled and jumped up at Devimon with his blade out.
"You're mine!" he growled.
Parker screamed when she saw Ogremon come out of Devimon's chest.
"You?" Leomon asked.
"You got no chance against the likes of us, kitty cat!" Ogremon taunted.
Leomon was the thrown back by Ogremon's attack and Devimon caught Birdramon, holding her in a tight grip in the air.
"You're not worth my time." Devimon said to her.
"Birdramon!" Sora cried.
"Out of my sight!" Devimon said as he threw the red bird on top of Greymon and Garurumon, the force making them fall down off the mountain.
Devimon then kicked Growlmon into the mountain when the dino tried to attack next.
"Oh boy! There's nobody left. What do we do, Patamon?" TK asked looking terrified.
Devimon then turned to TK, the boy stepping back in fear.
"Now to get rid of you. Then I'll have nothing fear. They saw the smallest will destroy me." Devimon said.
"No, TK!" Parker yelled.
"Don't move; make it easy on all of us." Devimon said as he reached his hand out to grab the little boy.
"TK, run!" Matt yelled as he and Parkerran over to TK with Garurumon, the wolf tackling Devimon's hand away from TK as Greymon and Growlmonbit into his legs.
"You seem to forget, I am Devimon, Supreme Master of this island! And I will have power over all digimon. No one will defeat me!" Devimon yelled as he sent out a blast of red and black light that hit everyone back.
"Matt!" TK cried as Devimon turned back to him.
Matt pushed himself onto his elbows as he found Parker unconscious beside him and pulled her over to him, trying to shake her awake.
"You will be mine." Devimon said.
"Hey, get ready to run." Matt whispered to his brother who was shaking in fear.
TK cried as Devimon got closer to him, then Patamon flew in front of his partner to protect him, Devimon's hand closing around him.
It was then that TK's digivice started to glow and Parker moaned as her eyes fluttered open in time to see Patamon digivolving.
"Patamon digivolve too…ANGEMON!"
"That's super cool." Sora sighed.
"Not bad. The little guy really had it in him." Matt commented.
"Nice hair, great color." Mimi complimented.
"I wanna take him home with me." TK said.
"What's this? Another foolish attempt?" Devimon mocked, trying to hide his fear.
"The forces of good are more powerful. Even you can't stop us. I'll destroy you and bring peace to the island." Angemon said as he raised his staff that he held.
Light shone from the digivices as the digimon returned to their Rookie forms, the lights shooting up to Angemon.
"That light is so bright. What are you doing to me?" Devimon asked.
"Stop it! I'm not going to allow you to take my power away! You'll have to fight me!" Devimon yelled.
"I'm afraid I have no other choice." Angemon said as he twirled his staff above his head.
"If I can help others, my fate is unimportant." He declared.
"Angemon!" TK cried out.
"Your powers have gotten far out of control and must be extinguished. I am ready to fight for peace." Angemon said as he held out his staff in a fighting stance.
Ogremon then shot out of Devimon's chest, trying to get the angel, but he was driven back by the yellow light that was glowing from the staff.
"Now you've done it." Devimon gritted his teeth.
Angeomon's staff shrunk and then became an orange light that glowed around his right fist.
"Be careful!" TK yelled as Devimon laughed and went over to Angemon.
"I'll get him, relax." Angemon spoke in a soft, comforting voice to TK and that made tears appear in the blonde boy's eyes.
"Come here, pretty boy." Devimon said as he began to close his clawed hands over him.
"I'll stop you!" Angemon said as he sent out the blast of light right through the evil digimon.
There was then an explosion of light that blinded everyone for a few seconds, but then they were able to see Devimon was being broken down into violet pieces of data while Angemon was in the same state, only with light blue data.
"You have used up all your power. That wasn't very smart, Angemon. Now you are no use to anyone. You can't get away from the dark forces. Evil is everywhere, so don't savour your victory. There are other digimon that are just as powerful as I am. Some of them are even stronger. I wonder what you'll do when you run into them. You haven't won at all. What a waste of time!" Devimon laughed as he was finally gone.
"Angemon!" TK cried making the angel look back at his partner.
"TK, I'll come back again. If you want me to." Angemon said as he smiled.
And then he was gone.
"ANGEMON!" TK yelled with tears falling down his face.
Standing up, Parker walked over to the boy as he sobbed and pulled him into his arms and he clung to her as he cried.
Guilmon walked over and crooned as he nudged the boy with his nose, then he noticed the feathers fall to the ground and formed into an egg.
"Look." Guilmon said.
TK pulled away from Parker and stared at the orange and white striped egg.
"What do ya know, it's a digi egg." Tentomon said as the others all gathered around.
"Do you think it could be Angemon?" TK asked hopefully.
"I know it is. He's just resting for a while to regain his strength." Gabumon explained.
"But don't worry. You'll see him again when he digivolves." Palmon assured.
"I'll make sure to take real good care of him. You saved my life Angemon." TK said as he picked up the egg and hugged it.
"Huh? Look, the island is coming back together again." Sora pointed out to all of us.
"Exactly, Devimon's been defeated. When he was eliminated the islands returns to its original state." Izzy said.
"What's with those other evil digimon across the sea?" Matt asked.
"Yeah, I thought we were going home." Joe said.
"I don't wanna have to fight again. Oh, I think I broke a nail." Mimi groaned.
"Well, according to Leomon's legend, we gotta do it. Remember, he said we're the Digidestinds." Tai said.
"Something's happening." Joe said as some rocks moved and showed this weird metal thing from under it.
Rainbow light shot up and an old man appeared in the light.
"Huh. I've heard of you kids. And I must say I'm pleased." The old man said.
"Excuse me, sir; tell me, who are you and what do you want?" Tai asked.
To be continued…