Title: Strawberries Never Looked So Good

Disclaimer: Don't own 'em

Chapter: Multiple One Shots

Rating: N/C 17

Pairings: Castle/Beckett

Warnings: Language, Smut, Violence

Spoilers: None Really

Summary: Series of one shots of smutty and slightly fluffy Castle and Beckett...

Beckett walked into her apartment overlooking New York City with her partner Castle at her side. Being a homicide detective can make for long days at work, especially when your partner is a writer. Theories were thrown around like candy between her team, getting them absolutely no where. The writer in Castle wants to blame it on some high end government conspiracy, though the detective in her tends to keep those theories at bay.

Castle had gotten unusually tough with a suspect after the slime ball had hit on her, which didn't go unnoticed by Beckett. It was all fine and good until he shoved him against the observation glass, causing it to shatter. That caused Captain Gates to pull them off the case, Beckett to beg to be put back on the case, and a ton of paper work for her and the rest of her team to fill out. All of that was useless though when Castle and Ryan decided to bust into a suspects house without a warrant and get the whole team kicked off the case. Which is why, at nine forty at night, Katherine Beckett and Richard Castle are standing in her kitchen trying to find some edible food before going rouge on some crazy hunch of their's.

Castle opens the fridge only to grab some container of something growing mold, or a very small animal, only to drop it in the trash immediately, his face scrunching up in the process.

"See, you should let me take you grocery shopping sometimes, or at least let me do your grocery shopping."

"I can't help that I actually eat like a cop, writer boy, I'm not so high strung on eating everything that is good for you."

"Hey, I am not high strung!" Castle pouts a little before Beckett laughs and Castle smiles at her, how he loves to hear her laugh. Castle continues to dig around in her fridge after asking for a pair of latex gloves, earning him a smack upside the head from Beckett. "Strawberries! And they aren't spoiled, or growing some kind of substance you could use as an antibiotic...hey maybe we should keep those, you know make our own medication..." he started to rant. "Anyway, why exactly is the only edible food in your fridge an erotic and strangely arousing fruit detective?" Castle asks while raising an eyebrow.

"Oh shut up," Beckett states while grabbing the container from her favorite writer. "I may just enjoy having strawberries in my Cheerios...don't even think of saying anything to that," Beckett added as an afterthought. She knew just how juvenile Castle's mind could be. The strawberries would do for a light snack until they could stop and get something with more substance later. "Here take some of these," Beckett says as she passes Castle a few on a plate, "they will hold us over till later."

"Why detective aren't you gonna feed me? I mean isn't that what a pretty young woman and a ruggedly handsome man usually do with these?" Castle exclaims while holding up one of the strawberries and giving a suggestive smirk.

At this point Beckett decided to let her flirtatious side come out, what could really happen, and the man is hot. "Only when they are dipped in chocolate." Castle's reaction was priceless and Beckett chuckled, only to stop short when Castle walked back towards her refrigerator. She knew exactly what he was after and she was speechless. Not just speechless, motionless, breathless, but definitely not thoughtless. A million thoughts ran through her head as she watched Castle's fine ass dig through her fridge looking for his treasure.

A loud "Found It!" startled her from her thoughts as he walked towards her, grinning, with a bottle of chocolate syrup. "I always knew you had a naughty side detective," he stated waving the bottle in the air for emphasis.

Beckett just stood there unable to move and paralyzed by her thoughts going a million miles a minuet. Is he being serious? Sure they always flirt, and they are always together, even when they aren't working, or is he just joking? She was confused, so as Castle opened the lid on the chocolate syrup and poured some onto a plate she just stood there staring, and she continued staring as he took a perfectly plump, juicy, red strawberry, twirled it around in the chocolate sauce, and lifted it towards her lips. As if on auto pilot, Beckett leans in and takes a bite before she even realizes what she is doing. Her eyes widen as she realizes what just happened and she pulls back looking into the grin of her partner. Before she can change her mind she leans back in and swirls her tongue around the strawberry tantalizingly slow before taking another small bite. She can hear Castle's breath catch in his throat at her antics and she gives him a small seductive smile as she backs away. Beckett precedes to pick up a fresh strawberry and twirl it around in the chocolate sauce. She lifts it to Castle's lips and he takes a bite, his eyes never leaving hers. He chews on the sweet fruit and he sits the plate on the counter beside him and before she can retreat, he grabs Beckett's waist and pulls her to him capturing her lips with his own. She is taken aback at first, but soon throws all caution out the window into the cold winter air. Detective Beckett, is suddenly just Kate and Castle is just Rick as she deepens their kiss and slides her hand into his hair gently pulling him closer to her. She decides to live in the moment, all thoughts of how complicated things could get pushed aside to brood about later. She relishes in the feel of Castle's tongue against hers, they way he tastes, the way he moves his hand over her skin. Oh God, this feels so right, so good. She wants more, oh so much more.

Soon she becomes inpatient and starts to fumble with the buttons on his shirt. Castle takes this as a sign and reaches under the blouse, and unclasps her bra in one swift flick of his hand. Beckett still fumbling with his buttons growls in impatience and he steadies her hands helping her undo the last few that allow the material to stay closed together. As soon as his shirt is finally open, she is pushing if off his shoulders and down his arms letting it fall to the floor. Castle grabs the bottom of her shirt pulling it up over her head leaving her completely topless and he steps back so he can see her properly. Aware that he is staring at her while completely exposed, Beckett subconsciously starts to cover herself with her hands until Castle stops her. "Don't, your absolutely beautiful." and he grabs her to him again in a heated, passionate kiss. Slowly he kisses down her jaw and then her neck stopping every to often to gently suck on her silky skin. Beckett lets out a whimper then pushes Castle sideways and backwards backing him into the counter. She starts her attack on him by kissing and sucking on his jaw and earlobe then slowly making her way down his neck. He tilts his head to the side allowing her more access while she runs her hand over his toned chest and slowly scrapes her fingernails down his stomach to the top of his pants where she keeps them, teasing him. She continues to kiss her way down his chest stopping to lick around his navel and downward. She drops to her knees as her tongue meets her fingers and mimics what her fingers were doing just a second before. A low vibrating growl escapes Castle's lips and Beckett is satisfied she is finally the one making him loose control. Her tongue dips just below the fabric of his pants causing Castle to involuntarily thrust his hips forward. Beckett swoops her tongue even lower and Castle grabs onto her shoulders as she slowly undoes his zipper all the while continuing her antics. She tugs his pants down his legs and he kicks them off while she licks back up his stomach until she reaches his mouth once more. Tongues fight for dominance and both participants feel the heat radiating off of each other. Soon Castle is pulling Beckett's pants down leaving her only in a black lacy thong and him in black silky boxers. "We match," Castle smirks, amused, as Beckett pulls him back in for another heated kiss.

"Bedroom," Beckett manages to mumble between kisses and pants and Castle scoops her up never breaking contact of his mouth with her skin. Gently he lays her down on the bed and climbs over top of her kissing his way down her whole body and back up again taking a supple breast into his mouth and sucking on it eliciting a moan from Beckett. He quickly slides over to the other breast giving it the same amount of attention and he can feel Beckett wiggling underneath him becoming inpatient for him to take his antics lower. He licks downward across her stomach and stops to play with her naval, flicking his tongue in and out before he moves lower to nip at her hip bones. She takes in a deep breath and arches her back as his tongue flicks across her sex and then his mouth covers all of her licking and sucking, tasting her. She arches her back as she feels the burning and coiling in her stomach, knowing she is close. "Castle," she whispers, as she can't find her voice as she lets go.

As she recovers Castle rubs up and down her sides gently, waiting for her. Suddenly he finds himself flipped over and Beckett kissing her way down his jaw, then his body before taking him in her mouth. He groans as she takes him deeper, sucking and licking until he stops her knowing he won't last much longer if she keeps going this way. He pulls Beckett up to him and they kiss passionately, their tastes mixing, arousing them more. He flips them back over never breaking their kiss, and supports his weight on his hands. He feels Beckett grinding her hips into his and it almost undoes him. Needing air, he finally pulls back and looks into her eyes, he needs to know she wants this. He isn't sure what will happen after tonight, but the look in her eyes is all he needs to take the last step and cross the line. He pushes inside of her and they both are taken aback by how perfectly they fit together. Beckett laces her hands into his hair as he sets pace and she reacts, meeting him thrust for thrust. Soon they fall over the edge and collapse on each other just enjoying the intimate contact for the moment.

"You know Beckett, I think I will let you do your own grocery shopping if this is the end result."

Beckett rolls her eyes and slowly gets up and starts collecting her clothes. "Come on, get dressed Castle, we have a killer to catch."