Completely re-written the first chapter and the second, may do some more if anyone thinks they need re-doing (Which I think they definitely do.)

Chapter one: What is this?

It was quarter to ten on a Saturday night, I was tired but not tired enough to go to bed, I was bored of browsing the internet so I shut down my laptop and proceeded downstairs to the kitchen in search of something to eat. After a few attempts resulting in me hitting the wall I found the light switch and the kitchen lit up, I settled on a bag of crisps to keep me going for the rest of the night, after choosing the ones I wanted I headed over to the living room in the hopes that I could slouch in front of the T.V to entertain myself, but of course someone had already beat me to it, my younger sister. Since I couldn't have the T.V there was only one other thing to do, annoy her until I got the T.V.

"Isn't it, like, your bed time by now?" I asked before diving onto the opposite end of the sofa, I hit my hip on the solid part in-between the cushions and I gave an annoyed grunt as I rubbed it. I ripped my crisps open and started munching on them happily.

"Shut up, it's the weekend, I'll go whenever I feel like it." She replied irritably, I put my hands up in a mocking defensive position, she glared at me in response. I noticed what she was watching.

"Is this… My Little Pony? Seriously?" I asked her insultingly.

"Yeah, so what if it is?" She replied turning back to the T.V.

"It's a little girls show! Oh, wait, nevermind. You are a little girl!" I mocked her a little more.

"I'm not little! Be quiet, I'm trying to watch this." She responded, I was definitely getting to her.

"You know why they call it My LITTLE Pony?" I hadn't really thought of what to say, so I struggled a bit. "Because they are so small… and, uh, insignificant." I finished, kind of disappointed is how much that insult sucked. "Can I have the remote , please?" My sister snorted with laughter in response, I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, how about this." She begun, holding the remote teasingly just out of my reach. "If you sit through this episode with me then you get the T.V for the rest of the night." My face lit up at this idea, one measly episode and I get T.V rights for the whole night? Easy!

"Sure, you got a deal!" we shook hands, very business-like.

The characters of the show, or the 'ponies', were standing at the entrance of some creepy looking forest. There were six ponies, a white one with a purple mane, a blue one with a rainbow styled mane, an orange one wearing a god-damn Stetson hat, a yellow one with a pink mane, a lavender one with a pink-streaked deep violet mane, and a completely pink one. I zoned out for a couple of minutes while watching, daydreaming about really random stuff.

"Soon…" a weird voice said, causing me to snap back into reality.

"What was that?" I asked my sister, she just looked at me dumbfounded. "Uh, nevermind."

The characters were now inside some old castle ruin or something, looking and some weird orb-shaped stones. I was zoning out again when I heard the same voice say "Very soon…" which shook me out of it.

"You seriously can't hear that?" I asked my sister, she groaned in aggravation.

"All I can hear is you talking over the show, please, shut up!" She snapped at me. I carried on watching the show, The lavender coloured unicorn was listing each of the ponies as elements of something. The orange one was honesty, the yellow one was kindness, the pink one was laughter, the white one was generosity and the blue one was loyalty. It was then revealed that the lavender one was magic.

"Uh, actually." I said uneasily. "You, you can have the T.V, I don't feel so great." I lied, with that I headed back up to my room to try and get some sleep, I heard my sister say "Yes!" while I ascended the stairs. I didn't bother to change my clothes as I just jumped into bed.

I had been lying there for about an hour, tossing and turning still unable to get a minute of sleep. I had a bigger problem now too, I couldn't get that stupid show I just watched out of my head, my thoughts were infested with happy, cheery, rainbow-ey ponies. I need something to take my mind off it I thought, so I got back out of bed and booted up my laptop, I relaxed in the chair and whistled while the insides of my laptop buzzed and whirred, eventually my desktop showed and I immediately clicked on my preferred web browser. As it loaded, Skype popped up in front of everything, nearly crashing the computer. I huffed and went to click the close button but nothing happened, I tried alt+F4 but sill nothing happened. I decided to just reboot the laptop but just as my finger hovered over the power button, Skype made the 'Message received' noise.

The sender was named 'Unknown Contact' making me chuckle as I knew someone was playing a joke on me, changing their Skype name to 'Unknown Contact'. I looked through my contact list but, to my surprise, everyone was still there and there was no-one called 'Unknown Contact'. I decided to read the message.

"Come and meet me at the park as soon as you can." I read aloud, this was the weirdest thing I had ever seen, some unidentified person was inviting me out to the park at near enough midnight. I ignored the message and tried to close Skype again, however the screen was completely locked and the Skype window had been maximised. Well, im never going outside again I thought, concerned about my safety. Skype made the 'message received' noise again so I checked it. "If you refuse, I will make you." I read aloud again, at this point I was freaking out. The most unexpected thing happened next, my laptop levitated above my desk, I was frozen by fear. I'm dreaming… I'm dreaming I'm dreaming I'm dreaming! I shouted to myself in my head. I tried to grab the laptop but it moved away from my hand. It slowly hovered out of my bedroom door and descended the stairs, I shook off my fear and gave chase cautiously. It phased through my front door so I slipped on some trainers and tried to catch up to it. It led me through the streets and towards the park, exactly where this mysterious person wanted to meet me. I chased the flying laptop all the way to the wide open grass area of the park where it then dropped on the ground and made another Skype noise.

I ran over to it and picked it up, checking for damage, it seemed to still work fine. "Alright, whose there? What do you want with me!?" I remembered there was another message on Skype so I checked it quickly. "Now you are here, I can bring you to me…"

I read. I was frozen again by fear, holding my laptop in my hands and looking at the screen I couldn't do anything. Next I had a feeling of total weightlessness, as if there was no gravity, I screamed in my head when I realised what was now happening, the world around me was dissolving into total blackness. All that was left was me and my laptop.

"Small and insignificant?" I could hear the same voice that I heard while watching that cartoon with my sister, it was monstrously deep with a strong echo. "That gives me a great idea on how to make this… more interesting." The voice laughed evilly, I let go of my laptop and started to float away from it, nothing I did could bring me closer to it. Suddenly the laptop seemed to grow bigger until it was big enough for me to fit on the screen! I was so scared and confused I didn't know how to react.

"What is going on!?" I screamed as the screen of my laptop turned into a black and white vortex, swirling anti-clockwise. The vortex was pulling me towards it, there was no way I could resist the pulling. My legs entered the vortex but I held onto the edge of the screen for dear life. "HELP ME!" Was the last thing I screamed before being totally consumed by the vortex.