This is my first time writing about M-preg. I hope you enjoy it.

Reviews welcomed and appreciated.


Title: Friction

Rating: M

Story Premise: An experimental, medical, military weapon is stolen from a laboratory.

Category: A science fiction/romance/hurt/comfort novel.


Slash: G/Sam

Squick: M-preg G Callen

Whump: A major G Callen whump story.

DISCLAIMER: NCIS: Los Angeles and its characters are owned by CBS and the producers of it. I do not own anything, but if I did I would torture G Callen more and make him cry and suffer and have plenty of angst. I am grateful to CBS and the producers of NCIS: LA for their contribution to the world of entertainment.

My stories are a work of my imagination and I do not ascribe them to the official story canon. This is a work intended for entertainment outside the official storyline owned by CBS and the producers of NCIS:LA. I gain no profit from the creation and publication of this story. I love to play in the sandbox with the characters and their lives. I especially love to torture G Callen. It is fun!

Reviews appreciated and welcomed.

Code Name Friction

Chapter 1

The NCIS Los Angeles elite team gathered in the OPS Center and waited for their supervisor to present their newest case.

"Late last night, a breach occurred at a medical military laboratory," Henrietta Lange said, nodding to Mr. Beale. "This is a weapon of the future and poses a serious threat to our national security."

A video showed the breach at the laboratory on the high definition video screen. Halfway through the intel, G started to fidget, shifting his weight from foot to foot.

Hetty signaled to Mr. Beale to stop the video. "What seems to be the problem, Mr. Callen?"

"Neither the Navy or Marines are involved."

"And your point?"

"Isn't that our main focus?"

"Usually it is, but this was brought to our attention by—"




"Yes, Mr. Callen, this case came directly from your Commander in Chief."

His eyebrows lifted high and his eyes widened. "You're kidding me, right?"

"You want me to replay the early morning video conference I had with him?"

"You spoke to the President of the United States via video?"

"Yes, Mr. Callen."

He swallowed down his bullheaded attitude. First of all, it was too early to start work. Second of all, his supervisor had interrupted an incredible, no that was not the word, stupendous, no, amazing, close but not quite, breathtaking, closer, lovemaking session. No words described the hottest time to date that he had with his new love interest. And third, was there a third reason? Maybe. He was in love or close to it. His mind wandered back to the hot lovemaking session. G was close to climaxing when his cell phone rang. 3 AM. Ridiculous! Yes, it was part of the job, on call 24/7, but right in the middle of the hottest sex he had in years?

"Mr. Callen?"

G startled, his supervisor stood closer than usual.

"Did you hear what I just said?"

"Well… no."

"This case must be our first priority."

Until further notice, his new lover was his first priority. Never had a sex partner taken him to the heights that this new lover had. He wanted more and more.

"Mr. Callen!"

"Yes, Hetty, our highest priority."

"First, Mr. Callen, our first priority," Hetty said, pointing her finger at him and shaking it in an admonishing gesture.


She flipped on her heels and faced the screen. "Mr. Beale, the rest."

He watched the video. G's thoughts drifted back to earlier that morning. His lover's hands caressing and stroking his body, bringing him closer to a mind blowing—

"Mr. Callen!"

G startled again. He needed to get his mind out of the bedroom and back onto this ops, if possible.

"Your game plan is?"

"I'm still confused about why this ops."

"From where I was looking, you appear to be preoccupied."

"It's too early—"

"Not an acceptable excuse and you know it."

No way I am telling her the real reason I cannot stay focused on this ops. "I didn't get much sleep last night."

"I received a call from POTUS just as I drifted off to sleep at 2 AM."

"Okay, you have me beat by an hour."

"Game plan?" Hetty stood closer to him, smoothing down the sides of her dark burgundy suit jacket. "Mr. Callen, I need your mind 100 percent on this ops," she said, lowering her voice. "Seems to me your mind has been preoccupied for the last two months. Should we discuss this… problem… in private?"

"Not necessary." G sighed. His supervisor rarely confronted him about a problem in the company of his fellow agents. He started to fidget again, the fingers of his right hand moving in irregular circles.

"Excellent. Go." When her lead agent failed to engage she repeated her orders. "Go, Mr. Callen," Hetty said, pointing toward the doors.

G strode through the open double doors out into the hallway outside the OPS Center. Down the long hallway, he stopped where the punching bag stood, unmoving in the far corner. I need to pull myself together. Now.

Sam came beside his partner and stood with him, staring at the punching bag. "Need to talk."

He folded his arms. "Just don't touch me, not here, not now, not like this."


"You've got no idea." G sighed. "We need to get going before Hetty sees us conversing over here."

"Too late."

"Great." G strode toward the stairs and started to descend them.

"Mr. Callen, a word with you," she said, motioning with one hand.

Damn. He stopped on the first step and stared in Hetty's direction before plodding over to her. "Yes."

"I detect some friction between you and Mr. Hanna."

Did she need to use that particular word, friction? "We're fine."

"Just making sure because you'll need your partner on this ops."

"I need him on every ops," G said. And I need him more after every ops.

"Keep me apprised of the situation and make sure you and your team wear gloves at all times."

"I'll bring extras for the whole team." He flipped on his heels, strode toward the stairs, taking them two at a time. G crossed the room and entered the bullpen, Sam following close behind him.


He holstered the weapon on his desk, grabbed his ID, and wallet and pocketed them. "She knows something is off between us." G kept his voice lowered.

"Maybe she knows, Hetty knows everything."

"Hetty knows too much," he said. "Let's get going."

Sam and G exited NCIS Headquarters and stepped out into the courtyard where Sam's car was parked. They both stared at the Challenger and then each other.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" G asked.

"Maybe." A wide grin spread across Sam's face. He slid his arm around his partner's waist and drew him into an embrace, kissing him hard on the lips. "Backseat."

"Not here in the courtyard," he said, "don't you have a thread of decency left in you?"

"Not when it comes to jumping on your sexy body."


"Yes." Sam released him. "What did you have in mind?"

"A hotel before we start work."

"And you don't think Hetty will find out?"

"She knows everything."

"Yes, gentlemen, I do know everything." Hetty stood outside the entrance to headquarters.

G and Sam flipped on their heels and faced their supervisor.

"In the archive room now, gentlemen." She pointed toward the door and opened it.

"You know what this means." Sam eyed his partner.

"Yes, she figured it out."

"Maybe she saw you hug and kiss me."


They strode back inside headquarters and followed their supervisor to the archive room.

"Sit and that's an order."

Sam and G sat on a sofa as far apart as they could.

"Don't pretend I don't know."

G cocked his head sideways.

"I saw your display of affection in the courtyard."

Both agents sighed.

"When did this start?"

G decided to take the lead. "Two months ago."

"You were moody and irritable when your relationship started."

"What?" Hetty knew more than he first believed.

"Yes, come to think of it, that's true." Sam glanced sideways at his partner.

G glared at his partner. "What are you looking at?"

"Anything you need to tell me, Mr. Callen?"


"Your moodiness and irritability."

"Was probably because I tried to hide this relationship from you." A partial truth, a partial lie.

"Feeling guilty."

"Something like that." It was more than guilt. He felt something different, something difficult to explain, and something he withheld from his partner.

"My suggestion, if you want to take it, is to stop attempting to keep this secret from the rest of your team."

"And you?"

"Now that I know, nothing needs to be done."

G released a long sigh.

"Gentlemen, you two are needed at the crime scene." Hetty shooed them out the door with hand motions.

Sam and G left the archive room and strode toward the exit doors.

Once outside in the courtyard again G turned to his partner and asked, "Hotel?"


"I need you."


"Yes, now, really."

"Tell you what—"

"No deals, now."

Sam hauled his partner over into a corner of the courtyard. "You need to get a grip on things."

"I'll like to." G palmed his partner's crotch.

"Easy, man, we need to go to the crime scene."

"And then?"

"I promise a night of it."

"Define it." G cracked a half smile.

"Smart-ass." Sam drew his partner into a tight embrace and whispered into his ear. "It is anything you want it to be." He massaged G's buttocks.

"You're as evasive as a former POTUS," he said. "You got a deal."


G and Sam arrived at the crime scene and donned their nitrile gloves.

G shoved several extra pairs of gloves into his jacket pocket. Hetty's video failed to show what this ops entailed other than a breach at a medical military laboratory. Maybe she had said more but his mind was preoccupied as his supervisor had noted. G pressed forward through the shattered safety glass doors of the innermost part of the laboratory where the experiments had taken place. Deeks stood at the far end examining the contents of several open cabinets. "What did you find?" G asked, approaching his team member.

"I found a mystery."

"I like mysteries, but this one is over the top."

"Yes, Hetty kept a lot from us and this cabinet gives us some clues."

G stepped beside Deeks and stared into the eye-level cabinet. He read and reread the labels to himself and then out loud. "Male hormones. Female hormones." G sighed. "So they ripped off hormones, so big deal."

"That's what I'm saying."

Kensi came along side her fellow agents and stared into the cabinet. "I found several more cabinets just like this one in another laboratory," she said. "Same labels on the bottles."

"Okay, the military manufactured a medical, military weapon which contains male and female hormones and someone stole it," G said.

"Sounds about right," Sam said, joining his team members and standing close behind his partner, pressing and rubbing his groin against his partner's buttocks.

G glanced over his right shoulder and shot his partner a look. "And this weapon's disappearance posed a threat to national security?" He asked. "I don't get it." G pressed backward, trying to stop his partner's advances.

"Neither do we," Kensi said.

"None of this breach makes sense," Deeks said.

"How many laboratory rooms exist like this one?" G faced Kensi.

"We discovered six so far, all with the same configuration and opened cabinets."

"We need to assume the contents have been altered in some way, but in what way is the mystery," G said. "Let's split up and explore the laboratory records. Kensi with me."

This time Sam shot his partner a look.

G knew the look and pretended his partner had not glared at him. He strode to the front of the laboratory and stopped at an open door; a room the size of the OPS Center was filled with computers lined up along the walls. His first thought, a situation room for tracking the laboratory experiments. G entered the computer room and gawked at the first computer to his left. On screen he found a symptom list for the weapon. Symptoms? "Has Eric accessed any of these computers?"

"We didn't get that far in our investigation," Kensi said.

"Hook up with this computer and send the symptom list for the weapon to Eric," G said. "In your search so far, have you discovered the name of this medical weapon?"


G wondered about the information stored on the computers. He stepped over to the next computer. "Sam and Deeks need you in the computer room, first door to your left after leaving the room," G said, speaking into his ear piece combination comm link. He pressed a key and perused the contents on the screen. "Side effects on this one." He moved over to the next one. "Kens, see if you can get a print out of the symptom and side effect lists." G gawked at the computer screen before him, his lower jaw falling open. He settled down in the comfortable high backed office chair and continued to stare at the diagram on the screen.

Sam came up behind his partner and stared over G's left shoulder. "What the hell?"

"Exactly, the same thing I was thinking," G said. "No wonder Hetty didn't mention anything about the case not to mention that sparse excuse for a video. That was the shortest briefing on record."

"She didn't brief us, G, she merely showed us a video," he said. "No names, nothing."

"I'd say there's a reason for her coyness."

"And I'd say this is the reason," Sam said.

A picture of a man was displayed on the screen with the symptoms and side effects detailed and arrows pointing to the specific areas of the body where one might find those symptoms and side effects. The title above the man was Code Name: Friction.

"Friction." G said. "Just that word causes friction."

"Really?" Deeks said, standing by G's right shoulder and looking at the screen.

G's mind wandered back to Hetty's question about the friction between his partner and him. "So what do male and female hormones and the Code Name Friction have in common?" He sighed. "We solve this mystery and we close in on who would want to steal this medical military weapon."

"I found something," Kensi said, sitting at a computer across the room from her team.

All three men crossed the room and stood behind their fellow agent looking at the computer screen before them.

G's jaw dropped. Something about this was familiar, too familiar, yet he failed to put his finger on what. "Scroll down, Kensi." He sighed. "Test results over the past six months. What the hell is our government researching?" He folded his arms. None of this pointed to the exact definition and description of Friction. His supervisor failed to inform him about this weapon. G took out his cell phone. "Eric, I need to know if there was another breach of a medical military laboratory within the last six months."

"Got something to share?" Sam asked.

"For now, I'm playing a hunch, that's all."

"You know that's not going to fly with me."

G crossed back to the computer with the man on it and all the symptoms and side effects. Beyond this ops, something about this was familiar. He failed to make the connection at the moment and hoped it would present itself later. "I'm serious, man, nothing else for now."

"There is something else," Deeks said, "you two could tell us what happened with Hetty and you."

"What?" G sighed. "Nothing."

"Really, is that all you are going to say?"

"Okay, this is as good a place as any," he said. "Sam and I are an item."

"I kind of thought so."


"You two have been too chummy for partners," Kensi said.

"And what is that supposed to mean."

"He stands too close to you."

G shot his partner a look. Sam came beside his partner and wrapped his arm around G's waist.

"Told you we couldn't keep this from them," Sam said.

"And another thing, you got moody and irritable," Kensi said.

"Okay, enough of this conversation." G folded his arms. His moodiness and irritability mystified him. He initially believed it was due to attempting to hide their relationship, but he was still moody and irritable.

"He wanted to keep this a mystery," Sam said.

"We've got enough mysteries on our hands without yours," Deeks said.

"Very funny, and I'm not laughing." G cell phone buzzed and he answered it. At least for the moment, he was off the hook with his team's curiosity. He faced the opposite wall and strode away from his team to hear his tech's call.

"Got the information you are looking for," Eric said. "Another non-military laboratory, which housed the same project, was breached three months ago."

"It was working on Friction?"

"Yes, Callen, in a genetic program."

"Send me the information on my cell phone."

"Too much to send."

"That much intel?"


"Have you accessed all these computers?"

"Yes, they are piggybacked onto to one another," Eric said. "Nell and I are analyzing the intel."

"Later I want to review that intel from the other laboratory." G shut off his cell phone. He faced his team. "Another breach occurred in a non-military laboratory which handled Friction."


"Yes, three months ago."

"That's odd," Sam said.

It was even odder that my moodiness and irritability began around the time of that breach. G wished it was a coincidence, but his suspicions were now raised to a higher level after Eric's phone call. The symptoms and side effects were too familiar and all of it he hid from his partner.


He startled and focused on his partner.

"Did you hear a thing I just said?"


"Just like in the OPS Center with Hetty," Sam said. "Where's your mind?"

"Trying to put the pieces together," he said, a partial truth. But it was his own life he focused on not the case.

"You'd better be telling me—"

"Shut up!" G flipped on his heels and left the computer room.

"What?" Sam stared after his partner, his jaw slacked.

"He told you off," Deeks said.

"Deeks don't escalate this," Kensi said, giving her partner a squelch it glare and making a motion with her hand across her neck as if a knife were slicing across it.

"He's moody and irritable after he told us about you guys."

"And your point?" Sam asked, getting in Deeks' face.

"I'm just saying, maybe it's something else."

Sam left the computer room and followed his partner.

Deeks and Kensi followed their team members and found them near the laboratory's entrance.

"G, you need to stop this… attitude."

"What attitude?"

"This moody crap."

"I'm not being moody." Tears welled up in his cerulean blue eyes. "Just quit asking me stuff and quit confronting me and quit—"

"I didn't ask you anything out of the ordinary."

"You did too!" G raised his voice up about three decibels and was close to yelling.

"Calm down, man, no one is on your case."

"You are on my case, you are always on my case, and you are always snooping around trying to find out things and I'm sick and tired of it all!" G flipped on his heels and exited the building, slamming the door in his partner's face.

"Now there is some friction," Deeks said, grinning wide.

Kensi slugged him in the upper right arm. "Shut up."

Sam, Deeks, and Kensi exited the building and scanned the parking lot for their team leader.

"Lock it up Kensi and I'll go find G."

"I'd like to be a fly on the wall when he finds him," Deeks said. "That's friction for sure."

"Would you quit using that word?" Kensi asked as she locked up the building.

"Why should I quit using a word that fits the—"

Kensi slugged him in the chest. "If you know what's good for you, you'll stop using that particular word."

"Ouch." He rubbed his chest and arm where his partner had slugged him. "That's the name of the—" Deeks backed away from his partner before she could slug him again. "The name of this case so it's appropriate."

Both Kensi and Deeks faced the direction of their team leader's yelling.

"Go Sam!" G screamed at his partner.

"What the hell has gotten into you?"



"Yes, now leave me alone."

"How are you getting back to headquarters?"

"Who the hell cares!" G crossed his arms.

Kensi and Deeks peeked around the corner of the building and watched the conflict escalate.

"I care."

"To jump me and screw me." G yelled at his partner.

"Come on, man, what set this off, let's get in the Challenger and go back to—"

"Go screw yourself!" He strode toward the corner of a busy intersection.

G and Sam's argument had garnered undue attention from the bystanders waiting at the bus stop and waiting to cross the street.

Sam edged closer to his partner. "Come on, G, let's go."

"You come any closer to me and I'll call the cops."

"G, we are the cops."

"You know what I meant." He stood close to the intersection waiting for the light to turn green.

"Can you at least tell me what set you off?"

"I'm not a bomb waiting to explode as you said."

"You are volatile."

"Screw you too." G stepped off the curb.

Sam came up beside him and wrestled him back onto the sidewalk.

"Get your damned hands off me!" He squirmed and twisted his body trying to free himself from his partner's muscular arms. "Let me go, asshole!"

"I'll release you when we get back to the car." Sam helped his partner over to the Challenger.

"When we get back to the OPS Center, I'm telling Hetty what you did."

"What?" He gave his partner a confused look.

"Don't act as if nothing happened," G said, willing himself to calm down and to slow his breathing.

"Nothing happened except you freaking out on me."

"I didn't freak out on you."

"I have two witnesses."


"Come on, G, Deeks and Kensi saw the whole thing."

He sighed and relaxed in his partner's arms.

"That's better, man," Sam said, opening the passenger door for his partner.

"I don't need your help."

Sam sighed. "Don't start escalating again."

"I'm not escalating, what is there to escalate, I don't need your help." G sat in the passenger seat and attempted to put on his seatbelt. "Damn seatbelt!" He forced it into the latch several times without success.

"Let me help you." He leaned over to assist his partner.

"Get your damned hands off me!"

Sam backed away and goggled at his partner.

"Sorry, I can't help myself and I don't know why." Tears formed in his eyes again. G pulled the passenger door closed and stared out the windshield.

Sam slid into the driver's seat and shut his door. "Do you need my help with your seatbelt?"

"I should be able to do it myself." He attempted to fasten his seatbelt again and gave up. "I'll just go without."

"Not happening, let me—"

"Don't you dare touch me!"

"What's with the extreme touchiness and moodiness?" Sam asked. "I'm trying to help you."

"I can't help myself and I can't stand it and I feel as if I'm going to blow my top and—"

"Easy, man, calm yourself, slow it down."

"That's easy for you to say, you don't have these… feelings and… sensations and… things going on inside you that you can't explain and you don't have a name for and you've never felt before… you've no idea what I'm going through… no idea."

"This is the first I've heard about these feelings and sensations."

"And the last you are going to hear about it."

"What?" Sam sighed.

G started to grab the door handle.

"Stop, I won't ask you about them any further, relax, man."

He released the door handle and allowed his arms to rest in his lap. "You promise."

"I promise unless you bring up the topic."

"I don't know if I like the sound of that deal."

"Take it or leave it," Sam said, turning in his seat and facing his partner. "If you talk about it, we talk about it. I'll assume if you mention it, you want to talk about it."

G sighed. "Deal, that's true, and still, I don't know what's going on inside me."

"What does it feel like?"

"I can't describe it because I have no reference point."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"I've never felt these things before and therefore I have no reference point." G crossed his arms. "Will you help me with my seatbelt? I can't handle any frustration right now." He pulled the seatbelt over his chest and hips and handed it to his partner.

Sam fastened his partner's seatbelt and latched his own. "Anything more?"

"I've felt this way for about three months."

"From the moment we started our relationship?"

"Before we started it," G said. "Those feelings and sensations are what prompted me to want our relationship."

Sam gawked at his partner.

"I guess I should've told you but…"

"Then you'd have to explain those feelings and sensations."

G sighed. "Yes, and I wasn't ready for that."

"Anything else you need to tell me."

"Why are you asking?"

"I sense there's something else going on that you need to talk about," Sam said.

"I read something about the sensations and the other things I can't and won't mention right now," G said. "And I think, no, I'm not certain, more like worried it could be a serious disease."

"Serious disease, man, what are you—"

"Crap." He faced the passenger door's window and stared at the laboratory. "When we were inside the laboratory I read some of those symptoms and they are same ones I read online."

"I'm confused."

"I'm trying to explain this and I sound as if… damn it… there's a disease which causes these symptoms in men and it's caused by a tumor." G's eyes were now wet with tears again.

"You need to see a doctor to quell your concerns."

"I hate doctors, you know that."

"And sometimes that is what you need to do."

G sighed and crossed his arms.

"If your symptoms and emotional outbursts—"

"Emotional outbursts?"

"I'd call them emotional outbursts."

"You are saying I sound like a girl."


"Just say it, tell me like it is."

"You sound as if you are a woman just before she menstruates."

"Screw you!"

"You wanted me to tell you."

G wiped the tears from his face with the right sleeve of his aqua blue, button down, shirt.

"Come on, man, I don't mean that in a literal sense."

Tears flowed freely down his cheeks. "It's one of the symptoms of the tumor." Sam grabbed the Kleenex box from the backseat and offered it to his partner. G grabbed a handful of tissues and wiped his eyes and face with one of them.

"Let's make an appointment with a doctor for this afternoon."

"Too scared to go."

"You won't go alone."

"You'd go with me after I yelled and screamed at you and swore at you and—"

"If you can't help yourself I'm not blaming you for the outbursts," Sam said. "Wouldn't be fair. I want to be by your side no matter what you are going through."

"Thank you." G reached out his left hand and grasped his partner's hand.

Thanks for reading my story.