I told myself I would make a sequel if even one person asked...

For those who wanted it this is the continuance of Tantei and Meitantei, for those who haven't read the previous one I'd advise you to do so, or at least read the last chapter to see the basis of this story. Last story was mostly focused on Conan, this one will be mostly focused on Shinichi, that's why the titles are how they are...

Just a bit of a summery of the necessary facts: Conan and Shinichi are separate people, right now Conan's spirit is in Shinichi's body. They are brother's and it's been established that Shinichi either died or was shrunk (to an age younger than seven) and ran off after that night at tropical land without ever contacting anyone since. Conan, Shinichi (his spirit is in Conan's body, they're sharing), Professor Agasa, Haibara, Heiji, and Kaito have decided to find Shinichi's original body and defeat the black organization.

Couplings; Ran and Shinichi, Conan and Haibara, Kaito and Aoko, Heiji and Kazuha, and various one sided relationships but nothing without support.

The POV will change on my whim, it'll usually be first person but third person will also happen sometimes, there will always be a line of just '...' as transition between POVs.

Sorry for rambling so long. Please enjoy and please review.


Somehow it was decided that we were going to find a way to return me to my real body (assuming it's still alive) and then take down the Black Organization. Of course we really didn't know how we were supposed to find my real body when it had been missing for almost a full year now, in fact since it has no spirit at the moment it's probably laying around comatose somewhere unable to do anything, it'll be amazing if it's still alive when we find it.

"Yep," Akako, the supposed witch, said with the utmost confidence, "This boy has two souls."

As of yet I still had no proof that this red-headed creep with a pretty face was in-fact a real witch. She had yet to do anything that could be defined as witchcraft and she didn't at all appear as you would typically envision a witch.

The only thing strange was the somewhat overcautious attitude that Kaito seemed to be taking around her, ever if it was just slightly, he was on edge as though he believed she might curse him at any moment, contrary to his aloof and cocky attitude that he usually had as Kaitou Kid.

"And isn't this your rival? That child -Edogawa Conan- that has the aggressiveness of the devil?" The red witch asked, by her tone I could tell she was a bit worried that he was associating with me.

"Hm? Is that how you describe me to others?" I asked Kaito, my tone was a bit more annoyed than I meant for it to be.

"No, no, she came up with that description on her own," He said defensively.

Haibara laughed to herself a little bit, "It's an accurate description though."

"Eh? But Haibara!" Conan's flustered reaction embarrassed me, even if they knew it was him who did it and not me it still felt wrong.

I was already tired of sharing a body with Conan, it was just too annoying. If it's true that my real body is still alive (though younger) then I'd like to return to it as soon as possible. Though it's still possible that I'm already dead... what would I tell Ran if that were true...

"Any chance dat ya can find de body dat de extra soul belongs too?" Heiji asked. He seemed to be taking this whole supernatural-stuff-exists thing in stride and had already accepted my entire ridiculous situation before I'd even had the chance to blink.

"It doesn't work that way..." Akako explained, "Both souls have been in this body for a while, it's difficult to tell which of them was originally in the body and which was introduced later... and also... there's something protecting one of them..."

I didn't like the way she said 'something' as though it were an extremely sinister thing that she would rather not be involved with in any way.

The witch continued, "I'm not sure what kind of situation you're in but... I can't help you. Nothing good will come out of that black thing..."

"Black!" I asked. Suddenly feeling as though she had just told me I had a deadly contagious disease.

"That's the only way I can think to describe it..." She said vaguely, "I can't even tell if it's supposed to be a blessing or a curse. It seems like something that will draw misfortune to those around you, but it also looks like it protects you... I think it would be dangerous for me to try to remove it..."

'Is it just me... or did everyone take a step back after hearing that?' I asked Conan, he assured me that he noticed it too.

"So you can't find him then?" The professor said, he was clearly a bit disappointed.

She seemed to think for a moment, "I'll ask... But I can't give you any guarantees that It'll be successful, come back tomorrow and I'll let you know if I find anything out."

At least we were one step closer, before now we didn't even have a lead.


"Aniki, you still haven't killed that kid you went after the other day," Vodka said, there was really no reason behind it he was only curious, "That kid escaped from a locked room and in his place there was a teenaged guy, but you haven't tried to kill the kid since..."

Gin, cold and merciless as always, responded in a somewhat bored tone, "That kid got captured too easily, it was like he didn't care if he lived or died, I've left killing him to another member. It's that 'niichan' of his that I'm interested in."

"Another member? Who?" Vodka asked. Wondering who Gin would trust to get rid of a child that had been skilled enough to escape him.

"That prodigy that one of the scientists found a while back..." Gin replied, he seemed to have to think for a bit to remember the name, "... 'Moonshine', I think is what they call him..."

"You're sending out someone that young?" Vodka was honestly shocked.

"Let a child face a child, you and I have more important things to deal with."



Akako woke me up in the middle of the night when she crawled into my room through my window. I'll admit I was creeped out by it, not only because she's tried to curse me on several occasions, but because she seemed shaken.

"Kaito. The kid with two souls..." She said in a low tone, "something bad is going to happen to him soon..."

What? But that kid can handle anything, he sees murders on a regular basis, he even bests me sometimes... there's no way that anything bad could happen to him.

"What kind of 'something bad'?" I asked just to be sure.

"I-I'm not really sure... but Lucifer told me," She began, the rest of what she spoke sent chills down my spine. It was far worse than any prediction she'd made regarding me.

I didn't even quite understand the meaning of all of it, but from what I did understand there was no way it was a good omen. Even Akako, who knew very little about the kid's situation was able to realize that.

I called Conan/Shinichi and asked that he immediately meet me in a park that was located between the area's where he and I lived. He argued that it was hard for him to get out of the house so late at night without looking suspicious, but when I assured him that it was urgent and could not wait until morning he agreed to come.

I told him about how Akako had crept into my room and what had happened after that. I had her repeat the prediction that she had told me.

"To the one who follows death like an old friend,

The thing you seek has been consumed by crows,

And now is as a piece of their twisted nest.

If you still wish to retrieve what you lost,

Then you must put your most precious thing at risk,

In this your comrades will not help you,

For when the deciding moment comes it will be only you.

Once it is lost that thing will never again return to you.

Watch your back,

The shadow that follows you will never truly disappear."

The detective child's face showed an expression of horror, and at the same time sadness. He definitely knew what this meant, but strangely enough he didn't seem to be afraid.