Chapter 6
A person is never happy except at the price of some ignorance.
Anatole France (1844 - 1924)
The first weeks of school had passed rather uneventfully. Everything was like it had been before the summer holidays. Rodolphus had to spend two more nights in the hospital wing for trying to speak with Bellatrix. Andromeda was even more secretive and silent than usual. The students did still stare at the three Black sisters and Narcissa still avoided Lucius' company. Not because she was afraid, that had lessened considerably since their conversation in the garden but because she had decided to forget the fact that she was going to marry him. She thought ignoring the future marriage would be doing her good and not seeing her intended husband was necessary to keep her in her bliss of denial. Her best friend Adhara was accepting Narcissa's decision and didn't mention the engagement once, though she had been shocked when she had heard the news.
Narcissa tried to enjoy her second year in school as well as she could but what worried her a tiny bit were the hostile stares Porpentia Parkinson was giving her all the time. The girl seemed to think it was all Narcissa's fault, though it wasn't her choice to marry Lucius at all.
It was the middle of October and the first Hogsmeade weekend of the year took place. Since Narcissa was only a second year she wasn't allowed to leave the Hogwarts grounds yet, that's why she was sitting in the library doing homework. Adhara was sitting next to her reading in her Potions' book.
Narcissa looked up from her work looking at Ivanka Flinch, a seventh year, who was a friend of Porpentia Parkinson.
"Yes?" she inquired, putting her quill down.
"Professor Slughorn wants to speak with you. I'm supposed to bring you to him," explained Ivanka. Narcissa exchanged a confused look with Adhara, wondering what her Head of house wanted from her but she stood up and followed the older girl out of the library.
"Did he say what he wanted?" she asked while she tried to keep pace with Ivanka.
"No, he didn't."
Narcissa frowned in confusion, noticing that they weren't walking in the direction of Slughorn's office anymore but deeper into the dungeons.
"This is the wrong way," she said eventually.
Ivanka stopped and turned around to the young Black, smiling cruelly.
"No, it's exactly where I wanted you to be," said Porpentia from behind Narcissa. The young girl whirled around, her eyes widening in shock upon seeing Lucius' ex-girlfriend and a guy called Mulciber who seemed to be Porpentia's new lover.
"What do you want from me?" said Narcissa, not able to keep the fear from her voice. She was cornered and most of the other students were in Hogsmeade, so it was unlikely that someone would come to her help.
"What do I want?" Porpentia let out hysterical laughter. "She asks me what I want!" Her friends began to laugh.
Narcissa took a step back, looking for a way to escape but it was three to one.
Porpentia grabbed Narcissa's arm and threw her to the ground. "What I want, you ask? How dare you little bitch take Lucius from me?"
Narcissa watched the older girl with wide eyes, regretting that she had ever felt sorry for that girl. "It's not my choice."
"Not your choice?" Porpentia bent down slightly, staring hatefully at the younger girl. "He was my boyfriend. I loved him! I even slept with him and you took him away from me!"
Narcissa felt tears in her eyes, not knowing what to do.
"You will pay, you little slut," hissed Porpentia eventually. "Aston is quite interested in the Dark Arts. He wants to show me his skills." She pointed at Mulciber who stepped forward.
"No, please," whispered Narcissa, fumbling for her wand in her pocket but before she had reached it, the Expelliarmus threw it into Aston Mulciber's outstretched palm.
"I proudly present you the Burning Charm," he said.
Narcissa heard herself scream while she was shaking in agony on the ground. Eventually the curse was lifted from her and she sat up slightly, seeing burns on her arms and legs.
"Please," she begged. "I haven't done anything."
"I don't want to hear your lies," Porpentia hissed before she turned to Aston. "Show us another curse."
All Narcissa registered after that were her owns screams and never ending pain. After what seemed like an eternity to her, the pain lessened but she couldn't move. It felt as though her whole skin was burned and every bone in her body broken. She was sobbing desperately, hoping that they would leave her alone.
"Now you have to obliviate her or everyone knows that we have done that to her," said Porpentia.
Narcissa was too weak to protest or to care.
"Obliviate!" shouted Aston.
Narcissa felt a curse hit her but Mulciber must have done something wrong because she still remembered everything, though she wished she wouldn't.
"The way she looks now, Lucius won't want her," stated Porpentia triumphantly.
Narcissa heard steps move away and knew that they had left her alone, not caring what happened to her. Her entire body was hurting as though she was on fire. She tried to open her mouth to call for help but she wasn't able to move at all.
Adhara was still sitting in the library, waiting for Narcissa. Three hours had passed since Narcissa had left and she hadn't returned yet. Adhara was beginning to worry about her friend, not trusting Ivanka. Taking her bag, she left the library in search for Narcissa. She walked towards Slughorn's office, knocking softly. The Professor opened at once, smiling friendly at his Slytherin. "Miss Avery, how can I help you?"
"Was Narcissa here?"
"Miss Black? No, she wasn't. Why should she?" Slughorn was watching his charge curiously.
"Oh, I must have misheard what she said to me," lied Adhara hastily. "I'm sorry for having disturbed you."
"Don't worry," Slughorn assured her, closing his door. Adhara whirled around immediately and stormed through the dungeons. She had a feeling that she had to hurry. She ran through the corridors of the castle for several minutes, slowly giving up hope to find her friend when she noticed something lying on the ground several feet away from her. Hesitantly, she approached the person, seeing blond hair. When she was close enough to see Narcissa, she gasped in shock, almost not recognizing her best friend. Her clothes were ripped and every bit of her skin was covered with burns. Adhara let out a terrified sob, dropping to her knees next to her friend. She touched Narcissa's arm gently, causing her friend to whimper in pain. "Cissy?" she asked, now crying like a little child.
Narcissa recognized the voice of her best friend. She tried to speak but her mouth was so terribly dry and everything hurt so much. She gathered all her strength and opened her eyes, staring at Adhara who was watching her with unhidden horror. "Oh Cissy."
"Help...fetch my sisters..." Narcissa whispered.
"Don't you think I should go to Madam Pomfrey?"
"No," replied Narcissa weakly. "Don't want the teachers to know..." She was a Black after all; she didn't want to be seen in such a state.
Adhara nodded. "I'll be back in a few minutes." She got up and stormed towards the Slytherin common room, hoping that someone would be there. She entered the room which was deserted except for a few people that had returned early from Hogsmeade. The Black sisters weren't there and no one else that could help her either. Then she heard her brother's voice in the seventh years dormitories, knowing that Lucius would be with him as well.
She hurried towards the staircase, taking two steps at once. She didn't bother to wipe away her tears. Not waiting to knock, she pushed open the door and entered the dormitory. Rodolphus, Lucius and her brother Antares were standing in the room, glaring at her.
"Adhara, why are you crying?" inquired Antares worried.
"Narcissa...someone attacked her. She's injured."
Lucius stepped towards her at once, watching her inquiringly. "Where is she? Bring us to her."
Adhara turned around and hurried out of the common room. Rodolphus, Lucius and Antares were following her into the corridor where Narcissa was lying, all three of them shocked upon seeing the young girl.
Adhara knelt down beside Narcissa who opened her eyes slowly. "Your sisters weren't there," explained Adhara apologetically.
Narcissa looked at Lucius who was kneeling at her side, Rodolphus and Antares next to him.
"Hi," she said weakly.
Lucius gave her a smile while he cast a few examination spells on her. "Does it hurt?" His voice was very tight. He was having difficulties to reign his anger but he had to take care of her first before he found out who'd done that to her.
"Yes," she admitted, trying to stop herself from crying again but she felt a few tears running down her cheeks already. "But it's not as bad as it had been while the curse was on me."
A muscle in Lucius' jar was twitching dangerously.
"Admit it, you just wanted to draw attention to yourself, just like when you ran into me in the train last year," joked Rodolphus, trying to distract her from her pain.
"I guess that's it," said Narcissa, trying to smile but dismissing it when it hurt too much. She turned her head to Lucius. "Is it bad? Will the burns remain?"
"The burns are only on the surface. They aren't too serious. They can be healed easily," replied Lucius calmly, though he wasn't sure that it was true. "I'll cast a few healing spells on you which will heal your broken bones." Some of the pain vanished and Narcissa took a deep breath, feeling a bit better at once.
"Who's done that to you?" inquired Antares eventually, voicing what Lucius had wanted to ask since the beginning.
Narcissa looked into Lucius' eyes. "Aston Mulciber, Porpentia Parkinson and Ivanka Flinch," she replied in a whisper, starting to sob again.
"It'll be alright," Lucius assured her, lifting her into his arms. He didn't have any difficulties to carry her since she was quite petite.
"Bellatrix will kill them," whispered Rodolphus.
"Not if I get them before she does," growled Lucius, his voice deathly cold. "They will pay."
"I'll help you," said Antares at once and Rodolphus nodded in affirmation. "Me, too."
Narcissa closed her eyes, leaning her head tiredly against Lucius' chest. She felt that he was walking but she didn't know where he brought her. "Don't take me to the infirmary," she pleaded. "I don't want the teachers to know."
"Don't worry," said Lucius, not wanting the teachers to get involved either. He wanted to deal with Porpentia and didn't want anyone to interfere.
They arrived in the common room and moved towards the seventh years' dormitory. Lucius put Narcissa down on his bed, sitting down beside her. "Antares, could you fetch my healing potions from my trunk?" Lucius always had a supply of those potions in his trunk; he preferred to heal himself instead of asking for help in the infirmary. Having grown up with his father, he had learned very early how to heal injuries.
A few minutes later, Narcissa had drunk three Potions but the burns hadn't vanished from her skin yet.
"I'll stay ugly just like Porpentia wanted," she whispered desperately.
"No, you won't," objected Lucius, still sitting at her side. He didn't know why the potions weren't working. It was worrying him a bit. Her usually pale marble-like skin was now covered with burns.
The door to the dormitory was opened forcefully and Bellatrix and Andromeda entered, looking livid.
"What have you done with our sister!" shouted Bellatrix, pointing her wand at Lucius and Rodolphus who stood close to the bed.
"They helped me," whispered Narcissa, not wanting Bella to kill them.
Bella and Andy moved to their sister at once, both staring in shock at the burns. "Who's done that to you, Cissy?"
"Porpentia, Aston and Ivanka," replied Lucius coldly.
"I'll search for them and then they're dead," hissed Bella, getting up, a mad glimmer in her dark eyes.
"Wait, Bellatrix. First, Narcissa needs our help and then we'll take care of them together," Lucius suggested, giving her a meaningful look.
"He's right, Bella. Time for revenge will be later," said Andy, who was holding Narcissa's hand.
"What about her burns?" inquired Bella in defeat, looking very pale. Rodolphus approached her hesitantly. "We've tried a few Potions but so far nothing is working," he explained, careful not to come too close to Bella. To his surprise, she leant against him, taking a deep breath. "So you'll help me torturing those bastards who have done that to Cissy?" she inquired softly, in a voice very seldomly coming from her mouth.
"Of course."
Seeing Bella and Rodolphus close again made Narcissa smile though she was feeling close to tears when she thought about having to live with those ugly burns.
"I might have an idea," said Adhara suddenly, leaving the dormitory in a rush.
Bellatrix stepped back from Rodolphus, moving to her sister's side. "Did they attack you because Porpentia is jealous?"
Narcissa nodded, avoiding Lucius' eyes. "Yes, she said it was my fault that Lucius left her."
Bella glared at the blond wizard. "If you had kept your hands where they belong, this wouldn't have happened!"
"Don't argue, please," said Narcissa, pleading her sister with her eyes.
"Alright," muttered Bella.
"She'll pay for what she did. I want that as much as you do," whispered Lucius.
Bella looked at him for an instant. "You've helped, Cissy. That's the only reason why I tolerate that you participate in the torture of this bitch and her friends."
"How noble of you," drawled Lucius, sneering at Bella.
The door of the room was opened again and Adhara entered, a boy with black hair next to her.
Narcissa didn't remember his name but he was in her year. He was always alone, reading books.
"That's Severus Snape," said Adhara, pushing the boy forward. He seemed quite embarrassed.
"What is he doing here?" inquired Lucius lazily, his grey eyes mustering the boy condescendingly.
"I know a Potion that will help her. I've created it myself," said Severus shyly, pointing with his right hand at Narcissa while his left held a vial.
"You're only a second year," said Lucius doubtfully.
"And a half-blood," added Bella.
"If you don't want my help," said Severus, turning around.
"Show me that Potion," ordered Lucius, extending his hand. Severus approached him cautiously, handing him the vial.
"If it does anything funny with my sister, I'll torture you until you forget your name," warned Bella, eyeing the young boy suspiciously. Severus shrugged simply, being used to getting threats.
Lucius smelled the potion, mustering it closely. Since Narcissa wasn't able to move, he held the vial to her lips. Turning to Severus, he hissed. "If anything happens to her, you'll pay." He raised the vial and Narcissa gulped the liquid, just wanting the burns to vanish. It tasted terribly sweet but better than most other healing potions did. At first nothing happened but then warmth spread in her body.
"I knew that he was lying! It isn't helping!" Bella pointed her wand at Severus who was taking a step back from her.
Narcissa ignored her sister, watching her arms instead. The burns were vanishing slowly, leaving nothing but flawless skin behind. She let out a laugh. "It's working!"
Everyone was watching her, astonished expressions on their faces.
"Good job, Snape!" said Rodolphus clapping the shoulder of the younger boy.
"I can't believe it," murmured Bellatrix, moving still closer to Narcissa.
"Do you want to kiss me or why are you inches away from my face?" inquired Narcissa jokingly.
"I might do that, you pert little thing," answered Bella good-humoured, though inside she was longing for revenge. She would make this bitch that hurt her sister pay and she would enjoy every single minute of it.
"How do I look?" Narcissa asked eventually, turning to Lucius, raising her eyebrows inquiringly.
"As beautiful as ever," drawled Lucius smirking.
"I think I might puke..." muttered Andy, though she was smiling all over her face.
"Then please go to the bathroom," suggested Antares.
Narcissa began to laugh and the others joined in. Lucius, Bella, Rodolphus and Antares were exchanging conspiratory looks, knowing that they would have to plot their revenge later. Narcissa, however, just wanted to forget what had transpired today and live her life as though nothing had ever happened.
Especially, Lucius and Bella couldn't wait to make Porpentia and her friends pay; and pay they would, if with their lives? Only time could tell.