The Prison


A lightning flash lit up the room, deviated by the water around the HQ, and a second later the sound of the thunder echoed – muffled, once again by the water. Skipper was standing in front of his desk, right flipper holding a cup of coffee while the left one was holding a paper.

"Why it must be me…" he sighed and sipped his coffee. "They know that I can't go there…"

He put the paper back on his desk and emptied the cup, and then he waddled out from his room. Kowalski was playing chess against Private, while Rico was watching them excitedly. Skipper chuckled to see a victorious smile on Kowalski's face, while on Private's, a depressed look. He went to the young boy's side and surveyed the game.

"Look, Private," he whispered to Private's ear. "You can avoid the possibility of check-mate by moving your Knight to D-4, and then check his King with your Rock to disturb him a little,"

"Thank you, Skippah!" Private cheered and followed Skipper's advice.

"I almost won, Skipper!" Kowalski groaned, with a disappointed expression.

Skipper chuckled. "He's not a match for a genius like you, he still needs some training - and help,"

He watched his comrades one by one; his second in command, his 'explosive' Sergeant, and of course – the little Private. He sighed.

"What's it, Skipper?" Kowalski asked as he saw his leader's face.

"Boys," Skipper started. "I have to leave for a while."

"Where are you going to?" Private asked.

"The Central Base needs me to do something. A top secret mission, alone, this midnight. And maybe it will take some time." Skipper continued.

"But we can help you. We'll go with you," said Private. Rico nodded and coughed a dynamite.

"No, they clearly said that they only need me. Besides, I can't take the risk of letting any of you get hurt." Skipper replied. "I hope you understand, Private."

Private sighed. "Yes, Sir."

"Kowalski, I need you to take my position while I'm away. I know I can count on you."

"Sure thing, Sir."

"And Rico," Skipper turned to him. "I'm sorry that you can't go with me, but I guess I need some of your tools. And please – don't make too much kaboom,"

Rico smiled and nodded.

"And Private," this time Skipper faced the young boy. "Be a good soldier while I'm away, okay Son?"

"Yes, Skippah," Private smiled and hugged him. Skipper returned the hug of his little boy.

The storm hadn't completely stopped yet. Heavy rain still pouring down from the sky, making the road wet. Skipper slid through a dark alley and stopped when he reached the main road. He continued southward. Soon enough he arrived at a small dock. He opened the door slowly, trying hard to make no voice, but the old wooden door creaked. He cursed and stopped, waiting for any reaction from the inside. As nothing happened, he quickly entered the dock and closed the door, immediately got to his fighting trestle.

The small dock was lit up by a single lamp at the middle of the room. Across the room, someone in black robe stood in the shadows, facing his guest. Slowly he stepped into the light, showing himself. An old male penguin, black robe covered his whole body except his head. He had blue eyes and white mustache, and a scar on his left eye. Skipper lowered his flippers.

"General," Skipper greeted.

"Glad you come in time, Captain." said the General.

"I'm sorry for asking this question, but why you choose me for this mission? I mean, you know what happened the last time I stepped my feet there," said Skipper.

"I know you're wondering so much. I'll explain it," the General replied. "As you've read, Dr. Blowhole is building a new branch of his organization in Denmark. We need you to go there to capture intel as many as you can about this organization – how large is it, what are they working on, and why Denmark. It is you we chose because, you're the natural enemy of Dr. Blowhole. You're the only one who knows his thinking, and you are able to defeat him. Another reason, you already know what's it like in Denmark,"

"Alright," said Skipper. "Now, the next question : how can I get into the country? And, who will be my contact there?"

"You will go with an airplane, 5 minutes from now. You'll be landed 81 kilometers from Copenhagen, and you'll continue by yourself. My advice, go through the North beach. They don't have any patrol there so they're completely blind. Your destination is an apartment across the Denmark Central Police Office. You'll meet your contact in room 391. From there, just follow his command." the General explained. "Now let's get into the plane."

Skipper watched through the window as the airplane - which was carrying a pilot, several staff, the General, and himself - was moving downward. Quickly, they left the clouds to the top of an old abandoned building of Helsinburg. Suddenly he felt so nervous. His heart bit so fast, like something wrong was going. And then he realized why – something leaving grayish vapor was moving toward them.

"RPG!" He screamed.


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Also for the cover image, the credit goes to Unknown Forgotten Friend. Thanks, my friend, that's very cool! ^^