Whoot, I managed to update in midst of exam preparation. XD

And finally, we have some more Miego fluff from me. 0 w 0


Chapter VI – That Single Ray of Sunlight

"Mr. Armando, it's time to take your medication."

He grumbled upon hearing the usual reminder he was given every day by the same nurse and turned his head slightly to show that he had heard her.

"…I would appreciate it if you helped me up." He managed to not sound too rude, as it wasn't the nurse's fault that he was slowly losing the ability to move his limbs.

She immediately leaned forward to support him under the arms and gently positioned him so that he was leaning into his upright pillow.

"Thanks…" Diego felt the coolness of the metal visor being pressed into his worn hands and clumsily placed it over his eyes.

It certainly did help with his vision to have this heavy metalwork on.

However he could only see through the thin, red bars of it and this proved to be extremely inconvenient as the only reason he knew his tablets were now in the palm of his hand was the fact that he could physically feel them.

"Would you prefer it if I gave you the liquid dose instead?" She asked hesitantly, noticing that the patient was struggling to think of a way past this hurdle.

"Y-Yeah… that would be appreciated." He felt for the ever-present tray next to his bed and dejectedly tipped the tablets onto it.

Diego Armando felt nothing short of useless as he listened to the retreating footsteps of the nurse.

"… I wonder if I'll ever see daylight outside this wretched place again…? Heh… seems not." He mumbled to himself and leaned back into the soft pillow.

Though the doctors hadn't told him, he knew very well that his organs were slowly failing him.

It seemed as if the poison had never fully left his system after he drank it along with his coffee.

He gritted his teeth, as a fuzzy image of the woman he despised so much swam in front of his mind.

"Damn witch…" He growled.

"If only she didn't exist…"

"Are you talking about me, Diego? I would be severely worried about your sanity if you were."

Diego almost fainted from shock as the familiar and warm voice reached his ears.

He doubled over slightly, but managed to stay upright and push himself upwards to look into her eyes.


She reached forward, pushing a cylindrical shaped glass into his shivering hands and gently wrapping the other arm around his shaking body.

It really was her.

Diego wasn't sure how he would keep the moisture building up in his weary eyes from spilling forth, but he didn't really care at the moment.

His kitten was here.

Mia...was here.

"…You don't look so well, Diego… Are you giving up already?" She finally asked, almost teasingly.

The way she always used to do when they still worked together under the same office.

"Y-You…oh…" He felt the coolness of a hair bead softly brushing against his cheek.
"Maya's channeling you…right?"

"What, did you think I had come back?"

"…Yes. Yes, I did." His voice was suddenly barely a whisper and he turned away slightly.

"…I'm sorry."
She couldn't think of anything else to say.

But Diego Armando managed a smile and buried his face into the soft cloth of Maya's clothes.
"That's alright. It's in no way your fault. It doesn't change the fact that you're still my kitten… I've missed you so much…"

"…We saw each other a few days earlier…just after that trial, Diego. Honestly, I think your patience has been worn thin by Phoenix."

"Ha…! You could say that." He realised then that his medication was in his free hand, and that Mia had taken the glass from the nurse who was with him just moments earlier.

"Amazing how she remembered me, despite the fact that we hadn't seen each other for years…"

Diego was just about to ask how the two women knew each other, when he suddenly felt Mia's hold on him tighten stiffly.

"…There's a reason you came to see me, isn't there, Kitten?" Even after being in a coma for seven years, his ability to sense Mia's emotions hadn't rusted at all.

"…That's right." She replied, straightening up slightly and bringing his hand to touch her cheek.

He shuddered slightly, realising there were tears present in her eyes.
"Mia. What is it?"

"…I…never told you…did I?"

"…Told me what?" Diego began to grow impatient and frowned for the first time since seeing her again.

It wasn't like Mia to be so hesitant.

He suddenly placed the glass of medication on the tray along with the discarded tablets and snatched off his visor so that she could see his eyes and know what he was thinking, causing Mia to jump back slightly.

They were no longer the charismatic and warm dark brown she once knew and had spent countless times gazing into.

They were now dull, faded and almost grey.

It was obvious he couldn't see her, despite his sharp gaze.

A clear cut looked like it had been engraved into his face, one that crossed over the bridge of his nose and under his eyes.

The only physical sign of the courageous act of saving Maya Fey's life.

"Tell me, Mia. What is it? …I'm tired of waiting." Noticing that she had clammed up completely, he looked away, a slight growl rising in his throat, and feeling annoyance at himself for scaring the woman he loved so much.

I have been waiting for Death to hurry up and cut me down so that I can be with you…

"…Diego. There's something that I was going to tell you straight after you woke up…but… I guess I didn't make it in time." She whispered, her head gazing downwards as well.

His heart ached slightly at her poignant choice of words and he clasped her hand in his.

He gazed at her expectantly.

However, even with all the experience he had acquired as both a defense and prosecuting attorney, Diego Armando was not prepared for what his lover said next.

"…You have a daughter, our only child." Mia Fey stared into his stunned eyes, her voice breaking slightly as she continued.
"And she, along with Xekuto, are in danger of losing their lives."