Disclaimer: Noblesse isn't mine.
Dear Gejutel,
As you know, Regis is a student at Ye Ran High School, and as such, he is subject to the same rules and regulations that apply to the other students. For you, this means that the same expectations are required of you as of other guardians. Tomorrow marks the beginning of parent-teacher conferences. You must attend. I'm certain the short notice will not be difficult for someone as punctual as you.
Sincerely, Frankenstein
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Dear Frankenstein,
Surely you know by now that a clan leader cannot simply abandon his duty without sufficient notification. I can hardly visit at your every whim. If you have something to say to me regarding Regis, you may do so through correspondence as always.
Sincerely, Gejutel
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Dear Gejutel,
Regis is failing his math course. I see this as a reflection of your guidance as a clan leader. If you were not so set in your ways, Regis would not be suffering from your inadequacies now. I will send you a package to help you acclimate to modern times.
Sincerely, Frankenstein
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Dear Frankenstein,
I have received the parcel you sent me, and I am writing to inquire just what you expect me to do with this? Your gifts are so peculiar in nature. It makes me wonder if you have ulterior motives. This book of crossword puzzles, for example, is especially unusual. I have been working to decode the message inside the boxes. I will have the answer soon.
Sincerely, Gejutel
P.S. What is a seven letter word for latent?
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Dear Gejutel,
How obstinate. The answers are in the back of the book.
Sincerely, Frankenstein
P.S. Try "dormant."