Hey :) Okay I realize I already have one story I'm working on but no ones currently reading it soooo I'm gonna write this one :) its a random spark of inspiration. This is the prologue. It takes place in the opera house when Saya and Diva are talking.

Chapter One

"Big sister, why are you trying to kill me?" Diva asked Saya

"Our mere existence has caused so many people such sorrow and suffering" Saya said lifting her sword, her bright crimson eyes glowing "and that is why I'm going to kill you Diva."

"But you see its not my fault. I don't truly understand the humans sister. And I know the humans don't understand us, either." Diva said

"No that's not true!" Saya argued "They've been good friends to me, and are part of my family!"

"Oh?Part of your family?" Diva interrupted "Then what about me sister?All I've ever wanted was to be a part of your precious family. To have a place in your heart. After spending my life alone in that tower, is that truly too much to ask for Saya?Sister?"

Saya looked somberly at her sister "After what you did to Joel and everyone at that party Diva... You killed everyone I loved."

"I wonder why" Diva retorted coldly "Living in the tower, knowing of nothing but killing and singing. How was I supposed to know what was wrong?Joel was my tormentor."

"That does not excuse anything Diva!Joel was a loving man!He was my father!"

The light sparked out as Diva took her true form on, eyes now glowing a dazzling sapphire.

"Perhaps to you dear sister, he was. For you, his perfect civilized experiment. It was so unfair. You had no idea what true pain and suffering was. Oh how quickly one forgets. Only you were permitted to have a normal life. Only you were allowed love and affection." Diva looked down dejectedly. Then softly she continued "and only you were allowed to have fun." Diva looked up meeting her sisters fiery red eyes with her own.

Saya softened a bit, seeing the hurt in her sister's bright crystal eyes. She began to realize her own feelings as well. No matter what, Diva was her family. She didn't want her to die. She had clearly suffered enough.

"Oh Diva... I'm so sorry" Saya said dropping her sword, then sinking to her knees. She buried her face into her hands. "You're right. I don't understand what you've gone through. I still believe what you did was wrong. To Joel, Riku, and any other innocent humans you killed. However... I understand that if I had taught you what was right and wrong... All of this could have been avoided. I... More than anything I want to live with you Diva. Be your sister." Saya said with a small sad smile. Tears streaming down her sun kissed cheeks.

Diva looked at her sister. Was it true?Could she finally be a family with her sister and her babies?Her precious babies...

Diva glared at her sister, suspicious,yet still hoping. Hoping her sister meant what she was saying. Her babies were her first priority now however. They must not be harmed. Diva could take no chances on their safety.

"Truly sister?Or is this a cruel trick?"

Saya looked to her sister with pleading eyes. "I swear to you Diva. I will love and remain loyal to you and your babies. Please."

Diva looked at her sister for a second still disbelieving. Then in the instant after that embraced her tightly, and cried all the tears she had been holding in for the past century. It felt so nice to finally release all her bottled up emotions. The hurt,despair,rage... But most of all her fear. After a long time of both sisters crying and comforting each other they pulled back, sniffling. Saya and Diva exchanged a smile and then broke into light giggles. They had never seemed happier. Even when Saya had lived in Okinawa as a human. For now she was herself and comfortable in her own skin. The glorious happy moment was broken, however, when the doors to the opera house swung open. Saya gasped and Diva glared at the figure in the door.

"What the hell are you doing?"