AN: I don't own this, please don't sue me :)

I loved the scene in 3x20. It conveyed Klaus is age, he is one of the oldest beings on earth. If he wants something he will wait for it. He has all the time in the world. I love feed back so please review.

Mark my words

"You should be nicer to me, I am leaving town tomorrow "

My gut clenched and my breath caught. The reaction confused me and by the look on his face, Klaus knew exactly what I was thinking. I hated how he could read could me so easily. I snapped myself out of my thoughts when I realized that he was still talking was Talking.

"We both know your not ready to except my offer. Perhaps one day, in a year or even in a century. You'll turn up at my door and let me show you what the world has to offer"

I couldn't speak. The way he was looking at me, as if I was the only person in the room. The only person in the world. It was so hard convince myself that this was only a game to him.

Time seemed to slow as I imagined all the things he could show me. Things that I couldn't even imagine. In that moment all that mattered was him and me.

Then the guilt came crashing down and I couldn't breathe. This man was the source of so much pain for me and my friends. Here I was daydreaming about a fictional relationship with him. So I did what I always do. I blew him off.

"Mark my words. This small town boy and this small town life. It won't be enough for you."

I had to stop myself from calling out to him as he walked away from me. I hurt him. I really hurt him. I didn't understand why it bothered me. I have only talked to him a handful of times. I barely knew him. But the regret and guilt I felt as he walked away was more than any time in my entire life.

Tyler was smiling at me as I walked back to him, thinking that I had finally put the big bad wolf in his place. As Tyler pulled me on to the dance floor, Klaus's words echoed in my head

"Mark my words. This small town boy and this small town life. It won't be enough for you."

Why did I have sinking feeling that he might be right?