This is a sequel to Heartache: Teenage Love. You don't have to read that first but this does reference things that have happened in Heartache: Teenage Love and will not be explained in here so if you are wondering about something then you'll have to go and read the first one. I will say, though, the already established relationships are Dean/Castiel and Lucifer/Chuck. If the Lucifer/Chuck thing confuses you please read Heartache: Teenage Love first.
If you're confused about anything please, ask me and I'll try to answer your question in the next chapter but I would prefer if you read Heartache: Teenage Love first just in case your question is answered there and I don't have to spoil it for anyone. Thank you.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything, not even the title since I got it off a story title generator.
Rating mostly for language but it may have some sexual scenes in it, I haven't made up my mind yet.
This won't be as long as the other, probably just five chapters worth. Thank you for reading, favoriting, and/or reviewing. Hope you enjoy.
Chapter 1:
I'm lying in bed with my boyfriend of four years. We've only been allowed to date peacefully for about three years now and honestly, I'm ready to take it up a notch.
We're currently living with Lucifer and his boyfriend Chuck, odd couple I know but it works, and Dean and Lucifer are always at each other's throats… well at least 99% of the time. There are those rare occasions when they get along which only creep me and Chuck out.
Dean works at his father's friend's garage as a mechanic and I, well I'm currently unemployed and going to collage to try and become a doctor. Of course, Lawrence doesn't exactly have the greatest medical schools but Dean refuses to leave. I, on the other hand, can't get out of this town fast enough. Lawrence doesn't exactly hold the greatest of memories for me, the best ones consisting of before my dad and brother, Gabriel, died in a car crash, meeting and befriending Lucifer and Chuck, and getting together with Dean. Other than those life was just a pain in the ass and I would like to forget that whole past.
Unfortunately, life isn't so generous and when Dean and I started dating secretively, well let me just say, all hell broke loose and it was just one big fucked up time. I was a miserable mess and Dean was an ass, his father being an even bigger ass wipe, but hell, that's all in the past now, right?
Wrong… I'm constantly reminded of mine and Dean's screw ups and I always feel like I have to look over my shoulder to make sure John Winchester isn't there with a fucking rifle. It's a great life I lead.
I cuddle up closer to Dean, resting my head in the crook of his neck, my dark brown hair brushing against his chin. "Dean?" I whisper, kissing his chest lightly.
He squirms a little and sighs deeply. "Hmm?"
I cup his cheek and kiss the other. "You awake?"
"Now I am." He says groggily.
"Sorry." I rub my cheek against his own, our noses brushing slightly. "How about you and I go to a different state that allows same sex marriage and-"
"Cas." He sighs. "No, okay."
I sit up on my elbow, leaning my head on my balled up fist, my other hand sweeping through Dean's hair. "Why not Dean? I just want to get out of this town, this state."
"Cas," He starts. "Listen we can't, not now. Not only do we not have enough money, but I'm not going to transfer Sammy to a new school."
I sigh. "Sam already told us that it is fine with him if he transfers and the money… we'll figure something out."
"Cas, we're living with Chuck and the devil because we can't afford to live on our own." Dean states.
"Lucifer and Chuck said that they would come with us." I say.
"And what about Bobby, I'm not just going to leave him." Dean claims.
"Bobby can handle himself and I'm not saying we'll never come and visit him." I explain.
Dean huffs and shakes his head "Right Cas." He says sarcastically. "Like that'll happen, after everything that has happened here. Once we leave, you'll never want to come back."
I stare into his emerald eyes. "Dean just because bad things happened here doesn't mean that I would deprive you from seeing someone you've known your whole life." I kiss his forehead. "I'll just have to deal with the memories for a few days but Dean; I don't want to live with these things reminding me of what happened every day. I don't want to feel as if I always have to look over my shoulder for John Winchester on a rampage."
He shakes his head, closing his eyes then reopening them. "First, my dad is in jail and he's not going to get you. Second, do you have to bring that up this early in the morning?"
I lie back down on my back. I close my eyes and take in a deep breath. "You're right, sorry." I get up.
"Cas, don't do that to me." Dean says annoyed.
I turn back to him, half way to the bureau. "Like what?"
"Get mad at me." Dean gives me his best puppy dog eyes.
I smile. "I'm not mad at you."
"Cas, I've known you long enough, hell I've seen you pissed at me enough, to know when you're mad… at me." Dean explains.
I huff and look to the floor shaking my head. I then look at Dean again. "Dean I swear, I'm not mad at you." I turn back to the dresser, pulling out a pair of blue jeans and one of Dean's shirts.
Dean yawns. "What are you doing up so early anyways?"
I pull down the light grey sweat pants that I wore to bed and slip on the jeans. "It's seven o'clock Dean, I have to get ready for a class."
Dean sighs, rubbing his face. "Why did you choose classes so early? We could be having rough morning sex right now, you know?"
I pull the shirt on and go up to Dean, getting close to his face. "So that way we can have rough night sex." I kiss his nose. "See you Dean." I leave the room.
I walk into the kitchen and pour myself a bowl of cereal. Dean walks in just as I'm putting the milk away. "You can't just say something like that and expect me to go back to sleep. Now I have to jerk off in the shower."
I chuckle. "Then you better be thinking of me."
"Of course." He comes up and wraps his arms around my waist. "Everybody else is ugly." I chuckle again. Dean leans forward, kissing me sweetly. He slowly slips his tongue into my mouth.
"Ewe… get a room." We both pull away at the sound of Lucifer's voice.
Dean turns around, clearly annoyed. "Like we haven't walked in on you and Chuck enough times." He watches as Lucifer laughs and grabs a bowl for himself. "Those are scenes I don't really want to see, Lucifer."
"Too bad Dean-o." Lucifer pours his cereal of choice. "You live under my roof, you'll just have to… deal with me and Chuckles and our… extravaganzas."
"Lucifer." I warn with a slight laugh.
"What?" He asks as he pours the milk.
Dean's giving him a dirty look. "Whatever man." He walks away to take a shower, leaving me and Lucifer in the kitchen.
"Do you have to tease him like that?" I ask, highly amused.
Lucifer Chuckles. "Yeah, it's fun." He walks up to me and kisses my cheek. He then walks out of the room and into the living room, taking a bite of his food.
I chuckle then finish my breakfast. I go to the bathroom and walk in, Dean still taking a shower. I open the drug cabinet and pull out my antidepressants and anti-anxiety pill bottle. I take one of each, swallowing them down with some water.
I walk up to the shade of the shower. I pull the curtain aside Dean jumping and squeaking in surprise. I smirk at him and lean in. I kiss his lips. "Goodbye Dean. Have a good day at work."
"And you at school." He smirks back.
I kiss him one last time then walk out, hearing Dean singing an AC/DC song. "Bye Lucifer." I call into the living room.
"Bye Angel." I hear his reply.
I exit the house and enter my car, a blue 1967 Chevrolet Chevelle SS 396, because Dean refused to have me drive anything other than a Chevy. As I drive away I try to come up with a plan to get Dean to marry me.