Chasing After Her

Chapter Six (A Choice)

Sandy couldn't believe it; Spongebob had just climbed through her window. She thought that she was dreaming. She had left Bikini Bottom three days ago, but ever since then she couldn't stop thinking about him. Spongebob walked up to her and said...

"Hi Sandy I finally found you."

(Sandy then said…)

"I knew it… I'm losing my mind. I miss him so much that now I've started seeing him even though he's not really here."

(Spongebob said…)

"I'm really here Sandy."

"But how did you get here?"

"It wasn't easy that's for sure. First I had to take a bus to the edge of land, and then I kind of wondered around lost for a while until finally I found someone that would bring me here, or at least most of the way. The bus I was on broke down and I had to walk for a while. I was attacked by someone that you know, someone named Ricky. Anyway if the police hadn't of showed up I might not be here right now. So the police arrested them and drove me here. I've come all of this way to see you."

"Wow Spongebob… you've been through a lot. I'm sorry that you got beat up along the way. Well it's not like I'm not happy to see you here, but why are you here?"

"You hadn't even been gone for a day and already I couldn't take it anymore. I just couldn't go without seeing you again. I just had to see you again. I was hoping that maybe you would go back with me."

"It was awfully sweet of you to make that long trip, but my boss said that if I wanted to continue working, that I would have to work here. So I came back here where I get to see my old friends. It had been months since I've seen you Spongebob and you just had to show up when I was leaving. I hadn't seen you in months or even received a phone call from you so I began to wonder… Did I do something wrong?"

"No you didn't Sandy. I was just so busy with work that I never really had time to come see you or call you, but you should know something Sandy."


"You were still my best friend then, and you're still my best friend now, and just because I didn't get to see you or call you, that doesn't mean that I forgot about you. I was always thinking about you."

"Really… You were Spongebob?"

"Yes and I don't know if this is the right time, but there is something that I need to tell you. It's something that I should've said a long time ago, but back then I wasn't completely sure of it. You see… we've always been close friends and over the years I think that I may have liked you, but never really realized it until now. Do you know what I mean Sandy?"

"Well sort of, but could you explain it a little more?"

"Well another reason why I didn't come over for a while was because you would always be working on your science experiments. We would hardly ever do karate anymore, and I think that karate is the one thing that brings us together. I've never been really good at science so we couldn't really do much together."

"I see."

"Ok… Do you remember the time that you went after the Alaskan Bull Worm?"

"Yes… and that was a mistake."

"I kept trying to warn you, but you wouldn't listen to me. We were both lucky that we escaped alive."

(Sandy kind of gets frustrated at this.)

"Yes I know Spongebob! You don't have to remind me."

(Spongebob then got a few tears in his eyes because Sandy yelled at him, but mostly because she still didn't understand the situation.)

"But Sandy you don't understand… If anything would have happened to you… I just don't know what I'd do. I would never forgive myself for it."

(Sandy then calms down a bit and gave him a different look and said…)

"I'm sorry Spongebob… I had no idea that you cared about me that much."

"I don't just care about you Sandy… I love you."

Sandy couldn't believe it. The guy that she had loved for all of these years loved her back. Spongebob on the other hand was nervous because Sandy hadn't said anything back yet, and he was afraid that his worst fear was about to come true. He thought that Sandy wouldn't love him back. He turned his back to her because he didn't want to see the look on her face when she told him. He started to cry a little bit. Sandy had noticed this and was about to say something, but instead she turned him around, took off his helmet for a minute and kissed him.

He was in shock, Sandy was kissing him. His tears went away and now he was blushing, but of course Sandy was blushing too. Neither of them really wanted it to be over, but when the kiss was over Sandy placed Spongebob's water helmet back over his head and said…

"I love you too Spongebob."

(They were both happy at that moment, but soon they became sad again because they knew that they couldn't have a relationship while living in two different places. Spongebob then broke the silence and said…)

"Sandy… I know you love science, but you just said that you loved me so… What do we do? We can't be together if we live in two different places."

"You're right Spongebob… I want us to be together, but I don't see how we can."

(Just then Sandy's boss came through the door and said…)

"I'll tell you how… You go back to work in Bikini Bottom."

"Really, but I thought that you needed me here."

"We did, but we hired a little extra help. Besides… I've made a terrible mistake."

"What would that be?"

"I heard the whole conversation from our security camera. I made a mistake because I forced you to come back without thinking that it would end a friendship or a relationship. For that I apologize. You are free to continue working here, or you could go back to working in Bikini Bottom. Either way I'm giving you a choice."

"I want to work in Bikini Bottom again. I actually work better down there because I've always had Spongebob's support."

"Ok then, I wish you two the best of luck in your relationship, and Sandy I wish you the best of luck in your work in Bikini Bottom."

"Thanks professor."

(After Sandy's boss left Sandy started packing up her clothes, and Spongebob helped her pack up her science tools. They both left together the next day and arrived in Bikini Bottom around 5:00. Sandy still had her key to the treedome so she unlocked it and started unpacking. Spongebob came by the day after that to spend some time with her.)

"I'm so glad that you're back Sandy."

"Me too Spongebob, but I have a question. Didn't you have to work?"

"Yeah, but I was told not to come back until I stopped thinking about you. I kind of got in trouble a few days ago because I couldn't stop thinking about you and I couldn't focus on my work."

"Aw… I had that exact same problem in Texas. Did you go back to work today?"

"Yes. I didn't have a problem today because I came up with an idea. Even though I may be tired I'm still going to see you every day but if I can't see you every day then I'll call you."

"That sounds like a good idea to me."

"So Sandy… you said that you loved me and if your boss hadn't of gave you a choice to come back and you'd had to of made a decision on your own, what would've been your choice?"

(Sandy puts down her beaker, walks over to Spongebob, lifts off his water helmet and kisses him. After that she put his helmet on his head and said…)

"I think you know Spongebob… I think you know."

(Spongebob just smiled and nodded.)

(The End)

(I hope you liked it.)