Tim 2.0 Epilogue

By dead-body-number-2

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc., are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.

After much discussion with Abby and Gibbs, McGee's temporary reinstatement become permanent. Gibbs' knee injury had required surgery and he would need at least six weeks to heal up and for rehab. It surprised everyone that Gibbs had not fought to come back to work earlier. He did come in from time to time to check up on his team now that Tony was again team leader, at least temporarily. Tony had chosen Ziva as his the senior field agent this time, McGee did not resent the choice. He knew from experience the extra responsibilities the position required and he'd rather spend the time with his new family. Though she would recover from her injuries agent O'Brien was unable to return to field work and was offered an opening in the cybercrimes unit.

One Sunday, a few months after his return, McGee took Abby and his son for a drive telling her that there was someone he wanted them to meet. Abby was puzzled as he pulled the car onto Arlington National Cemetery. They wound their way through the grounds until he reached the section he was looking for.

"Why are we here?" said Abby.

"You'll see." He removed a bouquet of flowers from a box in the back seat and Abby suddenly understood.

"Who?" said Abby as she removed TJ from his car seat and hoisted the squirming child to her shoulder.

"It took me a long time to find her. I didn't know her real name. We all went by code names." As he spoke they moved through the grave markers of fallen soldiers until finally arriving at the one he had been searching for.

"Abby, TJ. I want you to meet the woman who saved my life. Sergeant Victoria Pamela Green."

McGee handed a few flowers to Abby and one to TJ. He squatted down by the grave marker and placed the bulk of the flowers in the small urn and laid one directly on the grave before standing and giving his fallen teammate a salute. Abby could see the tears welling in his eyes.

"Pleased to meet you Victoria and thank you for saving my Timmy." She placed her flowers on the grave as well and gently took the flower from TJ and put it with the others. She handed their son to McGee and gave him a gentle hug.

"My other teammate was Sergeant Thomas Miller. He's interred in Montana."

"Then I want to thank him too." Abby looked into McGee's eyes before giving him a kiss. "I guess we shouldn't take what we have for granted."

"No, no we shouldn't and I won't. I love you and TJ so much."

"We love you too daddy. Don't we TJ?"

After a moment of silence Abby said,"I have a surprise for you too Tim. I know that you've been upset that you missed being here while TJ was growing inside me and his birth and first couple of months."

"Yeah," sighed McGee.

"I just found out that you are going to get another chance," said Abby with a big smile as she put a hand on her belly.

"How's that?" McGee looked confused.

"Really Tim?" With mock exasperation she turned to the grave. "Seriously Vicky, are all men this clueless or is it just him?"

"Abs, what are you …" McGee's lips moved, but no sound came out for a moment. "You're pregnant!" he shouted.

"Yep! I'm pretty sure it happen that first time when you got back."

"Oh my God that's fantastic!" He leaned over to give her a big kiss while still holding TJ who seemed unimpressed. "I swear I am not missing out this time."

"You'd better not!"

"I love you Abby!"

"Love you too Marine."



Author's Note: Well that's it. My first longish form fan fict. Might be a sequel, but not for a while as I have way too many stories and story ideas in progress.

Chould be fun to see how McGee handles a mission far more dangerous that the one he came back from. A pregnant Abby! Don't have any kids myself (obligatory "That I know of") and I've never watched a women go through it so I'll have to do some research first. One thing though, I am not having Abby go through morning sickness or have a craving for pickles and ice cream with Tabasco. I've read that in far too many stories including the MPREG ones.

Might even do a prequel of the mission he was on at some point.