TIM 2.0 - Chapter 1 - Home
By dead-body-number-2

Author's Note: This was going to be an open ended one shot but I changed my mind and will be adding more chapters.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.

"Where to?" said the cab driver as agent McGee entered the taxi. "Home," he said wearily.

The driver chuckled, "You're going to have to be a little more specific."

"Sorry," McGee replied and gave him the address to his apartment.

His apartment, man that sounded good. He'd been away for more than a year on an above top secret assignment and had been completely out of contact with his family, friends and coworkers. Even Director Vance and Gibbs didn't know where he was or what he was doing.

On the ride from the airport to his apartment, McGee thought about the mission and the changes it had made in him.

One week into training and he began to wonder why he was even picked him for this assignment since he was not exactly warrior material. One of the instructors told him, "Son, I can teach my Grandma to be a soldier. We need you for what's up here," as he tapped McGee's forehead.

They needed hackers and tech geeks like McGee for a special mission. The military training was to keep them alive long enough to do their jobs.

The training was an accelerated mash up of Marine boot camp, ranger school, seal school and spy school. As a result he was in the best shape of his life. Stronger, faster, quicker than he had ever thought possible. Maybe he should look up a few of his high school tormenters, he thought with a smile.

His thoughts turned to his apartment as the cab drew closer his neighborhood. His sister Sarah was using it while he was away. He hoped it would still be in one piece when he got there. At least he'd taken the precaution of putting his precious record collection and typewriter, along with his clothes, into storage before he left. Gibbs was storing McGee's Porsche in the back of his driveway.

It was just past 2:00 AM when McGee entered his apartment. He really needed some sleep after the 14 hour plane trip, but first he wanted to take a shower. He hung up his jacket, kicked off his shoes and pulled off his shirt as he entered the bedroom. The TV was on, but muted. He saw Sarah laying face down and fast asleep on his bed. He was heading toward the bathroom when he crashed into a piece of furniture that he hadn't noticed in the dimly lit room and that hadn't been there when he left. "Damn it Sarah!" he cursed in a low whisper as he rubbed his shin.

He heard a sound he didn't recognize at first. "Is that a baby crying?" he thought. A realization hit him. "Oh God Sarah, what kind of trouble did you get yourself into now?" he muttered. As his eyes adjusted to the darkness he could see the crib he'd banged into and the crying, squirming infant he had just awakened."

As he peered into the crib a voice behind him said, "His name's Tim."

Startled, McGee spun around. It wasn't his sister, it was Abby! She turned on the light by the bed. She sat there, wearing one of McGees's M.I.T. shirts, grinning, her hair all mussed, trying to rub the sleep out of her eyes. She rose and slowly walked toward him, then picked up speed and crashed into him while wrapping him in a bear hug and almost knocking them both to the ground.

"I missed you so much," she said drawing out each word. She gave him a big sloppy kiss on the mouth and then continued hugging McGee with such force he could hardly breath.

"Missed you too," he managed to gasp out.

After a few moments she broke the hug stood back to look him over from head to toe admiring his new body. "Man McGee, you are cut!" She noticed some new scars on his body too. "And looks like you got cut," she said with concern in her voice and on her face.

"Got these during training actually," he explained, glad that she hadn't seen the scar on his back from the bullet that nearly killed him.

The baby's cries brought his attention back to the big questions McGee had. "Is this Sarah's baby? Are you babysitting for her? Where is she? She OK?"

"Oh no, he's ours." She scooped the child up and started to comfort him.

It was probably the jet lag, but Abby's words didn't It didn't quite register in McGee's brain. "Where is she?" he repeated.

"She's in Seattle. She got a job offer right after she graduated. We live here now."

Abby handed the baby to McGee saying, "Wanna hold him?"

He took the wriggling infant and held him like he was something that Ducky would remove from one of the corpses in autopsy.

"Jeez McGee, haven't you ever held a baby before?"

"No," he replied.

She showed him how to hold the child in the crook of his arm and to properly support his head. The infant quieted down and stared up at McGee.

"Actually, it's Tim Junior, after his father," Abby said proudly.

"Who the hell is Tim?" said McGee as he confronted Abby with a pained and puzzled look on his face. His confusion was understandable considering that he'd been using an alias exclusively for the past year.

Abby reached around and gave him a light Gibbs slap to the back of his head and said, with a big smile on her face, "He's your son genius!"




"There it is," said Abby.

Tim beamed as he looked at his son. Tim Junior smiled back at his dad.

"Buh, but, but how? When?" stammered McGee. "Abby, I've been gone like, a year," he said as the puzzled look returned.

"One year, 6 days and..." she glanced at the clock on the nightstand,"... about 19 hours. Little Timmy here was born about 3 months ago. Do the math."

McGee continued to stare at her not comprehending.

"What? You don't remember the night before you left and I came over and we well ... you know ... did that thing that you do that sometimes makes babies, obviously."

"Oh Abs," said McGee, finally getting the whole picture.

He leaned over and kissed her, first on the cheek and then on the lips. He hugged her with one arm while still cradling his child in the other.

"I'm so so sorry you had to go through it alone. They didn't ... couldn't tell me."

"I wasn't alone. I had Gibbs and Tony and Ducky and Ziva and even Jimmy helped." Abby took McGee by the hand and lead him over to the bed where they sat while she continued.

"Ziva was my birthing coach, till she got shot..."

"Ziva got shot?" interrupted McGee with a horrified look on his face.

"Oh, she's OK. it was a small caliber through and through to her thigh. She was on crutches for a while, but she's OK now."

Tim was so relieved to hear that.

"So Tony took over..."

"What!" said McGee seemingly more concerned over this than Ziva being shot. "Please tell me DiNozzo did not see you… your..." he couldn't even finish the sentence.

"No, no, nooo," she giggled. "Just for the classes. Ziva was there for the delivery with Ducky. Everyone else had to wait outside."

"So why are you living here?" ask Tim.

"Well, after my second tri all those stairs at my place were taking their toll and when Sarah moved out she said I might as well move in. Then after Timmy was born, remind me to tell you that story later, we stayed with Gibbs for while and then we moved back here and waited for you to come home and now here you are. Home."

"Can't believe I missed the birth of my child and the whole pregnancy thing," lamented McGee.

"Don't worry," Abby smiled, "you'll be there for the next one."

And he was. And for the one after that. And the twins.