Hey guys welcome to the LAST and FINAL chap of the Princess and the Dragon MIDNIGHT PREMIER! By the time FanFiction actually updates this it should be one o'clock in the morning -.- So there will be a delay on this. And remember the first to reply will get a one shot written by me! Any couple, any topic, any rating. Its all up to YOU. Well please enjoy the ENDING of THE PRINCESS AND THE DRAGON. :D
It was like something in a fairy tale. A Princess and a Dragon, that was something you don't see everyday. Lucy the Princess of the Hearfilla kingdom rode on the back of Natsu the Dragon. The beautiful dragon was a magnificent sight, soaring high above the sky breaking through the clouds of gray. A sun hidden behind the misty fog illuminated the dragons. Giving it a god like glow around its body. Wing flapping rhythmically together.
A war cry between the Dragon Knights and the Heartfilla Kingdom sang throughout the land. Swords clashing with each other, bodies falling one by one. Yelps of pain, cry's of the injured. It was a gore of a war as blood was shed on both sides of the Kingdoms. All creating sin after sin, killing their own brethren. When suddenly the sunny glow cracked from the clouds. The Dragon Knights along with the Heartfilla soldiers cupped their eyes in order to see what was flying above them this whole time.
The eyes of some men went wide with terror others with complete awe of the fact that a full grown scaly red creature was hovering above them. One certain red head smiled up to the sight. Narrowing her eyes on the small figure on the back of the dragon. Erza grinned happily knowing Lucy wouldn't give up so easily, even with her warning.
'Exactly like your mother…' The red headed knight thought proudly.
"How dare you Dragon Knights fight with fellow Nakama!" Natsu roared loudly above them. This remark made the Dragon Knights tremble in fear, many of them actually dropping their weapons as they were in such a fright.
Lucy nodded agreeing with her Dragon. Natsu was enraged with the sight of his kingdom actually fighting.
The blonde agreed to the plan he had set up for them to do. He first wanted to break up the war that had begun to rage. Then he would take her to see her father.
Knowing something much worse was being held in the castle, Natsu kept this to himself. He could already sense the dark energy already surrounding the castle.
"Even though we are different. We are all the same…" The Dragon roared once more. As he lowed himself down to were the kingdom were divided.
"We all have the same lungs, hearts, and now hands. That have blood upon them. We have dirtied our palms with disgrace and humiliation. Look around you my people… What do you see?" Natsu held his head high speaking proudly in a firm tone. The blonde was surprised to hear how regal he sounded. The confidence he spoke with. The depth of his words reached into her heart. Only once did she actually hear him this way. And yet for the second time she was still blown away by his way with words. He was born to lead.
The men and women soldiers looked around them. All they saw was blood. All they heard was groans of pain. They all felt terrible. They were the cause.
Many looked at their own hands their eyes wide in shock as blood stained their hands. The blood of others they had wounded or killed.
"All I see is a war that will never be won. Not unless the last body falls. Is that what you hope to accomplish? What is your reasons for fighting? Freedom? Love? Peace?. I see non of that. Why fight for freedom when you already have it? Why fight for Love when you take the loved ones of another? Why fight for peace when you are already fighting?" The salamander continued hoping to at least reach out to those who still whom do not understand.
"Why not stop this war? And go back to the Freedom, Love and Peace you were already given… and cherish it all your life?" The dragon finally finished.
Silence was spread throughout the battle field. No one spoke to one another. Just a light sobbing came from a soldier of the Dragon Knights. She dropped her spiked club to the ground. Covering her mouth from any more loud sobs that tried to escape. That's when suddenly all the soldiers smiled to one another. Each of them smiling to their enemies, believe it or not!
"Oi, How do we know you tell'n the truth?" A stubborn Dragon Knight pointed a sword towards the dragon doubting his speech.
"I believe him!" Lucy shouted from Natsu's back. Narrowing her eyes towards the man holding a weapon towards her dragon.
The Heartfilla Soldiers gasped at the sight of princess Lucy. Just now had they took notice of her presence. As whispers went around of the Princess's return.
"Look Princess Lucy has return!" One shouted
"Thank Layla…" Another breathed out a prayer.
Lucy slid down from the Dragons back landing on her heels. She strutted over to where the headstrong Dragon Knight stood. Her arms held out wide, protectively blocking his path from Natsu.
"If you want to get to him. You'll have to go through me first." The blonde snapped.
The pertinacious man flinched at her words. A women Dragon Knight suddenly took a step forward standing next to the blonde smiling towards her. Holding her arms out just like Lucy.
"Their right… Why should we fight for Demune when we already have our freedom. Right before our eyes." She grinned towards her fellow soldiers.
Nods came from the foot soldiers. Agreeing with her, more troops stood behind the Princess and the Dragon. The stubborn Dragon Knights eyes soften understanding he was out numbered knowing he would lose this fight. Secretly knowing that he to was touched by the speech.
Erza softly touched his forearm. "If Demune is causing you all this pain. Then we will free you from your chains." The red headed knight smiled. All the soldiers of the Dragon Knights cheered happily as they were now free. No war was necessary for their freedom. All they need was Hope.
"Demune…" Natsu growled loudly. The Dragon knew exactly the whole reason of this battle. The war was only a diversion, in order for Demune to sneak into castle grounds. It was all in order for her to steal Lucy's identity. But that only answered one question though. If the blonde was here who would she aim other than his dear Lucy?
"Jude Heartfilla…Oh my dear Jude~" A cloaked woman sang. Clicking her tongue as she tsked at the King. Waggling a finger in the air disappointed.
"Who are you?" The king rose his voice towards the stranger.
"Oh how rude… Don't you remember me?" A flash of light appeared from under the cloak. The hood flew off revealing a pink haired man with a slight tan.
"P-Prince Natsu?" Jude's eyes became wide. Blinking his eye's multiple times trying to see if his mind was playing tricks on him. But nothing. The once light voice turned into a deeper tone.
"No… My real form. Is this." Lady Demune turned back to her original form. A young brown haired woman with a somewhat curvy body.
"L-Lady Demune?" The king stuttered unbelievably. The dark magic that the woman was using was suffocating him just by the distance.
"Yes…" Demune hissed, nearing closer to the king. Taking a slow steps forward the kings breathing became more difficult. As his lungs swelled up from the lack of air. Coughing loudly his body demanded for air. It felt like being trapped under water never reaching the surface on time.
"N-no p-please." Jude breathed out his last breath pleading for life his life to be sparred.
Lady Demune now hovering above the king. As he held his throat small gasps escaping his throat. The woman chuckled darkly tilting his head slightly in order to face her.
"Just look were you are my king. Your at your knees begging for mercy. How pitiful." Lady Demune said in disgust.
A crash resounded throughout the castle. The throne room where Demune was torturing the poor king was destroyed. A large gust of dust filled the room making the lady cough backing away from the king. With the dark energy getting further away, Jude could finally breathe again. As he inhaled air greedily making his lungs pulse from the pain of not being able to access oxygen.
"Daddy!" A voice resounded though the dust cloud. The king perked up his ears to find the source of the voice. He knew it well, it sounded like his Layla. No, it couldn't be.
Two shadowy figures stepped forward from the gray smoke. A busty blonde with chocolate brown eyes. A torn up dress making her look like a savage. Ran up to the blonde man, with heavy eyes the king had lost all his strength. Only able to utter out a few words to his daughter.
"L-Lucy… Your safe." The Heartfilla king coughed. Lucy bent over to slowly lay down her father to the marvel floor.
"Don't worry Papa everything will be alright. I'm here…" The blonde spoke soothing words to relax her father.
"Y-you look exactly like your mother you know? Y-you have h-her kindness. H-her beauty." That man finished before finally closing his eyes going into a deep sleep.
The Princess smiled towards her father. Never did she hear him speak such dear words to her. Kissing her fathers forehead she looked behind her as Natsu the Dragon stepped out of the smoke and towards the brown haired women.
The dragon was so enraged that his pupils had become the size of pin needles, he was beyond the point of reasoning. As his anger seethed through out his body. Lady Demune, finally regaining her vision looked up nervously towards the Dragon. In such an angry state all his deadly canines shown. As he neared closer to the evil witch, she backed herself up in a corner defenseless.
"My home, my Nakama, my sister…" The dragon began as he growled savagely.
"W-Wait lets be reasonable Natsu!" The women pleaded for forgiveness.
"You took it ALL away. You even wanted to take away my Lucy?" Natsu finished listing off all the things she had done. Taking in word of her judgment.
"N-no please…" Tears started to stream down the brown haired woman's pale cheeks. When it suddenly lifted up to a grin.
Natsu rose a brow. Baffled as to why the witch was smiling. Had she finally broke?
When suddenly everything went white as Lucy screamed out the Dragons name. Natsu only had seconds to react it was now or never. Taking in a deep breath he flew out his remaining life force towards the witch. Fire swelled out of his jaws, dancing wildly towards Demune until the blow had finally struck where he wanted it to. The witch screeched like a cat that had been put into a tub a water. As the fire burnt through her skin igniting all her insides finally destroying her. With a thump her body fell to the floor four degree burns marked all over her body. She looked like a crispy burnt marsh-mellow left in the camp fire for to long.
Natsu quickly followed behind as his body as well had been struck by something. His chest ached painfully. The lizards vision still clouded, a crash came from a near by door, all he could hear was multiple voices but only one voice was more important to him.
"I-I did it I finally killed t-the dragon!" A voice spoke nervously.
"Get him, that's Demune's servant!" Another voice, strictly commanded.
The shuffling of feet as the man grunted trying to break from his restraints. But Natsu didn't care for that he only cared about the soothing voice of a certain blonde he came to love.
"N-Natsu." Lucy sobbed. As she rubbed her hand smoothly along the Dragons scaly cheek. As blood gushed out from his hard chest. A iron sword wielded into his heart. Just the sight of it made the blonde cry even more harder if possible.
"H-Hey weirdo…" Natsu whispered.
"Your going to be ok, Natsu. Were going to patch you right up and you'll be safe again." The blonde hiccupped through her heavy sobbing.
The dragon slowly shook his head. "I'm g-glad. If I-I had known turning into a d-dragon and w-waiting a hundred years just for me to meet you. I would have t-took'n the pain of being alone gladly…" Natsu groaned the pain in his chest unbearable.
"No don't speak like this your going to be just fine!" The blonde yelled. Natsu couldn't give up just yet. After all they have been through. The princess couldn't believe that he was actually… no she didn't believe it.
"I-is your d-dad ok?" Natsu cooed against Lucy's warm hand. As his body went frigidly cold.
"Yes he'll be ok and so will you!" Tears one after the other streamed down her porcelain cheeks.
"You know why? c-cause… I LOVE YOU!" The blonde blurted out through sobs, confessing towards the now dieing dragon.
His jaw lines curved into a smile one last time. The Dragons final words. 'I love you too.' Natsu slurred. The Dragon started to fall into complete nothingness as all he could hear were to blondes wails for him. Her voice was fading from his ears. It was true love, something that Lady Demune could never understand. Something she left out of her flawless plan. It was the Love they shared for each other.
A shimmering glow sparkled as sweet soft voice greeted him back to the real world once again. Staring up to a white ceiling, a monitor beeped rhythmically, driving the salamander insane. Lifting up a hand he was in complete shock that he had a hand to begin with! Sitting up he steadied himself looking at his human form he missed so dearly. His well built tan body, the spiky pink tuffs for hair. Pinching himself to check if he were dreaming, it all was true he was his old self again. He then suddenly flushed at the thought of his loved one. When suddenly the voice spoke again.
"How you feeling?" She whispered.
"W-weirdo?" Natsu spoke quietly back. The lovely blonde was sitting right by him the whole time waiting for him to awaken. After weeks of endless nights the Dragon was unconscious laying in bed for at least two months.
"Ha ha now why is it you call me weirdo all the time?" Lucy questioned always wanting to know why he could call her the weirdest of nicknames.
Natsu smiled at her question extending his arms out for a hug. As they both went in for a warm and lovingly embrace.
"Cause you're my weirdo."
The father finished the monologue to his tale. The two children sitting at his feet had tear marks stained on their cheeks. But a confused look held on both the children's faces.
"That's it?" The boy commented lamely, believing it cant be over.
"I don't understand daddy. So did the Dragon die or no?" The little girl added.
"No, he's alive. But all he could remember was when he woke up in hospital." The man scratched his head as if trying to remember something.
"Wait how did he turn into a human again?" The brother questioned once again.
"We'll once Demune was killed the curse was lifted. DUH!" The father spoke as if he were pointing out the most obvious thing in the world. He thought he did a pretty good job of telling the story. Short, simple, sweet, and to the point.
Both children sweat dropped at the ending of their father's made up story. They were hoping for a better ending.
"Dad you could have at least done a better job at making up a better story. This was the lamest one yet." The son rudely remarked.
The father frowned. "Oi, it isn't made up it was all true!"
"Sorry daddy but I'm going to have to agree with Igneel on this one." The little blonde girl smiled to her father giving him a kiss on the cheek, thanking him for the story.
"But Wendy…" The father whined trying to get his daughter at least to understand him.
But it didn't work as both children yawned announcing they would be heading to bed two personal butlers escorted them to their rooms.
Leaving the father all alone. Well not all alone anyways. Scratching the back of his neck he sighed heavily as pale arms snaked around his neck from behind. Making him chuckle happily.
"Hey Luce…" The pink headed man smiled up to his wife. As she gave him a long kiss on his forehead.
"They didn't believe you huh, Natsu?" Lucy sighed.
"Nah… They thought I made the whole thing up."
"That's cause you always leave out the best part of the story…" The blonde added.
"What's that?" Natsu raised a brow towards his wife questioningly.
"Them." She responded.
When suddenly a creaking came from the door. A woman knocked twice gaining the attention of both parents.
"King Natsu, your presence is needed in your daughters bed room she say's only daddy is brave enough to scare the monsters out of the closet." The maid curtsied low, respectfully towards her higher up.
Lucy giggled giving her husband a sweet kiss on the lips as he got up from his reading chair. "Go scare away those scary monsters my brave little dragon." The blonde-haired woman mocked the Kings new assignment
"You're such a weirdo Luce…" Natsu made his comeback, earning a pout from the blonde. Kissing her once again, longer this time around. He put his hand at the size of her back as her arms snaked around his neck once again. Breaking the kiss the dragon finished his sentence.
"But you're my weirdo."
Tada! Well that's the end for this story. Complete and ready to start another story for the lucky winner of today's first review. The ending was rushed a bit but that the only way I possibly knew how to end a story like this XD well hoped you enjoy and stay tuned for tomorrows update for Fallen Angel.