A/N: Hello all! Really quick, angsty L/J oneshot. Enjoy!

She was everything and nothing and anything in between.

She made his pulse quicken, but slow all at the same time. She made time fade, made every color of the world brighter. His skin ached for hers.

She intoxicated him. Her every word, every sound. Her graceful movements, her creamy voice, her blazing eyes.

She was like fire and ice all at the same time.

She froze him to the bone, with her cold stares and harsh words. She was like dunking his head in a bucket of ice water.

She lit him on fire and laughed as she watched him burn.

She pushed him to the point of violence, where he just wanted destroy everything, to turn everything to dust.

She hated him and he loved her.

He was nothing and everything and anything in between.

He made her feel out of control. Her emotions magnified.

He got under her skin. He could break her heart, crush her, smash her into a million tiny pieces until there was nothing left.

He terrified her.

He way he made her feel made her want to run, to flee, to get away. But she didn't have the strength. She never would.

He made her body quake with the gentlest, feather-light touch.

He pulled her so far into his life, and pulled and pulled everything she was out of her, to the point that she just wanted to hide her face in her hands and scream, scream forever.

He hated her and she loved him.