(Thank you 'Heather for your lovely comments, I dedicate this chapter to you.)

Donatello used a signal tracking device to find where Mikey had been when he had made the phone call about 30 minutes earlier. As Don had suspected, Mickey was nowhere to be found and only a smashed up ShellCell covered in 'Angry Bird' stickers gave any indication that the fun-loving turtle had been here at all.

Don inspected the cell phone with his surgeon's tweezers. It had been crushed so forcefully that parts of it had been disintegrated into dust. The circuit board and memory chip had both been shattered so there was no way to fix it and recover any useful data. However, Donatello's sharp eyes did detect something in between the cracked tarmac slabs.

It was a shard of metal. It wasn't from the shattered ShellCell, the metals were very different and some blue paint had been scraped off onto the ground where the mysterious shard lay. Obviously, something had hit the ground hard; something big and powerful. Donatello carefully put the shard into a plastic pill container, put it in his duffel bag and continued searching for clues. Just five feet away there was further evidence of damage. More blue paint and metal splinters lay in a hollowed out area. It was as if something metallic had punched the ground. Don felt his stomach lurch: partly because of his sickness and partly because he knew something monstrous had literally gotten hold of Mikey.

Wait, if this thing was made of metal and was able to move, it must be giving off some kind of signature. Donny held up his tracking device and twiddled the dials, searching all channels for any disturbances. Almost immediately it picked up on something, Donny zoned in on it until it made a loud beeping noise. 'Okay, time to find out where it's coming from.'

'What, that can't be right.' The signal was coming from…. As Donny looked upwards, a dark silhouette enveloped him. He only just rolled out of the way when a metal monstrosity came crashing down to earth. Before Donny could run to a more advantageous position, he felt a pulsing shock that glued him to where he stood. Whatever it was, was sending an electronic shock wave through the ground and it had Donatello in its grasp.

Donny's head felt like he was going to explode, he couldn't breathe properly and worst of all he couldn't get away. He mustered all of his mental strength and tried to picture his family to calm him down. When he looked around for inspiration, he spied a still form in the giant fist of the metallic form.

"Mikey?" Donny hissed through the electric shocks. There was the crumpled form of his little brother, shallow breaths and a deep head wound that was bleeding profusely. Donny had never felt as helpless as he did at that moment; his ailing body, slowly dying from the electricity coursing through his veins.

'How ironic,' thought Donatello bitterly. The thing that made all of his genius a reality was the thing stopping him from saving his brother.

Donatello had always taken care of Mikey from as far back as he could remember. Mikey needed guidance and knowledge and in return he had given Donatello laughter and a soul. Of course, Donatello loved his older brothers just as much and would do anything for them but with Mikey, he felt a real sense of responsibility. Leo was the leader, and when he left for South America, it was up to Donny to take care of everyone. Raph was a loner and treated Donatello like the new, but less-abled, Leonardo. Mikey was different, he was the only one who openly acknowledged that he needed Donatello.

With all this running through his mind, Donatello somehow found the strength to throw his bo staff at the head of the robot. With a stunned yelping sound it backed up for a second, releasing its hold on Donatello. Donny didn't waste a second. In two leaps he had picked up his bo staff again and knocked the giant robot in the knee. It yelped again and started to back away.

Donatello was confused by its behaviour. It was built like an animated human but its actions were more like that of an animal. It was demonstrating the traditional fight or flight behaviour of a scavenger.

Whatever. What it was didn't matter right now; Donatello followed the animalistic machine down a flooded back alley until it suddenly decided to climb the wall of a decaying skyscraper.

'Oh great,' swore Donatello under his breath. His body was starting to shut down on him. He didn't know how much longer he could go without passing out. His vision was starting to go blurry and his hands were starting to shake: classic flu and fever symptoms. It was still raining slightly and Don could swear that the water was sizzling and turning into steam as it touched his body.

Donatello gave himself a mental slap in the face as he hopped up the balconies, one by one, in pursuit of the giant mechanical device that had his little brother. Though scared and physically weak, Donatello was the strongest and bravest turtle this night.