A/N: Sorry about that mistake! I accidentally uploaded last chapter instead of this one... Here you go, everyone! Like I said, I promise I'll finish this story THIS YEAR (2019). We're getting closer to completing the circle and coming back to the first scene in the first chapter!


"W-What?" Quinn managed to say as she stared at her mother. She hadn't seen or heard from Frannie in 9 years, ever since Russell had thrown her out.

"I've been looking for her ever since your father left…" Judy stood up from the couch and walked toward Quinn. "Whenever I thought I had found her address, I would send a letter." her mother paused. "Each time, they kept being returned with an error stamp, until after I sent one and I didn't get it back... That's when I knew I had found her."

"Mom, that's…" Quinn started to speak. Her mothers method for finding Frannie was sort of insane but also, in a way, genius.

"So, I wrote another, and then another." Judy went on to explain. "Probably at least once a week. The last one…" she paused again and smiled at her daughter. "I sent her your picture from last year."

"A-And she wrote back?" Quinn looked down at the letter her mother was still holding.

"Yes, she did." Judy smiled wide. "She's coming next weekend." she handed Quinn the letter.


I contemplated not responding to any of your attempts to contact me. I'm not ready to forgive you for what you did, but if Russell is gone like you say, I am willing to put forth an effort to rebuild our family for Lucy, and for my daughter. We will be making the drive next weekend, but we'll be staying at a hotel.


Feeling the paper between her fingers, Quinn studied her sisters handwriting. It had changed from when they were younger, just as she was sure Frannie had. Reading the letter over again, two things stuck out to Quinn. First, Frannie was calling her Lucy. Second, Quinn had a niece.

Folding the letter and putting it back in the envelope, Quinn looked up at her mother. Judy had a different kind of smile across her face. There was something about this smile that made Quinn both happy and sad. She could see her mothers excitement for Frannie coming home, but at the same time, she imagined the underlying feeling of nervousness and guilt her mother felt toward how they left things before Frannie moved out.

"I forgive you." Quinn touched her mothers forearm, a tear slowly forming in her eye. "She'll forgive you, too."

Judy's smile shifted slightly, as if to say she hoped Quinn was right, before pulling her in for a hug.


Quinn scribbled quickly on the piece of paper in front of her and handed it to Santana. "What's the answer?"

Looking over the equation, she huffed. "I can't focus on an empty stomach." Santana looked over to Brittany, who was holding a bag of Doritos.

"I guess it's good I bought pizza, then?" Judy chimed in as she sat the boxes on the table.

"Mrs. Fabray, you're the best!" Santana got up and threw the paper on the couch. Opening the top box, she grabbed three slices, two plates, and hopped back into the living room.

"To have the metabolism you have, Santana..." Judy chuckled. "Enjoy it while you can."

"Oh, I am." she smiled, handing one of the slices to Brittany.

Judy looked at the couple as Quinn came up to get her own. "What are the odds the three of you would be lesbians..."

Quinn nearly choked on the bite she just took. "Mom!"

"Actually, Brittany is bisexual." Santana corrected, wiping her mouth with a napkin.

"Yeah, I love everyone." Brittany smiled.

"This is not happening..." Quinn mumbled and sat back down.

"Quinnie, the other parents at PFLAG say the more we talk about it, the more it'll show my support."

"Okay, thanks for the support, mom, but this is just weird..."

"Alright honey..." Judy smiled and grabbed the other grocery bag. "Pride." She said with a smile before retreating into the kitchen.

Santana echoed, "Pride." with her fist in the air and a smirk toward Quinn.

"Please, stop." Quinn slide her plate away from her and buried her head in her hands.

Brittany jumped over to Quinn's couch and hugged her. "Feel the support!"

"Really?" Quinn squeaked.

"Come on, do you know how long we've been waiting for you to be out and proud?" Brittany smiled. "After your crush on Santana..."

"What?" Quinn glared over at Santana, who was laughing. She sighed and wiggled her way out of Brittany's hold.

"I'm okay with it. She's hot, I can't blame you." Brittany shrugged and walked over to where Santana was sitting. "But now we need to find you someone to have sweet lady kisses with."

"Please don't..." Quinn begged. "I really don't need drama right now."

"Yes, you do." Santana sat up. "Because you spend your weekends being a nerd and a third wheel. We're getting you a date."

"I'm serious." Quinn's voice changed. "I have other things to focus on."

Brittany furrowed her brow. "Like what?"

"College." she finally spoke, picking her notebook back up. It wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the whole truth.

"I think I'll apply to..." Santana began, but Quinn tuned her out quickly and stared blankly at the paper on her lap. Thoughts of the night before and the letter from Frannie flooded her mind.

"What about you?"

"Huh?" Quinn looked up.

"Where are you applying to?" Brittany repeated.

"I-I don't know yet." Quinn thumbed her palm slowly.

"I'm tired of doing homework." Santana closed her book and stood up. "Let's practice the moves for next weekend and work off the pizza." she stretched, rubbing her stomach.

"Okay, I'll go get the CD." Brittany jumped up and headed into the great room.

"You coming?" Santana looked over to Quinn curiously.



Rachel couldn't stop thinking about Quinn rejoining Glee club all weekend. She was excited to have the blonde back but, even though Quinn was nearly perfect at everything, Rachel knew that her voice was in need of some practice if they were going to win Sectionals in less than a week. She thought back to the Skank performance Quinn did and, while it was…engaging… it wasn't the style of vocals they were going to be using for the competition.

"Quinn!" Rachel jogged up to the blonde's locker. "Happy Monday!" a smile stretched across Rachel's face.

"It's definitely a Monday…" Quinn replied. Her heart still fluttered to see Rachel, but her mind was still occupied with Frannie coming home in a few days.

"Is everything okay?" Rachel asked curiously. She could tell there was something on Quinn's mind other than a conversation with her.

"Yeah, I mean…" Quinn shut her locker and turned toward Rachel. "This weekend-"

"Hey, Rach." Finn came up behind her and put his arm around his girlfriend. "Walk you to class?"

"Uh, yeah." Rachel nodded up at him, turning back toward Quinn just as she started walking away.

"So, I was thinking we could go to Breadsticks when-"

"Why did you have to do that?" Rachel shrugged Finn's arm off of her shoulders.

"Do what?" he got defensive. "Offer to walk my girlfriend to class?"

"No…" Rachel rolled her eyes. "Quinn and I were talking and you just interrupted us."

"It obviously wasn't important or she would have stayed."

"It…" Rachel sighed and caught the last glimpse of the blondes hair as she turned the corner. "It could have been."

A few minutes later, the bell rang and Rachel took her seat near Quinn. The teacher still wasn't in the classroom yet, so Rachel leaned over and whispered. "Sorry about earlier."

Quinn whispers back. "It's fine."

"What were you going to say about your weekend?"

"It was nothing." Quinn tried to shrug off the conversation, but Rachel persisted.

"You have my full attention now. I promise."

Quinn looked back over to the brunette, who was batting her eyes and smiling. "You can stop doing that any time now."

"Doing what?" Rachel acted innocent.

"Always getting what you want." Quinn sighed, caving in to the conversation. How could she not with how adorable Rachel was today in her skirt and yet another sweater that Quinn oddly loved on her.

"Well, when you get to be daddy's little girl twice because you have two dads…" Rachel joked. "Come on, what happened this weekend? Are you okay?"

"I don't know…" Quinn answered honestly. She was really nervous about Frannie coming home, but also really excited to see her sister. Beth was also on her mind. "My mom got a letter from my sister."

"Your sister?" Rachel repeated, puzzled.

"Frannie." Quinn nodded. "She left home a few years ago because of-"

"Okay class, let's get started." the teacher entered the room and demanded their attention.

"Talk later?" Rachel asked quietly than before.

"Sure." Quinn smiled.


"Mr. Schue!" Rachel raises her hand as soon as Glee practice is called to order. "I have an idea for our final song to perform."

"Rachel, I need you to understand that I am only humoring you because I have not had luck finding a song that fits everyone's… talents." Will adjusted on his stool. "Go ahead with your idea."

"Well…" Rachel stood up and faced the group. Her eyes met with Quinn's almost instantly. "I think we should do a mashup of Home by Phillip Phillips and Homeward Bound by Simon and Garfunkel."

"I'm sorry Rachel, but why those two songs?" Blaine questioned curiously.

"I think it would be a great tribute to Quinn and her sister." Rachel smiled wide. "It's so exciting when someone you love comes home after being gone for so long…" her voice trailed off when she saw Quinn looking upset. Santana and Brittany looked over at their friend with confusion across their faces.

"Quinn has a sister?" Kurt blurted out, leaning forward. "How did we not know about this?"

"I don't think anyone knew." Santana chimed in, both upset about Quinn keeping this a secret from her and for Rachel blurting Quinn's secret out to the group.

Quinn couldn't handle being put in the spotlight about Frannie anymore. She got up quickly and left the room.

"Nice job, Rachel." Artie huffed. "Now she'll never come back."

"I can fix this." Rachel gestured her hands as if to say she'll be back in a minute and then proceeded to chase after Quinn.

Running down the hallway, Rachel found Quinn shoving books into her bag at her locker. When Quinn noticed Rachel coming toward her, the blonde shut her locker and started to head toward the parking lot.

"Quinn, stop!" Rachel pleaded. "I'm sorry… I didn't know!"

"That's the thing, Rachel." Quinn responded, but kept walking away. "You do and say things that impact other people negatively because you say and do things without knowing about them."

"Quinn… please…"

Quinn stopped suddenly and turned around to meet the brunette's eyes. "Had you known the whole story, you would have known that Frannie left because Russell kicked her out for getting pregnant and that not only is she coming back, but I am going to meet my 8 year old niece for the first time this weekend."

Rachel's jaw would have dropped to the floor if it wasn't attached to her face. This sounded like it was a plot straight out of Days of our Lives.

"Frannie was forced to spend half of my life away from me, and all of my niece's life… and now she's coming back to a place that was never really a home for her… Just to see me." Quinn sighed as tears formed in her eyes. "You couldn't even begin to imagine what that's like for me right now."

"You're right, Quinn." Rachel offered her hand to the other girls shoulder. "I really couldn't imagine what that is like for you… and also for the both of them."

Quinn wiped away a tear from her cheek and looked from the floor back up to Rachel. She hadn't really thought about what it was like for Frannie to be returning to Lima. Her mind flooded with the anxiety that Frannie was probably feeling, which greatly exceeded the amount Quinn was enduring.

"I'm sorry I was insensitive about this whole thing, Quinn." Rachel continued. "I was just really excited for you. Growing up as an only child myself, just the thought of having a sister, or a brother for that matter, strikes something inside of me. Sure, I enjoyed having both my dad's love all to myself, but I think I would have preferred to have someone grow up with me… Especially since I was never really one to have a lot of friends…"

Quinn thought back to the memories she did have of Frannie while they lived together. Frannie would let Quinn have ice cream when their parents were out for the night and Frannie was watching her. She would also let Quinn pick what she wanted to watch on the TV and Frannie taught her how to do some moves in gymnastics. Suddenly, the feeling of anxiety about seeing Frannie again faded and was instead replaced by an overwhelming feeling of joy.

Rachel's voice got softer. "Please don't quit the Glee club just because I don't know how to keep things to myself."

"I'm not quitting the Glee club." Quinn sighed with a smile. "I am, however, going home for now. I don't think I can face them when it looks like I've been crying."

"Oh, okay…" Rachel's eyes fell to the floor.

"But I'm fine with the songs you picked out." Quinn spoke softly. "While you didn't go about it the right way, I think it's a really nice gesture."

Rachel's eyes lit up and met the blondes again. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, Berry." Quinn nodded. "I'm sure."

"Great!" Rachel lunged forward and gave the blonde a tight hug. Quinn was startled and her heart started racing as the scent of Rachel's hair passed by her.


"Okay, gang. Show circle." Mr. Schuester gathered the teens together for one last pep talk before their turn to perform at Sectionals. "We haven't been practicing together for very long, but our competition isn't very stiff this time around, so we shouldn't have a problem at least placing in the top 3."

"Mr. Schue, there are only 5 clubs performing and one is an elderly nursing home…" Artie spoke up, rolling his eyes.

"Hey, 3rd place is 3rd place… No matter how many groups it's out of." the older man continued.

"Mr. Schue, I think I got this." Blaine interrupted. "Guys, we're going to kill it. Just remember your moves and most importantly… Have fun!"

"Right." Will agreed. "Finn, Kurt, Artie… You guys are up for Some Nights. Quinn, Rachel, Blaine… You're on deck to join them for the mash up. Then we'll close it out with everyone doing Shake It. Now… Hands in!"

Everyone joined their hands together in the circle and began their chant. "Ahhhhhhmazing!"

"Wish me luck?" Finn wrapped his arm around Rachel and gave her a kiss.

"Break a leg." She smiled back at him before he turned and left for the stage.

Looking out to the audience, Quinn noticed her mom sitting a few rows from the front. Next to her was a little girl, and on the other side of the girl was her sister, Frannie. Her mom gestured toward Quinn, pointing her out for Beth to see. Frannie gave a soft smile and a thumbs up before the song started and the boys began performing.

"Hey, Quinn." Rachel whispered as she came up next to the blonde. "You okay? You look nervous… Which you really shouldn't be because you've definitely improved over just this last week alone-"

"T-They're here." Quinn stammered. "They are all here."

"Who? Your mom? Your sister?"

"Yes, and Beth." Quinn smiled to the brunette. "I knew they were getting to Lima tonight, but I didn't know they were going to make it to our performance."

"Beth? She's your niece, right?" Rachel asked, looking into the crowd. "Where are they sitting?"

"Rach, come back here!" Quinn scolded quietly. "We've already started performing and the judges are going to see you."

"Fine, but when we go out for the next song, can you do a little wave or something so I know where they are at?"

"You're impossible sometimes, you know." Quinn sighed, but with a smile. She adored just how impossible Rachel could be.

The crowd began to applaud, signaling that the first song was over. "We're on!" Rachel grabbed Quinn's hand and headed to the stage.

On their way out, Quinn lifted her hand a little and gave her family a quick wave, hoping it was enough for Rachel to notice or she would be asked to do it again. Looking quickly over to the brunette, Rachel gave a little head nod and a smile.

Taking a deep breath when the music started, Quinn took a few steps up to the center of the stage.

I'm sitting in a railway station

got a ticket for my destination.

Her voice was soft and glided across the audience as they grew silent, anticipating the next note.

Just know you're not alone

Cause I'm gonna make this place your home.

Blaine, Rachel, and Finn joined Quinn at the front of the stage.

Each town looks the same to me

the movies and the factories

and every strangers face I see

reminds me that I long to be...

The boys stepped back and let Rachel and Quinn stand out.

Just know you're not alone

cause I'm gonna make this place your home.

The rest of the glee club joined them on stage and began singing oohs and aahs as Rachel took lead.

No you're not alone...

I'm gonna make this place your home.

When the song ended, Rachel glanced back at Quinn and gave a wink. The song went just as Rachel had planned, and Quinn looked like she couldn't have been happier.

As the music for Shake It started playing, the New Directions jumped around stage doing the "free dancing" Mr. Schue ended up replacing the choreography with due to the lack of skilled dancers in the group. The crowd got on their feet and clapped along with the song, cheering as Brittany and Mike did their flips and tricks across the stage.

After their performance was done, there was a quick intermission while the judges deliberated on who would place and who would move on to Regionals. Quinn was backstage pacing back and forth when Rachel found her.

"What are you doing back here?" Rachel asked. "Have you gone out to see your sister yet?"

"No." Quinn shook her head. "I don't think I can."

"Of course you can, Quinn." Rachel reassured her friend as she stepped forward and grabbed her hand.

Quinn looked down to where their hands were and tried to hold back the pounding in her chest. Twice in one night Rachel grabbed for Quinn's hand. She wasn't sure if her heart could take that plus panicking about seeing Frannie and meeting Beth.

"How about this." Rachel squeezed Quinn's hand tighter. "I'll go with you."

"Y-You will?" Quinn raised an eyebrow.

"Of course! I do really well meeting family and if it gets awkward or anything, I'll be there to strike up a conversation."

"I-I don't know…" Quinn sighed. "I don't think I can ask that of you."

"You're not asking." Rachel smiled. "I'm telling you we're doing this."

Quinn rolled her eyes. "You're not only impossible, but also bossy, you know."

"It's part of my charm." Rachel smirked as she led Quinn out to the audience where the blondes family was waiting.

"Quinnie!" her mother shouted. "You did such a good job! You had a few solos and everything…"

"Yeah…" Quinn looked down, slightly embarrassed by the volume her mother said her name.

"Well, Quinn is a very talented singer, Mrs. Fabray." Rachel added, looking over at Frannie and Beth. "You guys should be very proud of her."

"We are." Frannie smiled at her sister before extending her arms toward her.

Quinn smiled back and walked forward into Frannie's arms. "I've missed you." she whispered into her older sisters ear.

"I've missed you, too, Lucy." Frannie hugged tighter before letting go. "Or, I guess, Quinn now… Right?"

Quinn nodded.

"Well, I'm sure that's not the only thing I have to catch up on." Frannie continued. "Speaking of… This lovely little girl here is your niece, Beth."

Stepping back, Quinn looked down at Beth and stuck out her hand. "It's nice to meet you, Beth."

Beth paused for a moment, looked at the blondes hand, and then back up to Quinn's face. Quickly, Beth rushed for Quinn's waist and gave her a tight hug. Quinn let out a laugh and wrapped her arms around her niece. Looking over at Rachel, Quinn couldn't help but smile.

Just then, the lights flickered and the crowd was signaled to take their seats again. Quinn looked down at Beth with a smile still on her face. "Wish us luck, alright?"

Beth nodded. "Good luck, Aunt Lucy."

Frannie leaned down to Beth. "Honey, you can call her-"

"It's okay." Quinn said to her sister. She honestly didn't care what name followed Aunt, because her family was back together and she was finally going to be a part of Beth's life.

"It was nice meeting you both." Rachel beamed before she wrapped her arm in Quinn's and pulled the blonde back toward the stage. Quinn's whole body was flooded with a warm, flowing feeling. There was no doubt she was falling more in love with this short, slightly annoying yet endearing Jewish girl.

Running up to the other kids, still arm in arm, the girls were approached by Finn. "Rachel, where were you?" he questioned, looking annoyed as he shot a glare at Quinn.

"We were just saying hi to our fans." Rachel shrugged, letting go of Quinn's arm and returning to Finn's. The warm feeling of the brunettes touch quickly faded as the cold crept across Quinn's skin again.

Gathering together, the New Directions took their spot on the stage and waited for the top 3 to be announced. Quinn stood in the back next to Brittany and Santana, but couldn't help catching glimpses of the back of Rachel's head leaning against the Frankenteen's arm. She was too used to seeing Rachel from this angle and didn't know how much more she could bear.

The judges slowly filed onto the stage and stood next to the table that held the trophies. The first judge stepped up to the mic with the names of the top 3 glee clubs, but Quinn knew which place she wanted the New Directions to get. She wanted them win.
