Percy's POV:

I stared around camp. A place I once called my "home." It was now anything but a home. It's been one year. One year since I fought and defeated the Giants and Gaea. Since then, Mom and Paul had died in a fire, and a new camper came, my half-brother. His name was Julian Trustin. He went on a few quests, fought a few monsters, but that was it. Everybody started to forget about me though, even my friends. Annabeth broke up with me for him. I only had two friends. Hermes and Apollo. They hated Julian as much as I did, they didn't like the way he acted as if he should he a god, or how he smiled smugly when somebody said he was the greatest hero. I wasn't jealous of Julian though for taking my friends. No, the only way I was jealous of him was our dad. Our dad stopped talking to me after a while. He even took Riptide away from me, or tried to. Riptide always came back to me, it knew I was it's master, strangely enough. Dad just walked away though, muttering about how he would make his favorite son an even better blade. I walked around camp, alone. Apollo and Hermes haven't been able to talk to me as much, but I understood. I just continued on in this pattern for three years. Three years on my own, abandoned. Three years as a shell of the old Percy, three years dying on the inside. Now I'm 21, it's been 4 years since I saved Olympus. Exactly four years, today was my 21st birthday. I smiled a little. Just another year on my own. Apollo and Hermes stopped talking to me entirely last year, Zeus' orders. I had nothing in my life anymore, nothing at all. Hero's cursed blade shall reap. I remembered, from the prophecy when I was 16. The prophecy isn't complete yet. I walked to the beach silently. Nobody remembered it was my birthday, they barely remembered who I was, so it was easy to get there without any attention. I smiled.


Suddenly, he appeared n front of me.

"What do you mean, Percy? Of course I'm happy! You haven't changed one bit in the last year Percy." My dad smiled.

Wait….passed year?

"Dad, what do you mean past year? How old do you think I am? I asked uncertainly.

"Why, your turning 18, Percy!" he said, shocked.

I laughed in my head. He hasn't cared for four years, he thinks so little time has gone by?

"I'm 21 dad. But you wouldn't care, right? You have your wonderful Julian. You don't even care about me anymore!" I spat.

"Of course I care about you Percy! What are you saying! I've been with you, helping you through, for the past nine years! Since you were twelve!" Dad exclaimed.

"You haven't been there for me when I needed you most! Did you know mom died!" I screamed.

He looked shocked, so I just walked back to my cabin. I've been dying, falling apart, on the inside for three years. This isn't worth living anymore.

I took out a piece of paper, and quickly scribbled down some words.

I've been dying, every single day, for three years now. Being stabbed, and everybody twisting the blade deeper. Did none of you see the blood? Goodbye. ~Percy

I walked back to the beach and smiled like I finally was going to be happy. I was too, I would be with the people that actually cared about me. I wouldn't try to keep them happy, when I was dying by putting on this brave face. I uncapped Riptide, and stabbed myself in the stomach, twisting the blade in deeper. You can finally see the blood. I thought to myself.

"Be happy, be proud. I love you guys." I whispered, before closing my eyes.