OK, Challenge time. Short drabbles.
1: My MP3 Player has to be on Shuffle.
2: I can only type as long as it takes the song to play once. so short stories.
3: I can not Skip songs.
4: I can not do the same song twice.

Don try to make any sense out of any of these stories, or try to connect them together lol

1: See who I am – Within Temptation.
Dororo sighed. This planet, it was so beautiful, so young, and so pure. The humans appeared to not think so, but Dororo knew it was. The life on this planet could always be saved and rebuilt if destroyed.
There just wasn't enough effort going in to doing so.

His platoon seemed to hate this planet. Especially Giroro. The red frog wanted nothing more than to get the mission over with and get off the planet, but Dororo knew that he would never be able to allow that to happen; not with good conscious anyway. They all needed to see the beauty in the planet and really see why the life here deserved to survive and thrive in the universe. It didn't seem like it was
possible to persuade his platoon members though. They would either succeed, or die trying. Neither of the thoughts appealed to Dororo, but he had made his decision long ago that he would not partake in the destruction of this planet.

So many things he loved resided here. None of them he was willing to destroy for simple fame and glory. He just so desperately wished that he could get his platoon members to see the world through his eyes, to be able to see the worth in the world.
It was in their hands and he would not allow them to end it.

2: Dammit I Changed Again - Offspring
No! NO NO NO! He couldn't have fallen. People like him did NOT love anyone. Especially not the enemy. The enemy was strong, powerful…smart, tall… beautiful… NO. Giroro growled to himself and shook his head. He had PROMISED himself that he would never love, never get attached to anything that he could possibly loose. Especially not on something like the planet they where invading, with one of the planets inhabitants. This would be his undoing wouldn't it? He could not allow that stupid red head to get the best of him. He could shield himself from her and block her out of his life. He would do what he could to complete this mission, even if that meant ignoring the one that he found himself falling so hard, so fast for. It was for his own good, for ALL of their own good.
It wouldn't hurt that way.

3: My Medicine – The Pretty Reckless
Kururu felt like crap. Where was he? He was on the floor, on his back in what appeared to be his platoon's conference room. He was vaguely aware of someone pressed against his side and he racked his brain to try to figure out what exactly had happened last night. He remembered a few drinks, chatting someone up and…then what? He looked over and spotted the platoon's leader against his side, curled up happily and snoring quietly. Kururu groaned and pushed himself up. His head felt like it was going to burst. His back was sore and he had a cut on his leg. What the hell had happened last night?

He shook his head and shoved his leader off of him. Screw him; he shouldn't have been sleeping against him. Keroro didn't seem to mind to much, only rolling over and curling up. Kururu felt nauseous and pushed himself up off of the floor and looked around. The rest of his platoon where sprawled out at various spots in his room and sleeping quietly. He didn't want to know what everyone had gotten in to again, but he DID decide that perhaps he had spike the drinks a little too much. This was odd. Not remembering the night before freaked him out. His didn't really care if he HAD slept with Keroro, that wasn't the problem. It was whatever else he may have done. He had his reputation at stake. He decided right there, no more hard Friday night binges. He couldn't keep doing this.

4: Take My Life – Aleph
Garuru was always scolding his platoon for not thinking ahead. They did rash, quick actions but never thought about what they were doing or what the consequences would be. They simply rolled their eyes when he told them that they needed to think ahead. They would learn someday. They did not understand why he himself thought ahead.

"Do it, I dare you" Garuru growled, looking up at the alien enemy who was holding a gun threateningly close to his head. One pull of the trigger and Garuru would be dead. His platoon had been restrained
behind him and the enemy had decided that Garuru would be the first to die. Garuru did not mind, he would gladly die for his platoon, more importantly, he friends. "Take my life, see if it matters." "Garuru!" Pururu screeched, struggling in the arms of the bigger alien. "Don't say that!" Garuru knew it was futile. "Silence, Pururu, I know what I am doing." He ordered over his shoulder. This was one of the tougher missions he had been on in a while, but he did not regret taking it even though things looked bleak. He looked to the ground, waiting for the alien to pull the trigger, but a slight smirk spread across his face. His plan would work well. He dropped the bullets to the ground just as the alien attempted to fire. No bullets came from the gun, Garuru had stolen them when the enemy leader had been distracted.
"NOW!" Giroro yelled and pushed himself up, launching himself at the alien, startling him and knocking him off of his feet. "ATTACK!"
This is why he thought ahead.

5: The Binding of Isaac - Sacrificial
He was strapped, trapped in a dark, frightening place with no hope of escape. The disturbing images that where brought up scarred him deeper then he already was. He had shoved those memories aside and attempted to forget, but forgetting was so hard, especially when it hurt so
much. His child hood, past friendships, past loves…all lost, all broken, all forgotten.

Now they were not forgotten, but they still hurt just as much.

They came to him in his sleep, when he dreamed and tried to get a bit of rest. They would not leave him and they made him feel so sad, so alone. Why could he not forget them? Shove them back in to his
subconscious like he always did? Did it overflow? Was that possible? He felt damaged. He knew that this was not a good method of dealing with his problems and past memories, but he could not help it. This was his coping mechanism and it was a hard habit to break. When he thought he could see a light in the dark abyss that was his mind, he tried to reach it. Sometimes he did, and for a short while he was happy again. He tried to enjoy these moments but it was helpless. He would just fall back in to his sorrow, his loneliness his special made abyss, just for him.

6: ET – Katy Perry
It reminded him of that one person. That one person who could drive him so totally insane, so bat-shit crazy. He had heard it on the radio once and it was stuck in his head. He hate it, it was such an awful song. Every time though, he would think of the Yellow devil. His spiral glasses, his evil, yet charming demeanor. That stupid laugh of his.
He wanted to strangle him, to beat him with a blunt heavy object. Yet at the same time, he wanted nothing more than to have a bit of alone time with Kururu, to let him know exactly how he was feeling. How he made his insides clench with anticipation whenever he spoke. How his very voice sent shivers down his spine. He knew he would never be able to say these things to his face. He settled on wanting to hate the basted. What had he ever done to warrant such affection?
He was a bastard. Cold hearted, unforgiving, asshole.
He deserved nothing from him, yet he wanted gave him everything.

7: The bad Touch - Bloodhound Gang
"Come on Giroro!" Zeroro cheered with slurred words. "Come dance with me!" That was Giroro's cue to take Zeroro's drink from him and not let him have any more. How had they ended up here? Well Keroro had dragged them to a bar of sorts. Poor Zeroro, he was such a lightweight. Giroro had taken it upon himself to make sure that NO ONE (and he was fucking serious about that) tried anything on the blue assassin. He wasn't the type to be here, to weak willed and easily pushed around. It would be way to easy for someone to try to take advantage of him in his drunk state.
"No Zeroro, i think we should grab Keroro and head home." Giroro mumbled and pulled Zeroro up from the bar-stool. The blue frog wobbled a bit and leaned heavily on Giroro.
"Come on, ONE...One dance..." He mumbled, suddenly seeming confused as to where he was, but Giroro's presence seemed to comfort him and he went back to staring at him with expecting eyes, his gas-mask hiding his mouth from view. Giroro looked over him, debating what he should do. Well really He SHOULD get Keroro and get the hell out of there... But what would one dance hurt? Zeroro had been looking to the pathetic excuses for a dance floor all night, waiting for a song he liked to come on. Giroro didn't know if he actually liked the song that was on or if he was just to drunk to care.
"Fine. ONE dance, then we are leaving."

How could he say no to him?

8: Umbrella – Rhianna

Putata sat on his bed, watching his Nyororo wiggle around on the floor in a playful manor. He knew it was trying to cheer him up, but he was just not in the mood to be cheered up. Normally his Nyororo did the trick. He just wasn't the best of company and Putata was feeling so dam lonely right then. Nobody enjoyed talking to him though because he rhymed so much. His Nyororo could not talk, only moan a single 'word' and nothing else.

His Nyororo wriggled over to him and curled up at his feet. Putata puffed up his cheeks and leaned down to pick his Nyororo and puled it close to him. It puffed up in depreciation before deflating and relaxing in his arms.

Putata smiled and stroked the creature slowly, petting it and letting it stay on his lap. His Nyororo loved him and would never leave him, even if it couldn't talk.

9: Sacred – Blind Guardian

Dororo had never imagined that he would be up against his friends. He figured that he would likely butt heads with Keroro a few times and he had, but he was tired, so tired, of being pushed around and stepped on by everyone around him. This was one thing he would NOT let anyone tell him what to do about. This world NEEDED to survive and it seemed he would have to be the one to stop his own dam platoon. He knew that he had people who would gladly help him to defend the planet, but that did not mean that it would be a pleasant experience.

He would work with them, plot and plan to try to disband the platoon and get them to give up their mission. Keroro seemed rather eager to do absolutely nothing, but Giroro was dead set on ending this planet.

"I have put way to much time and effort in to this planet Dororo, I'm not going to just give up now. Now, I will see this thing to the end." Giroro had said to him. Dororo wondered with pain in his heart, what exactly 'The end' would be for Giroro. As determined as Dororo was to defend this planet, he figured that it would not be a happy ending for at least one of them. He feared the day when he had to face Giroro as an enemy. He had pleaded with the red frog to join him, to maybe find a reason why he would want to keep this planet as it is.

There was no reasoning with Giroro when his mind was set though. Dororo knew in the end that one would stand, and one would fall.

10: Mad world – Gary Jules (remix)

What was this? He was suck in a rut. A horrible, depressing rut and he HAD to get out.

Keroro knew that his entire platoon had a bit of resentment for him, and he didn't know if he would ever be able to fix it. He saw all of their face everyday, getting used to and sick of all of them slowly over the years. Their looks of admiration and respect had long since faded, leaving behind only contempt for their once great leader.

Keroro didn't know when exactly it happened, but somewhere along the line, he had fucked up. He would do almost anything at this point to garner their respect for him, but it didn't seem like that it would return anytime soon.

He had failed them long ago.

11: Untouched – The Veronicas

Taruru's voice...it was beyond awful.

Yet Both Tororo and Zoruru could not help but laugh as Taruru sang his heart out, screeching lyrics at the top of his lungs in some form of karaoke. Tororo was half tempted to videotape the scene but he would feel bad, THIS was something that should never be shown to the public.

"I FEEL SO UNTOUCHED RIGHT NOW!" Taruru sang in to the microphone. Zoruru looked utterly disturbed by Taruru's singing. When the microphone Taruru was using gave WAY to much feedback and screeched, it almost caused a malfunction in Zoruru's system.

"I WANT YOU SO MUCH AND I JUST CANT RESIST YOU!" Taruru continued, really getting in to it.

"Your singing it wrong Taruru! Those aren't the right lyrics!" Tororo yelled out, trying to let Taruru know that he had made a mistake in his singing. Taruru glared and huffed annoyedly.

"You messed me up! Now I have to start over! REPLAY IT!" Taruru growled and ordered.

Both Zoruru and Tororo groaned loudly and prepared for suffering as Tororo restarted the song.

Alright :3 There I'm done with this dabble :3 Just something a bit fun I guess.