Okay guys this is the final chapter!

Tell me guys would you like me to write about what happens after this chapter or should it end here?

Please review and enjoy :)


Chapter 7


"LUFFFYYYY! STOOPPPPP!" Hancock shouted

Luffy turned to see Hancock running towards him and Nami. They were standing infront of the Sunny with the whole crew on it and watching them.

"Hammock? What's wrong?" Luffy asked

Hancock blushed furiously and took a deep breath then said "Luffy sama, I love you and want to always be with you but please .. you have to

choose between Nami and I."

Luffy looked expressionless and then his facial expression started to change and he started looking shocked "EHHHHHHHH?" he shouted.

The whole crew shouted "EHHHHHHHHHHH?" as well except for Robin who was watching the show.

Nami and Hancock stood before Luffy looking at him with curiousity

He could've easily said Nami because he loved her but he felt indepted to Hancock because of Marineford. He just replied with a "W-what?"

"You understand what I asked of you Luffy sama." The snake princess replied while Nami said nothing but stared with curiousity

He stayed silent until Usopp shouted from the ship "She wants you to pick your pirate queen!"

Luffy spoke quietly but everyone could hear "You're gorgeous. I sink in your big eyes. I love being around you. I don't know why I feel

nervous its totally not like me .." he let a small giggle out before he completed "I've never realised until very .. very recently that

I .. I love you. Ever since I realised I don't know this feeling makes me feel different around you. My wish is that I sail the sea's with you

and to live my dream with you. I'm just saying what I feel." he said with a slight chuckle.

"Hancock, I'm sorry to say but I love Nami and always will .."

Nami stood there shocked looking at him as he slowly walked towards her.

"Nami, you might always want a handsome guy that's smart and rich and I may not be the perfect one for you but I will always try to be the right one .." Luffy said

staring into her eyes.

The crew were all shocked except for Robin (again)

"Luffy you are perfect .. for me. I wouldn't ask for any other man in the world." Nami giggled

"I love you, so much"

"I love you too"

They slowly leaned in for their first kiss, as they're lips touched they felt like there were fireworks and sparks around them although there was nothing but

people staring.

As they parted Nami looked into his eyes and said "Let us accomplish our dreams together".

"Sure thing, my pirate queen." he said smoothly

Hancock walked up to them sadly "I despise you Nami. But since my love has chosen there is nothing for me to do. Yet I will still love him. Fair battle." she

walked away in defeat.

"NAMI SWAN! I CANNOT BELIEVE YOU CHOSE HIM!" Sanji shouted but Zoro knocked him out with a hit on the head

Nami stared deeply into Luffy's eyes as he did the same, letting out a small smile as they walked up to the Sunny Go.


Okay guys I hoped you liked it ! Please answer the question at the top and review :)